Yeah, and we know how those folks who dress in white sheets just love Obama. Yikes! Or better yet--Only in Amherst!
UPDATE 4:35 PM Since my long-time subscriber Neil briefly wondered if I were a red neck, racist schmuck let me point out: the photo is what it is--located on a very high profile public entryway to town center.
As fifth generation Irish born and raised in Amherst I’m quite comfortable discussing “race issues.” Remember, as a teenager Emily Dickinson whimsically wrote to her brother requesting he come home and deal with all the Irish that had washed ashore and flowed inland to Amherst (for work on the railroad) suggesting, “To kill some—there are so many now, there is no room for the Americans.”
Yet in her later years she became so impressed with the work ethic of her Irish domestic servants that she requested they escort her to her grave. A role my great, great grandfather was proud to fulfill.
As someone who prides himself on Public Relations and concern for the image of his town or country, I can’t think of anything worse than Mr. Obama becoming a victim of violence (as happened to Dr. Martin Luther King, or John and Bobby Kennedy)
In other words, What is the mixed message?
As always Neil, you hit the nail on the head.
The "mixed message" is that these folks (who I"m sure completely support Mr. Obama) SHOULD have realized the UNFORTUNATE reality of what you stated in paragraph 2 of your first response.
I see, you are highlighting an assumed lack of awareness by an Obama supporter about the symbolism.
And keep in my the display is not on my lawn (actually, I have no campaign signs on my lawn)
The least they could do is move the Obama lawn sign a tad farther away from the folks in white sheets.
For a guy who recently vigorously denied accusations that his actions could be interpreted any other way than the way you intended them, you seem to be engaging in some pretty out-there speculation/interpretation.
So what EXACTLY are you saying, Anon?
Larry, I, being Black, simply see ghosts on a lawn, but if the Obama sign is a spoof on Racism, then shame on you. I fail to see the humor in this.
Until later...................
I never said it was humorous my friend...only INAPPROPRIATE.
And please remember: I did not stage the photo, and it is NOT my lawn.
Oh please, Larry. This is neither humorous or inappropriate. It's just a house that has some ghosts up for Halloween and an Obama lawn sign. To make more of it is really quite ridiculous.
I never said it was humorous my friend......
where is it that i've heard that phrase again????.....
oh yeah. from John McCain.... about a hundred million times.
take a pill. trick or treat.
To some folks that image in a window pane at a Springfield hospital is the Virgin Mary. Others think it is mineral deposits.
Or as Freud is purported to have said "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."
Freud saw the image in a window pane at a Springfield hospital and thought it was a cigar?
I see, you see, seems to be the way things are, but to see what I see on a lawn, at this time of year, how could someone else misconstrew what the real meaning is?
Only in the Republic of Amherst, Blog Master saw a different image, and made comment. Lets take a poll and see how many others saw it that way.
Until later..................
That's what comments are for.
Neil: pointing out Obama's lack of qualification and criminal associates isn't the same as "race-baiting."
I guess, but why make a comment like that, to begin with? See it an pass it up, for once. Comments like that make people angry, and think that maybe you are a bigot, even though you have two Chinese children in your household. After all, I do know a lot of Irish bigots.
Until later..............
Imagine the outcry if it was a McCain/Palin sign instead there.
The Amherst Human TouchieFeeliee Committee would be having meetings and there would be angst and whatever.
But being a Democrat means never having to say you are sorry...
I would hate to meet another bigot in Amherst, especially when Ed says there should be none of that, but I guess it is going to happen. I for one, am not bigoted, as I have married one caucasion and dated many, but that means nothing, in this town. Race means nothing to me, as I do not see color or nationality as the problem. I see a persons' personality and creativity as to what attracts me to them. Nothing more or nothing less. I just do not think that people like our town manager and his side-kick, Weiss, should make us feel like we are all idiots, white, black or hispanic. Do we really need to go through all of this B.S on a blog, at halloween, to prove a point?
Boooo, black and almost beautiful
Until later..................
Governor Patrick reports on his Budget cuts. VIDEO
I am surprised John McCain, who I thought of as an honorable man, is taking the low road in the campaign and questioning Obama's patriotism, religion, and associations.
Obama on Ayers VIDEO
McCain Robocalls VIDEO
The Old John McCain 2-12-2000 Fort Mill, SC on negative robocalls VIDEO
Income-tax repeal losing, poll results from Rasmussen show
59% against repeal,
33% in favor and
8% unsure.
Dishonorable race-baiting Attacks on Obama by the McCain campaign.
Obama Is a Secret Muslim Plotting With an Evil Billionaire. Human Events, a leading conservative magazine, sent out a promotional email the other day for an anti-Obama book co-written by Floyd Brown, a conservative activist infamous for having cooked up the Willie Horton ad during the 1988 presidential election. The email notes that there are "many Islamofascists who are sworn to the destruction of America" who are "actively campaigning for Obama" and that Muslims would demand and receive "special rights" from a President Obama. The email asks, "Being a Black Muslim doesn't disqualify [Obama] from running for President, so why won't he be honest about it?" In other words, yep, he's a covert Muslim. But beyond circulating this canard, the email claims that George Soros, the Hungarian-born billionaire financier who has supported Democratic and liberal causes, is "planning to sack the US economy, make himself billions richer, and put Obama in the White House marching to his mad tune." Message: A black Muslim in league with an evil Jewish billionaire--you do the math.
Obama Is Fronting for Islamic Jihadists. Writing in The Washington Times this week, former Reagan Pentagon official Frank Gaffney, charges that Obama's campaign has received "between $30 million and $100 million" from the Mideast, Africa and other places [where] Islamists are active." He asserts it "seems likely" that "these funds come not only from Wahhabis, Muslim Brotherhood types and jihadists of other stripes but from non-U.S. citizens." (His evidence? Don't be so picky.) Gaffney adds that "Obama hopes to win the White House by relying, in part, on the Jihadist vote." He writes: "The next three weeks afford the American people--and the media, the courts and the [Federal Elections Commission]--an opportunity to get to the bottom of Barack Obama's ties to and affinity for jihadists who have their own reasons for relishing his promise of 'change]' for this country. Unfortunately, the change his Islamists supporters have in mind is for global theocratic rule under Shariah, and the end of our constitutional, democratic government." Message: Obama will destroy Christianity in the United States and enslave you within an Islamic dictatorship.
Keep in mind: no matter what kind of campaign McCain runs, he is not going to win the town of Amherst, or the state of Massachusetts.
McCain supporter in Ohio
has front yard display.
The difference of course is that the nitwit in Ohio meant to be a racist pig, the good folks in Amherst town center are just—for lack of a better term—naïve (but in a nice way)
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