Thursday, September 25, 2008

No, they didn't serve donuts

Amherst PD, with help from Amherst FD and the Sheriff's Department hosted a burgers and dogs cookout (using no town tax dollars) this afternoon for a bevy of local seniors. SALT (Seniors and Law Enforcement Together) is one of those things that in the cold Republican business world would be called a "strategic alliance".

For Info click here


  1. How about forming U-SALT?

    University Students And Law enforcement Together? You know, if you ever got a couple hundred (or even a couple dozen) UM students who knew a police officer (any police officer) well enough to know his name, you not only wouldn't have riots anymore, but you would have a wealth of information beyond belief.

    You don't throw rocks at people you know. You don't stand idly by when others are throwing rocks at people you know. Take the cops out of the riot gear and the anonymous "them" versus "us" and make them human beings who are generally decent and you will see the students put an end to a lot of stuff themselves.

    Like I said, no matter how drunk you are, you don't throw rocks at people whom you like.

    Ed Cutting

  2. First Ed, Is everything UMASS, EVERYTHING? You should ask her your question.

    Second, are you saying its the police's fault that Umass students throw rocks at police officers? If not, who's fault is it?

  3. There is something called "angry drunk" and as a bouncer at The Pub 25 years ago I experienced it all too often.

    Kids (some of them Umass students some of them townies) who I knew fairly well and thought they liked me would get drunk and then become a changed in ornery as hell.

  4. Larry, I didn't know you were a bouncer at The Pub. Shows you how often I frequented the place. Angry drunks - yeah, I've seen 'em. And they're not as infrequent as you might hope.

  5. Let me put this in simple terms: do you want to accomplish a mission or do you want to feel good about yourselves?

    There are a lot of Amherst residents who have an open hostility toward the police - like LA and the LAPD in the 1980s. All it took there was a spark named Rodney King and it all went up in flames, Amherst could too in so many ways. (Think a MVA involving a cruiser, it happens...)

    Yes there are angry drunks, but they usually have buddies who either are stirring them up or quieting them down. And notwithstanding that, would it or would it not be better knowing that the students witnessing the incident are going to be doing so from a friendship with the officer?

    Civilians have come to the assistance of police officers elsewhere....

    Yes you can go with the mantra of more guns and more cops and more jails but at a certain point a realistic person has to ask exactly what he is getting for what he is paying. The US military understands this and we have community relations officers and all kinds of stuff based on the principle that it is easier to work with a populace than to shoot all of them.

    There are also principles of "best practices" and what other police departments in other college towns are doing -- and how they have succeeded or failed. When the rioting started about a decade ago (and it is a national issue) some departments decided to be proactive and make friends with the kids.

    One town department hosted a pig roast. It showed that they had a sense of humor and this was in the south where there probably were a couple of the officers who knew how to cook quite well. They had a party for the kids moving in, free food, maps and generally the cops being a public service for the kids.

    Did they have to arrest several the next weekend - of course, but not like they had the prior year. The first contact the students had with the local department was friendly. And it worked.

    Most of the students are culturally identical to the cops, right on down to listening to the same music and wearing the same clothes off duty. The hostility is created by other outside forces, but if most of the cops and most of the kids didn't hate each other, it would make life easer for the cops, wouldn't it?

    And how many police officers wouldn't want to have a couple dozen sources for information?

    Like I said, play to win....

  6. That sounds a little too complicated for a simple fellow like myself.

  7. Please...for the love of God! Could this Ed guy start his own blog?

    Gov. Sarah Palin

  8. you've got my vote there, Sarah!

  9. Ed, Here's your first post. It'll make everyone laugh and come back for your second post.

    link to video

    Not Safe for Work.

  10. Ed,

    I said thanks but no thanks to your posts about Umass on Larry's Blog here.

    Gov. Sarah Palin

  11. Look folks, saying that the AMHERST Police Department has a issue with a significant fraction of AMHERST residents and virtually no ability to effectively communicate with a significant fraction of AMHERST inhabitants.

    UMass has nothing to do with this.

    The TOWN of Amherst has a police department and the TOWN of Amherst has about 20,000 young people residing IN AMHERST and in the service area of the AMHERST police and this is thus an AMHERST issue.

    Perhaps some would like to load them all into cattle cars for a final solution, but the realists need to remember that those under 55 are citizens too.


  12. ed, why do you spend so much time here, when it seems no one wants to listen to you? i agree, go start your own blog, any idiot can do it.

    i frankly am tired of hearing your blabber...especially incomplete sentences like this..."Look folks, saying that the AMHERST Police Department has a issue with a significant fraction of AMHERST residents and virtually no ability to effectively communicate with a significant fraction of AMHERST inhabitants."

    i come here to read larry's blog...

    NOT YOURS, AND ALL OF YOUR OFF TOPIC CONVERSATION.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. ...and i use my own name. get some balls...get your own blog.

    i don't want to impinge on your freedom of speech...but don't the rest of us have the freedom not to suffer your endless blabber...get a hobby, or something !

  14. did a quick google search, and it appears he is is one article i apologies

    " Extreme Feminists at UMass Have 'Hate Men' Rally to...
    Published on: 5/5/2003

    Ed Cutting, a UMass graduate student who is a columnist for the conservative Minuteman campus newspaper, said that he supported strict sentencing for all violent felons, including rapists, and the right of all law-abiding citizens to carry firearms.But he thought the message conveyed during 'Take Back the Night' was a dangerous one for young women.

    Cutting said that many female students at UMass have a "world revolves around me" attitude.He described a revealing conversation he had with one undergraduate."This student firmly believes that she has the right to go buck-naked to a fraternity party, and it is society's duty to stop anyone from raping her.Worse, anyone who argues otherwise is supporting rape.These kids are told this, they believe it, and that is problematic."

    Lamented Cutting, "Feminism has created a generation of women who are nothing but sex objects.

  15. Hoorah, for Ed Cutting. I have watched UMass females, since growing up in town, and watching the "I am untouchable" attitudes of female students on and off the campus. I think that they feel that they have the right to leave home, come here, and do as they please, then, dare any man to put their hands on them. What kind of up-bringing is it for a young adult, leaving home to geet an education, and act like an idiot when mom and dad are not around? Would they, as parents, believe that their child does that?

    Way to go, Ed.

  16. those gals have it wrong...the world revolves around ME!

  17. Notwithstanding the ad hominums, nor the fact that Izzy Lyman's article was addressing a whole lot more than me, the simple fact remains that my detractors themselves present a clear reason why the APD ought to have some sort of community policing outreach to the town's 18-22 year old citizens.

    Forget how it will benefit them, think of how it will benefit YOU.


  18. Ed, Did you really say "Feminism has created a generation of women who are nothing but sex objects"?

  19. Ed, a generation? nothing but sex objects?

    So basically feminism failed in exactly the way it hoped to succeed, to teach women that they're not just sex objects. Either umass failed you or it failed a generation of women. which is it?

    NO! don't answer here. What's the name of your new blog?

  20. Hey 'bach, while we're at it, and talking about long run on posts, maybe you should start posting on your own! Nothing new there since '07...

  21. Luck us. Ed, dogs at Umass?

    Vicious dog is moved to nearby town
    by Nick Grabbe

    AMHERST - A German shepherd ordered to leave Hadley because of complaints from neighbors has been moved to Amherst.

    The dog belongs to the Gnatek family of 11 Norwottuck Drive in Hadley. The Board of Selectmen last month voted unanimously to permanently remove the dog from town after neighbors spoke at a public meeting of his aggressive behavior.

  22. "Notwithstanding the ad hominums"

    it's ad hominem, just sayin

  23. Try the complete paragraph before you attack me:

    "Feminism has created a generation of women who are nothing but sex objects. They have no character and no soul. They are cardboard people who have been taught that gender is the be-all and end-all of everything."

    My point was, and is, that while the first round of feminism was for the right to vote, and the second round was for the right of equity and to be treated as a person, the current "third wave" feminists have done little more than to dehumanize women and to strip away soul so as to advance gender politics -- radical feminists thus having "no character and no soul."


  24. > Luck us. Ed, dogs at Umass?
    > Vicious dog is moved to nearby town
    > by Nick Grabbe

    With the exception of service animals for the disabled, I don't believe that dogs are allowed at UMass.

    It strikes me that the TOWN of Amherst has a potential problem that they might kinda need to deal with.

    How this affects UMass is beyond me.


  25. actually, the feminist movement was invented as a tactic for the govt (the fed boys) to collect income tax from women. now there are all kinds of women paying taxes, and lining the pockets of big brother.

  26. Ed, Do women deserve equal pay for equal work... not just at Umass but everywhere in the US?

  27. Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass Umass

  28. Ed, Do women deserve equal pay for equal work... not just at Umass but everywhere in the US?


    A college aged single childless woman in her 30s earns about 105%-110% of what a college aged single childless man earns.

    Several FEMALE authors have written to this effect. Women are the majority of college students now, and it is rapidly approaching 2/3 in some areas. Women are now the majority of law students, medical students (as of this year), etc.

    And when you look at in terms of hours per week worked and number of years on the job MEN EARN LESS THAN WOMEN!!!!

    Sorry, folks, facts don't lie.

  29. It's not a fact until you cite a source. Anybody can make that shit up.

  30. Um, having a hard time finding sources????

  31. He's at the packy ;)

  32. Citations:

    Ashley is female....

    Carrie is female too...

    There are more, but here are two more citations than anyone else has ever provided....


  33. is worse than FoxNews for propoganda bullshit.

    Gender Wage Gap Widening, Census Data Shows
    First decline in women's real earnings since 1995

    By Robert Longley,
    Dateline: September 1, 2004

    The workplace pay gap between men and women, once thought to be narrowing, has only been getting worse, according to an analysis of recently released census data conducted by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research.

    Women make only 75.5 cents for every dollar that men earn, according to a new release by the U.S. Census Bureau. Between 2002 and 2003, median annual earnings for full-time year-round women workers shrank by 0.6 percent, to $30,724, while men’s earnings remained unchanged, at $40,668. The 1.4 percent decrease in the gender wage ratio is the largest backslide in 12 years (since 1991). The 2003 Census data also show the first decline in women’s real earnings since 1995.
