Monday, August 18, 2008

Going, going...

(8:15 PM)
No, I did not attend Anne Awad's going away party at 5:30 PM (note invite's prime location on the town website) I had to teach karate at 5:00 and a Spin Class at 5:30. Otherwise I probably would have gone, camera and computer in hand, to cover it.

The Gazette probably sent a reporter and photographer hoping I would crash the party and do something, errrr, interesting. Front line journalists call it "bang-bang."

Let's hope somebody asked Mr. Hubley if he tendered his Town Meeting resignation.

1 comment:

  1. I know you are heartbroken because you missed the reception. You were doing much better things, at the time, from where I am sitting.

    Hopefully we get someone who truly cares what happens to this town, and can stand up against Weiss.

    Until later...................
