Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Town Meeting to take up Umass water giveaway

By Monday morning Amherst Taxpayers for Responsible Change will submit over 100 voters names to the Select board office on the following Warrant Article:

“To see if the town will strongly urge the Select Board to rescind their September 17, 2007 3-2 vote as Sewer Commissioners to waive effluent fees to Umass, Amherst over the five years of the “strategic agreement.”

The Select board is scheduled to sign the warrant for the Special Fall Town Meeting on Monday evening. According to Mass General Laws Chapter 39: Section 10:
“The Selectmen shall insert in the warrant for every Special Town Meeting all subjects the insertion of which shall be requested of them in writing by one hundred registered voters.”

I’ll drink to that! (Clean water of course)

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