These signs spring up like mushrooms on a moist summer morning
If business takes you further south past Atkins Country Market by way of Route 116, be prepared for a slow bumpy ride up The Notch.
Yes, construction continues in the southernmost part of Amherst where the state has expended $10 million in the past two years installing two roundabouts and now this realignment project.
Country Corners Road, Amherst
C & A Construction from Ludlow was the low bidder at $3,128, 938 coming in under the state's "initial construction estimate" of $3, 354, 684. The project started last fall with the clear cutting of trees and is currently less than 20% completed. Completion is not expected until the spring of 2014.
Start of the .6 mile climb
In other words, it's going to be a l-o-n-g hot summer for travelers trying to negotiate that gauntlet.
New section of road center, old road on left
Near top, new road on right
Editors note: This photo shoot occurred after 5:00 PM when construction was done for the day
UPDATE Wednesday afternoon: Arrived at base of mountain at 1:47 PM and made the summit at 1:58 PM. Once I started moving, total time for climb was three minutes.
UPDATE Wednesday afternoon: Arrived at base of mountain at 1:47 PM and made the summit at 1:58 PM. Once I started moving, total time for climb was three minutes.