Amherst Media also needs to find a new office building
For the first time in 40 years Amherst Media will have to formally bid for the right to provide community access television programming as well as covering the all important Amherst governmental meetings.
Town Manager Paul Bockelman informed the Select Board of new state regulations requiring a Request For Proposal be issued for the rights to do all things Amherst Media and other local cable access entities do.
The three year contract could be worth up to $300,000 per year in revenues from the recent deal struck with Comcast (5% of their TV revenues) as well as a piece of the $1.125 million in one time capital money Comcast agreed to pay in the most recently signed ten year renewal.
In the past the town simply "passed through" all of the money Comcast paid the town and the capital expenditures were done through the town so virtually all the equipment now used by Amherst Media is town owned.
Select Board Chair Alisa Brewer recused herself from any upcoming discussions regarding the RFP since her husband is currently (unpaid) President of the Amherst Media Board of Directors.
Steven Brewer testifies before Select Board on cable matters
SB member Connie Kruger liked the idea of the RFP because she thought it would give the town more say in how Amherst Media spends money.
The Town Manager also pointed out that the town itself could set up a system to broadcast all the public governmental meetings but Federal Law requires an independent entity oversee the (sometimes) offbeat original programming.
Either way, the process will not be the quick slam dunk it has been over the past 40 years and will probably not be completed until Spring.
Can the UMass UVC bid on this? How about UMass Housing Telecom?
The latter is UMass itself, but the former is a quasi-independent undergrad student organization. At least in theory...
Or what about some hybrid including the folks who wanted to play Polka music on WMUA -- with internet streaming, an audio channel can duplicate broadcast FM if not exceed it...
Larry, what if the UMass Students decide they want to do this? I've long said it would make more sense to have ONE public access system for BOTH the town & campus cable systems, rather than the two struggling ones they have now.
Mr. Ed…No They Can't
Why not, 5:57? Particularly why can't a bunch of UM students -- who are both adults and Amherst residents, bid on this?
How does this hoopla relate to my Netflix, Direct TV and streaming internet.
Is this like negotiating horse and buggy contracts for the meter maids as the cables are no longer needed (and really have not been needed for 15 years or so)?
Surely we could put this public effort towards helping the desperate vs. the privileged, especially in Amherst?
:Surely we could put this public effort towards helping the desperate vs. the privileged, especially in Amherst?"
This is paid for by cable subscribers. If you don't subscribe it doesn't effect you.
Do we really have the bandwidth for everyone to access TV over the internet?
UMass cannot, by law, compete for services provided in the community. It is the law. Except for dining services, ask Nick at the Black Sheep. $20 million in local spending UMass took onboard in one year, and we wonder why downtown is struggling. hahahaha
Anon 9:38 ....who are the desperate in Amherst...the homeless we attract here with our outstanding services and shelter? Desperate are the citizens who are regularly accosted by these people!
4:43: Coming soon on ACT: BUM FIGHTS....
They want money, lets give them a chance to get it.
4:43 -- I go to downtown Amherst regularly for shopping and dining and I have never once been "accosted" by a homeless person. I think you are significantly overstating the situation.
7:20 -- I would really like to see you put your name on your disgusting comment. If you think it's justified to say something like that, you should be able to own it.
Maybe we can now get rid of some of the trash that is a waste of air time. In this ultra liberal, community station
Nina....you see the glass half empty of bums and I see it half full.
Isn't Amherst Media manager Steven Brewer the husband of Select Board Chair Alisa Brewer? Is this a conflict of interest?
Don't get me wrong, I like Amherst Media and I'm not sure if any other group is in place to do the job. But your photo highlights this husband and wife team. Shouldn't someone else from the Select board and Amherst Media be facing off on this issue?
"Select Board Chair Alisa Brewer recused herself from any upcoming discussions regarding the RFP since her husband is currently (unpaid) President of the Amherst Media Board of Directors."
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