Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Conservation: Don't Stop!

Atkins Reservoir today. 75 of 200 million gallons remain (37.5%)
Atkins Treatment Plant goes off line September 21st meaning we will  have zero reservoirs in use

With Atkins Reservoir now down 8' 11" and fast approaching the all time low of minus 10' it's time to double down on the water ban.  Our other two reservoirs in Pelham are completely off-line and will stay that way for at least another six weeks.

 Pelham Reservoir currently off line
Hills Reservoir currently off line

Click to enlarge photos or graphs

 That red splotch keeps growing and heading our way

Even if consumption peaks at  4.2 mgd (like last year) the wells  alone can handle it (unless Wells 3 or 4 go down)

Atkins sandbar 8/21/16
Atkins sandbar 9/12/16

Lost Weekends

AFD at UMass horse barn fire September 4th

While substance abuse calls to the campuses take up about 10% of AFD total emergency runs spread out over an entire year the percentage goes WAY up on weekends, which is peak period for binge drinking.

For instance in this weekend report Amherst College is at 100%, Hampshire College 60% and UMass 56%. 

And each drunk run ties up an ambulance for at least an hour meaning they are not available for any other serious emergency.

Time for our colleges and FLAGSHIP University to double down on this problem.

Sunday, September 11, 2016


Amherst College
BigY Amherst/Hadley

Amherst Town center 

 AFD North Station

Tunnel to Tower race Sylvan Dorm ground view
125 foot view

Friday, September 9, 2016

And Then There Were 30

With liberty and justice for all

Amherst will remember the saddest day of our -- or any other -- generation this Sunday with the 15th annual 9/11 ceremony at North Fire Station.

The commemorative flags and the BIG flag in town center came down on Tuesday after being up for Labor Day but returned this morning for the sad Sunday anniversary.

And for the first time in history, the commemorative flags number the original 30 that were purchased back in the summer of 2001.

29 of them went up in town center in the middle of August that year on an absolutely gorgeous summer morning but immediately created controversy because they made our little college town look to patriotically festive.

On the night of September 10th -- the Eve of Destruction -- after hearing a UMass professor brand our flag "A symbol of terrorism and death and fear and destruction and repression," the Select Board decided to allow them up for only six holidays annually.

The next morning the world changed, but Amherst did not.

But last year, under the leadership of Chair Alisa Brewer, the Select Board finally came to their senses and unanimously added 9/11 to the annual days the commemorative flags can fly, for as long as the Republic stands.

Old Chapel, UMass Amherst

Charter Commission Chugging Along

Charter Commission interviewing Mike Ward, Tanya Stepaskuk from Collins Center

The 9 member Amherst Charter Commission met again last night with the main order of business to hear from potential consultants for the long slog ahead. 

A team from the Collins Center UMass Boston gave a 20 minute presentation that demonstrated a wealth of experience with helping to craft new Charters. 

And next week they will hear from Bernie Lynch and Lauren Goldberg, two independent consultants who will be making a joint proposal to the Commission for the job.  Goldberg works for Kopelman & Paige our official town legal counsel and Mr. Lynch did the most recent search for a new Town Manager.

Former Temporary Town Manager Pete Hechenbleikner did not put in for the consulting job because he used up the allowed amount of time working as our Town Manager and any further income would negatively impact his retirement. 

The Charter Commission is currently on a major "listening tour" reaching out to the general public in every way possible to collect feedback on what makes our town work and how can they can craft a new government to make it work better.

On their Charter page on the town website citizens can sign up to a list serve and follow them on Facebook.

 Click to enlarge/read

Thursday, September 8, 2016

DUI Dishonor Roll

Drunk driving involvement in fatal crashes in 2014 was almost four times higher at night than during the day

Amherst police arrested three drivers on the charge of drunk driving over the long weekend and all three of them failed the legally admissible Breathalyzer test back at the station. And a legally admissible BT doesn't lie.

 Shealee Engen, age 21, stands before Judge Estes
 Click to enlarge/read
 Devin McCormick, age 24
 Brennan McKenna, age 26 took a Ch24D disposition 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Well At Least It Wasn't A Drone

Youri Thernelan, age 20

In addition to an Amherst College panty thief and a would be rapist posing as an Uber driver, UMPD also arrested a UMass student for surreptitiously photographing a young woman taking a shower.  Of course he probably should have shut off his flash if he really wanted to be stealthy.

Youri Thernelan was arraigned in Eastern Hampshire District Court Tuesday, released on his own recognizance, but must stay away from the victim (who was not identified in court documents).

Click to enlarge/read (all three)