The 260 unit system cost $26,000
The electronic voting system hardware arrived at Town Hall in three convenient carry cases earlier in the week just in time for the 258th Annual Town Meeting, although probably too little too late to save the quaint but antiquated form of government.
Sort of like buying a new saddle for a dying horse.
The system will help speed up the cumbersome process of Tally and Standing Votes cutting the time from 10 minutes down to less than one, and will provide better transparency as more votes will be recorded.
Fortunately the units can also be used for other meetings and public forums. For instance the new Charter Commission at their first public hearing could ask the audience if it's time to ditch Town Meeting in favor of a City Council.
The units could send either a simply yes or no, or the questions could also be framed "On a scale of 1-10 how effective and responsive is Town Meeting?"
Town Meeting will also be asked for $25,000 to hire an expert consultant to assist the Charter Commission over the next year.
Kind of ironic if Town Meeting votes down that request using the new $26,000 voting system, eh?