Let's not talk about the mega-millions UMass has squandered on football
So no I'm not surprised the new l-o-n-g overdue (3 years) UMass/town Strategic Partnership Agreement is a lousy deal for the town, which is probably why John Musante did not jump at the chance to sign it when it first landed on his desk well before his tragic untimely death.
The $257,000 payment for hotel/motel tax is simply money that was owed us, collected, and put in escrow.
Since Senate President Stan Rosenberg clearly stated he wanted the Campus Center Hotel to pay the 6% local option tax when he filed special legislation a few years back, safe bet UMass was told in no uncertain terms to pay the hell up and keep paying it from now on.
Sort of like a homeowner withholding a year's worth of mortgage payments and then suddenly making it current before the bank forecloses.
The status quo payment for public safety are also grossly inadequate: AFD spends 20% of their time dealing with on-campus calls while APD spends 20% of its time dealing with off-campus students, so with a $10 million public safety budget that comes to over $2 million for both departments.
In return UMass is paying us less than $500,000 for AFD services only.
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But the biggest booger is the payment for education of 56 students living in UMass tax exempt housing attending our expensive public schools. Superintendent Maria Geryk told Amherst Town Meeting last spring that alone amounts to $1,267,000.
Thus an annual payment of $120,000 amounts to less than ten cents on the dollar. At a time when the Regional School budget is $600,000 in the hole.
You would think a bastion of public higher education would put more value on, you know,
public education.
Town owned $200,000 Mark's Meadow portable classroom were demolished by UMass