West Cemetery: The most historic/sacred ground in Amherst
The Agricultural Commission was receptive to DPW Division Director of Trees & Grounds Alan Snow's proposal to allow sheep grazing in town cemeteries, an all natural way of keeping the green green grass at an acceptable height.
Ideally the town would use a mix of sheep and goats, since the latter "browse" and would consume weeds, shrubs and invasive species.
Our Civil War dead are buried in West Cemetery
The proposal is still very much in the preliminary stages. The next step is to seek permission of the Historical Commission. Snow believes there may be grant money available to help pay for the experiment, and if all goes well the critters could be munching away next spring.
This section of West Cemetery kept in a more "natural" state
Historic West Cemetery, where the older area is already kept in a more "natural" condition (cut only once per year) is envisioned as a test site.
Don't worry, the critters would not be given a key to the Dickinson family plot.
Emily Dickinson, "The Belle of Amherst," 2nd from left