Solar array on E. Hadley Road, Hadley (just over Amherst border)
Perhaps emboldened by their Amherst NIMBY counterparts who
successfully torpedoed a 4-Megawatt solar project at the most perfection location on God's green earth -- an old landfill -- Shutesbury residents are now taking up pitchforks and torches over a proposed 6-Megawatt installation out in the middle of nowhere.
30 acres out of a total of 830
While the 30 acres the array will require may sound like a lot, it is located on a 830 acre site known as the "Wheelock lot" owned by the state's largest private landowner W.D. Cowls Inc. The property will be leased for 20 years by a big time Chicago firm, Lake Street Development Partners LLC.
Since Shutesbury, like Amherst, is a "green community" the permitting of a commercial solar array shows the quaint hilltown can walk the walk rather than just lip-servicing sustainable energy.
In addition the economic benefits from a facility that requires no town services is alone more than enough reason to support the project.
The current offer on the table for
Taxes (PILOT) is $8,000
per megawatt or $48,000 total, which over the 20 year lease comes to pretty much $1 million dollars.
The entire parcel is currently in the forest conservation program (Ch 61) so total payments to the town in 2015 come to only $891.
The opposition seems to be led by Michael DeChiara which comes as no surprise. He orchestrated the ill fated M.N. Spear Library expansion Override yes campaign that
bitterly divided the town. And lost.
And Mr. DeChiara has spent the past three years as the Shutesbury representative to the 4-town Regional Agreement Working Group, which overwhelmingly voted to support the expansion of the current 7-12 Regional School District all the way down to Kindergarten & grades 1 thru 6.
DeChiara voted No.
The obligatory new website dedicated to opposing the solar project
Alliance for Appropriate Development, seems to be drawing plenty of time and attention from Mr. DeChiara:
Click to enlarge/read
(UPDATE: Friday morning: Since this was first published the website removed the Recent site activity" button at the bottom of the page. Hmm ...)
Which is fine I suppose. After all Mr. DeChiara does live there. But he's also a recently elected member of the Shutesbury Select Board, so you have to wonder when Conflict of Interest law applies.