Wednesday, May 21, 2014

DUI's Coming and Going

 Evan Pollard

In Eastern Hampshire District Court this morning Evan Pollard, age 24, took a standard 24D disposition for his drunk driving arrest on an early Sunday morning (1:30 AM) April 6th.

As he was turning from Kellogg Avenue onto North Pleasant Street in the heart of the downtown police observed his vehicle cross wide over the yellow lines. And it went downhill from there:

Upon stopping him the officer smelled a strong odor of alcohol, and noted Mr. Pollard had glassy eyes, slurred speech. When performing the Field Sobriety Test he took the wrong number of steps, and used his arms to help balance while trying to stand on one foot.

Pollard also admitted to the officer he had, "a couple beers at McMurphy's." He also blew a .13 on the breathalizer back at the station.

The Public Defender told the Judge Mr. Pollard had no prior record and he has just graduated from UMass. The Judge imposed $600 in fines, 45 day loss of license, and $65/month per month probation fee for the next 12 months.

When the Judge asked where he had his last drink, Pollard replied, "McMurphy's Uptown Tavern."

Meanwhile, on Monday morning, Amherst police arrested Katherine Roberts for DUI.  

Inside Town Meeting

Town Manager and most of Select Board vote "No" to moving Vince O'Connor's land grab article to tonight

A couple of non binding "resolutions" passed Town Meeting Monday night -- the drone ban and let's buy a $3 million apartment complex -- but both of them were so watered down via revisions that they will have no impact whatsoever on the real world.  Not that Amherst lives in the real world.

Just as academics in our enlightened community decry the public schools "teaching to the tests," it seems Town Meeting activists are tailoring their petitions simply to pass Town Meeting.  Not a very high hurdle to clear.

The original drone article stated that "No agency of the town will operate drones capable of violating the constitutional rights of residents ..."  Since any drone is "capable" of that, the wording pretty much amounted to a ban.

But what passed Town Meeting was reworded to say nobody can operate drones, "In a manner that violates the constitutional rights of residents."  Which is kind of like saying no baseball bats will be used in a manner to purposely break the heads of residents.

Gerry Weiss significantly watered down his article from telling the Select Board to take Echo Village Apartments by eminent domain to, "It is the sense of Town Meeting" that town officials should continue to negotiate with Jamie Cherewatti for purchase of the apartment complex.

Maybe he should have just said, "Pretty please."

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

DUI Dishonor Roll

Liberty Lynn, age 34 

Interestingly my friends in the bricks and mortar media jumped on this scary DUI case because Liberty Lynn had a child in the car with her (as well as an Amherst homeless person, "known to the police").

But the thing about drunk drivers is they are a threat to kids everywhere because even if they are alone in their car they can all too easily crash into another vehicle filled with kids.

Liberty Lynn is the sister of Patrick Lynn who was arrested by Amherst police six weeks ago in Amherst town center for DUI -- 4th offense!

Part 2

Monday, May 19, 2014

Look, Up In The Sky!

UPDATE 10:30 PM  To no great surprise Amherst Town Meeting voted overwhelmingly to ban drones on a local level and to ask our federal representatives to file legislation to stop international "targeted killings."

Meanwhile, somewhere in the bowels of Hell, Osama Bin Laden smiled.


Just as some folks in Amherst view the American flag as a "symbol of terrorism and death and fear and destruction ...," so too will drones be viewed in only a negative light. 

Yes this is Amherst, where 30 years ago we became a "nuclear free zone."

Associated Press 5/18/1984

Soon to be a, "drone free zone."


Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Terrorists Win

Targeted teacher of color Carolyn Gardner -- the victim of numerous anonymous racial incidents since last October -- will not return to teach in the Amherst Regional Public School system for the rest of the school year Principal Mark Jackson announced to the entire High School student body over the public address system on Friday.

The last straw appears to have been the incident on Wednesday, when yet another anonymous note was discovered in the library with a threat about bringing a weapon into school, and the perp signed the note "Carolyn Gardner."  Amherst police determined the threat not to be "credible."

Since the anonymous notes and graffiti have been discovered in rest rooms of both genders it would appear there are multiple offenders, possibly copy cats simply wishing to get a day off from school -- especially now that the weather is nice.

I'm told students reaction was not one of anger or even excitement, but more of a somber "disappointment and shame."  Because the school system -- and the entire town -- had lost.

To a Cowardly Anon Nitwit, otherwise known as a Troll.

Only makes you wonder, who's next?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A Fatal Mistake

 Rolling Green Apartments: Side A of the building (photo: Steven O'Toole)

Fire is a most formidable foe.  Because it doesn't feel anything except the urge to feed.  And it doesn't care about you, your friends or loved ones, or what your future plans are.

The State Fire Marshal's investigation report of the January 21, 2013 Rolling Green Apartments fire, issued over a year after the disaster, could not establish a cause for the fatal inferno.

Rolling Green Apartment 202 Side C of the building
AFD report by initial on scene commander

Investigators are certain, however,  the fire started in Jake Hoffman's bedroom, and that he was initially dragged unconscious out of his burning room by his best friend.  Hoffman awoke however, and sprinted back into harms way saying, "Fuck this, I'm putting the fire out."

(Editors Note:  Bold black overlay is state officials redaction, white out is mine)

By then the beast was fully formed, a raging inferno well beyond the taming capabilities of an untrained amateur.  Especially one with reflexes and judgement dulled by too much alcohol.

Firefighters were driven from the apartment by a partial roof collapse and had to back their way down the same stairs Hoffman's roommate had originally used to drag him to safety.   They found Jake Hoffman a few hours later under a pile of debris, in the bathroom.



Friday, May 16, 2014

Targeting Development

When a roundabout becomes a bullseye

The significant downside of requiring a two-thirds vote of Amherst Town Meeting for anything remotely related to development reared its ugly head once again on Wednesday night.  The failure to attain that hefty super-majority may have sabotaged the common sense upgrade to a major intersection on the outskirts of town center.

If article 32 passed it would have significantly enhanced the prospects for a state grant to cover all the construction costs.

As usual a majority supported the article (79 "Yes" to 62 "No").   And that majority comes in handy when someone tries to kill the article by "referring it back" to a board or committee for further study, as happened with this seemingly benign article.  That motion failed by majority voice vote.

Article 32 won a majority, but not the two thirds required to pass

The issue did not seem to be the improvement of the intersection (with the roundabout being only one of three options).  The real issue is NIMBYs wanted payback for the Planning Board approving Kendrick Place, a five story mixed use building that will target, gasp, student renters.

And in the little college town of Amherst, just the mention of  "student renters" is fighting words.