Full parking lot in Court this morning
This morning it was standing room only in Eastern Hampshire District Court #1 (criminal courtroom) with all the Blarney Blowout perps, their parents, and media -- print, television, and digital.
Judge Payne, who usually handles the Monday morning arraignments, was on vacation so Judge Robert Gordon was presiding.
Like the Amherst Police Department at the peak of the Blarney Blowout storm, the court system was a tad overwhelmed processing the perps. Most of the college aged youth were dressed up business casual, but had a rather subdued look on their faces.
Or as my Irish mother used to say, "looked like a spanked ass."
The charges ranged from "open container/underaged drinking" to the more serious "assault and battery on a police officer" usually in conjunction with "failure to disperse, rioting" and "resisting arrest."
Since the latter charges carried the potential of one year in the House of Correction the Judge always asked if they were going to hire an attorney or did they wish the court to appoint them one.
Most of the more seriously charged individuals responded they would be hiring an attorney and the court set a pre-trial date for later next month.
The youths charged with minor offenses for the most part opted to settle the matter today by chatting with the District Attorney out in the hallway and will probably end up with a $100 fine and 4 months probation.
This process will continue tomorrow and a bailiff thought maybe even into Wednesday. And of course many of those arrested will continue to clog up the court system into the next few months, with some of them facing the prospect of a permanent criminal record.
A day of debauchery, a lifetime of regret.
Amherst Police issue another statement
Note to media: total APD arrests 55 and UMPD 3, for a total of 58
Note to media: total APD arrests 55 and UMPD 3, for a total of 58
Boston Globe editorial: End the Blarney Blowout (wish it was that easy)
AFD also stressed by Blarney: 20 patients seen, 12 transported to hospital
AFD also stressed by Blarney: 20 patients seen, 12 transported to hospital