Townhouse quad this morning: Calm before the storm?
Unfortunately the "Blarney Blowout" is a state of mind. And unlike the Hobart Hoedown, which was always pretty much grounded in a certain narrow location, you really can't lock down the entire town.
Hobart Ln: Note sign height to avoid souvenir hunters
Perhaps the Select Board should have nipped things in the bud by pulling the liquor license of McMurphy's and Stackers three years ago when they first dreamed up this abomination. Town officials (and the mainstream media) have been behind the curve on this issue since inception.
Gazette trying to make up for last year
So here we are now, the day before the biggest party event of the year. Yes, this time town and UMass officials have done an avalanche of advance messaging, dutifully carried by the mainstream media.
But nobody hired a shaman (or the CIA) to bring us a blizzard tomorrow. The predicted weather is for the best day we've seen in a l-o-n-g while. And in this case, good weather is a cop's worst enemy.
McMurphy's this morning: note absence of Blarney Blowout advertising
Police and private security will try to be proactive and keep crowds from growing to the massive throng was saw at the Townhouse quad area last year. But that may not be all that easy or even legal since the constitution does guarantee the "freedom to assemble in public places."
Or as the hard core rowdies might put it, "Fight for your right to p-a-r-t-y." Probably not what our Founding Fathers had in mind, however.
Daily Collegian with helpful Blarney Blowout advice (They forgot "Don't drink and drive!")
Even the damn lawyers are into it
Downtown bars loading up Noon Friday