Amherst School Superintendent Maria Geryk (Lady in a Blue Dress)
Not that anyone noticed -- except perhaps for her dutiful husband Kurt -- Amherst School Superintendent Maria Geryk launched her blog two weeks ago. Well at least I think it's hers.
She doesn't actually sign it, and the promo that only today appeared on the main school website states, "Superintendent's office launches blogsite," meaning it may very well be ghost written.
But hey, it's a blog. Sort of.
And I genuinely applaud any public official who works to increase transparency via communication with what Jay Rosen so perfectly described as, "The people formerly known as the audience."
Therein lies problem #1: no interaction with said audience via comments. Not overly surprising since the blog was impossible to find until yesterday. But I would not be surprised if it continues to stagnate when it comes to comments because of problem #2: B-O-R-I-N-G.
Headlines are supposed to attract readers not repel them. So far we have "Regional Budget 1-28-14" and "Amherst Budget". ZZZZZ. Tell us something interesting about each in the headline. "Regional Budget Hurting" or "Amherst Budget: Best Ever!"
A good blog post should always include a photo, video or illustration. So far, nada. But links are included in the text, so that's good.
Frequency is also vitally important. Blogging is like exercise: the more the better but a minimum of 3 times per week. So far we have only one post per week.
A start anyway. And a journey of a 1,000 miles starts with the first step. Even if it's a baby one.