Monday, January 6, 2014

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Baby It's Cold Outside

 AFD Engine 4 Mullins Center 1:45 PM

Amherst Fire Department was kept busy Saturday responding to alarms for broken water mains in numerous commercial buildings around town.

Fortunately the break at the Umass Mullins Center occurred earlier in the afternoon rather than just before the basketball game at 7:00 PM, since the sprinkler system also goes down. And that would certainly void the occupancy permit.

AFD Engine 1 & Engine 4 Fisher Home Hospice Center North Amherst 2:05 PM

The Fisher House Hospice Center was also a concern since the power had to be shut down briefly while AFD did their investigation with that water main break.

AFD Engine 1 at 25-35 University Drive 2:20 PM

Sunday:  The carnage continues ...

Sign Of The Times

The colorful  First Congregational Church new sign is now in full bloom on their front lawn that rolls gently down to Main Street. 

The Church first attempted to erect the sign back in the spring of 2012, but then the town gently reminded them they needed approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals (in spite of the Dover Amendment which gives a church or college carte blanche) and then, ironically enough, the new Dickinson Local Historic District Commission.

The Church had initially opposed formation of the DLHDC, which was approved by a two-thirds vote of Amherst Town Meeting May 21, 2012.

April, 2012

Frosty Morning

"There's a certain slant of light, Winter Afternoon" 

Now you know why Miss Emily had an "aversion" to winter.

Friday, January 3, 2014

DUI DIshonor Roll

Over 1.4 million drivers were arrested for DUI in 2010

The last two (alleged) drunk drivers of 2013, Jocelyn N Gozdowski age 22 and Gergory T Fitzpatrick, age 37, are fairly typical as DUI arrests go, but surprising not-so-typical since they close out the calender year bringing the total number of arrests to 127, down from 148 in 2012, or a drop of 15%. 

Could be the word has gotten out and people think twice about drunk driving through Amherst; or overworked APD didn't have the people power to target drunk drivers.   So maybe we just got lucky, unlike Daniel Haley

For instance our "typical" DUI, Mr. Fitzpatrick, was bagged Saturday night just after the sold out Mullins Center UMass basketball game ended.  He was pulled over on Triangle/Kellogg Streets only a mile or so from the facility.  How many drivers were on Amherst roads at that moment? 

How many innocent citizens going about their daily business without a care in the world?  Until suddenly you see those headlights bearing down, head on ...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Racism vs Censorship

Jones Library on a snowy day

The Jones Library is now in that unenviable position of dealing with a handful of parents concerned about reading material available in the Children's Room.  The formal name of the room kind of gives you an idea of the room's demographic. 

The problem is an ancient comics series "Tintin" that has some, err, dated ideas about race relations which could pollute the minds of young children.  Their solution, fortunately, is not outright censorship, aka the 1999 'West Side Story' "racism" debacle at Amherst Regional High School.

They simply want the book series moved to the Young Adult section.

Although that would probably be like moving 'Cat In The Hat' from the Children's Section to Young Adult where the clientele would be a tad too mature to wish to read it.
Dr Seuss war effort

Of course the argument could be made that Theodor Seuss Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss, penned some let us say less than flattering portrayals of Emperor Hirohito and should also be moved.  That too was a "different time," and that particular cartoon appeared in print less than three months after the Japanese perpetrated their infamous Ninja raid on Pearl Harbor.

This morning Jones Library Trustees took up discussion of the potentially volatile issue after the Library Director Sharon Sharry refused to take the parents suggestion.  The Trustees took the safe way out by not taking a formal position because no one made a motion one way or the other.

But the board did send three suggestions to the Library Director:   Let patrons know the Jones Library does not vet material for content (even children's books); perhaps move the items within the Children's Room to a less visible location; and work with the concerned parents to come up with an educational program on racism in children's books.

Or, individual parents could just prevent their kids from picking up the 'Tintin' series.

 Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Snoooooow Day(s)

Of course the fake Superintendent Twitter account was first with the news.  Sort of.