Boltwood Place under construction August, 2011
Boltwood Place, Amherst's first downtown tall building in more than a generation, will soon have a sister clone rising into the not so rarefied air, only in this case not quite as close in proximity as those iconic Twin Towers knocked down on 9/11.
Kendrick Place lot (near Bertucci's)
Archipelago Investments LLC will go before the Planning Board on September 18 seeking approval for Kendrick Place -- a five story, mixed used building located at the very Gateway to UMass on the corner of Triangle Street and East Pleasant directly opposite Kendrick Park.
Boltwood Place today
The views alone from the Penthouse suites will be worth the lease payments.
The new building will also be LEED certified, and co-developer David Williams is hoping for Platinum Certification one step up from
Boltwood Place's Gold Certification.
Kyle Wilson standing, David Williams seated
Archipelago is currently before the Planning Board seeking a Special Permit for the construction of a 75 unit, 236 bed dormitory style development on Olympia Drive known as Olympia Place. The private (therefor on the tax rolls) student housing project would replace a run down rowdy frat house.
These visionaries also instigated the joint project between UMass and the
Authority for the ill fated Gateway Project, a mixed use plan that would have created badly needed student housing and high end commercial space in a prime location connecting UMass to Amherst downtown.
Archipelago Investments LLC is transforming the landscape of Amherst -- both figuratively and literally. It's about time.
The Gazette caught up with this story about 8 hours later (on the web) and it appears in print today, Wednesday. Odd headline. Originally they used "Second Apartment Building Proposed For downtown Amherst" but then changed it before going to print.
1:00 PM
Now they've changed the digital headline for a 3rd time (much better) and added this nifty stock photo. But they can't exactly recall the 20,000 or so printed editions delivered this morning with the odd "ups ante" headline.