Friday, August 3, 2012

Amherst Creperie craps out

So if you are a downtown Amherst business struggling even before heading into the Dog Days of Summer--when the college students have migrated away--the hot weather only adds jet fuel to the slow burn. And then, puff, you're gone.

Yes, this particular location is one of the highest per square foot rents in Amherst, so you better be exceedingly good with what you offer. And with Antonio's Pizza only three doors down, it probably should not be food related.

The Daily Collegian reported

Fade to Black (top)

 Big Y supermarket entrance University Drive

The road renovation/redesign at the Big Y entrance on University Drive commenced last year and only finished last month when the new traffic control signals finally switched on.  So some of you may be wondering why the white traffic lane markings are already fading?

According to one of our engineers, "There is a lot of remaining oils in the fresh pavement so the new paint doesn’t stick very well."  Which is why the state always uses thermoplastic, a special heavy duty goo that adheres better than paint, lasts five to ten times longer and is more visible...but is of course more expensive. 

And some would say a tad too slippery when wet.

No not to your car, but to bicycles and pedestrians.   A few years ago the DPW installed bike lanes around town using thermoplastic and were roundly criticized by a bicycle enthusiast or two about the lines being slippery when wet.

So ever since, when the town does a road project, the markings are made with cheap paint that easily fades: By Sisyphus with a paint brush.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Main Street Molasses

 Main Street Gauntlet

If you are heading all the way to the top of Pelham Hill from Amherst town center you now have to negotiate a new--yet another--road construction project that started today:  Resurfacing Main Street, which of course leads directly to Amherst Road.

And yes, Amherst Road is closed during weekday business hours for a sewer line construction project.

Warner Brothers won the bid for the Main Street renovation, and like almost all the projects around town it's expected to be completed by the end of the month.  The town is using Community Development Block Grant funds ($ from heaven) to pay for it.   

Meanwhile everyone keeps saying Atkins Corner second roundabout will be open for traffic by August 15.  But then town officials also said the War Memorial Pool would be open June 23rd, then June 30, then... stopped making predictions.

Let's hope this time they are correct.

Coffee Hiatus

 Dunkin' Donuts, College Street (Rt. 9)
UPDATE (Saturday morning):  Open for business already. The drive up anyway.  Too bad the state did not move this swiftly.

Like almost everything else in Amherst the Dunkin' Donuts on College Street is under construction, although unlike the Hess Express in South Amherst (which has a Dunkin' satellite operation) they are closed until the job is complete, presumably by September when the population of Amherst about doubles.

The successful franchise opened ten years ago and was the first non bank related business in Amherst to utilize a drive up window.

Saturday morning 8/4/12

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ax The Tax

 Downtown Amherst commercial sector (try not to blink)

Now that the state has, finally, tweaked the Community Preservation Act to allow commercial real estate the same $100,000 exemption of valuation as regular homeowners , the Select Board should place the question on the ballot for the next election and allow the voters to make it so.

I've never been a big fan of the CPA simply because a) it's a tax b) public officials use it like manna from heaven and c) it discriminated against business by not allowing the same exemption given to homeowners.

The commercial sector in Amherst is infinitesimally small, representing only 10% of the tax base.   So the exemption is not going to cost the town greatly, only $7,000.  And those funds can be made up by redirecting money taken in via the local option hotel/meals tax, another burden on business that raises hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

Downtown businesses have also just taken on an increase to their property tax rates to fund the fledgling Business Improvement District, so a little relief could not come at a better time.

Amherst has a well earned anti-business reputation. A symbolic gesture like this may not erase that scarlet letter...but it's a start.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

NIMBY Knock Out?

 Ye Old Amherst (unlined) Landfill

Looks like the top two weapons in the NIMBY arsenal for disrupting the deal to bring a solar farm to ye old Amherst landfill may be scuttled by the Massachusetts state legislature.  The lawsuit citing an antiquated DEP deed restriction for keeping landfills free of any development except passive recreation could be swept aside by a new ordinance specifically freeing landfills from any such trivial outdated mandates.

And now the once all-powerful anti-development nuke known as Massachusetts Endangered Species Act may lose some of its Divine power to preserve, protect and coddle critters like the Grasshopper Sparrow who currently make their home on the grassy wide expanse covering the fermented, decayed garbage.

Apparently when it comes to renewable energy, our state legislators have seen the light.

At 4.75 mega watts, Amherst would be one of the state's largest

Monday, July 30, 2012

Lost Weekend

The last weekend in July proved to be as noteworthy crime wise as the first weekend in July, as in not very--which is of course a good thing.    Just the usual domestic problems, an overexposed homeless person , a skunk and bear invasion, and a couple of DUIs.

So I'm going to leave it up to you, my wise readers, to decide what is noteworthy in a news sort of way and what is not, as in "dog bites man."

Amherst (MA) Police Department media logs 7/29/12 through 7/30/12