Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Don't Mess With God

The parking lot has been used for over a generation for Church parking

Only in Amherst would town officials declare Feburary 1st (St Brigid's Day) a day to celebrate Irish heritage while simultaneously instituting a new overnight parking program that bans parking in the town owned lot immediatley adjacent to -- you guessed it -- St Brigid's Church.

New parking policy started Feb 1st (No Parking 7-9 AM)

Click to enlarge/read


  1. I thought you were a conservative?

    Mandating that everyone be sensitive to everything beyond the scope of reality is a liberal trait....

  2. The town makes everything so complicated and difficult. How about simplifying things?? How about parking bans only when it snows? They should let the chief decide what goes on and do away with parking task force. They all park their cars in warm garages and have no clue what goes on

  3. Town is run by heathens!

  4. Amherst is anti-business, and now anti-christ. No wonder all that is left is social justice barkers and homeless. RIP Amherst.

  5. Will the town parking lot (Pray St) filled by Kendrick Place Apt residents have this restriction too?
    All these apt buildings are/ were approved without sufficient onsite parking- It's too late to get tough on parking.

  6. Let and encourage parishioners to use the lot- Parking on Cowles St leaves us sinners to maneuver a massive pothole on the right side of the street.

  7. How can the town even care about this issue and be in compliance with the First Amendment?

    The town is not even allowed to respect that a religious group has been established in the town. People think it says no state religion, when if fact we are far more protected in that they cannot even recognize a religion.

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion"

    Ironically, Democrats and Republicans are religious groups, by almost any test you can make. Worshiping, following, believing in things that cannot be proven, awkward wasteful acts to achieve these goals, their own buildings, meeting times, etc. And in this day and age, do far more damage than Catholics.

    But heck, we don't respect this part either.

    "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech"

    Neither of these laws have any exceptions, yet we act every day like they don't even exist and a bunch of 50 somethings in a room get to be in charge now and ignore them....and you let them, over and over. Just usually on important issues, which this is not and looks to be in rare compliance with the law.

  8. Why is it the towns problem to find / allow parking for St Bridgids ?
    Unitarium Meeting House across the street finds parking. !

  9. Get a grip! They just need to be able to get the equipment in to remove the mountains of snow. This isn't a religious issue. If it is, then pray for no snow. Sheesh!

  10. But it doesn't snow seven days a week.

    Anon 11:09 AM You mean the Church the town gifted $100,000 for stained glass renovation? Unlike St Brigid's (which does has plenty of stained glass).

  11. Clearly the catholic Church doesn't have the political power it used to have, but towing the cars of little old ladies is pretty damn low.

    Whom do you think goes to 8AM services?

    And I think that Amherst has bought itself a messy ADA matter, as most of the frail elderly are eligible for a HP decal (Arthritis is now grounds for one), at which point the Town would (essentially) be required to designate the whole lot HP for them. And that'd be 24/7, which would create an even bigger mess.

    I hope they do it.

    And that the go oppose yet another building without enough parking being built. That's where the need of overnight parking is coming from...

  12. Ed, don't you have a life?

  13. Yes, I have a life.

    I'm also man enough to speak out against towing Granny's car while she's at church.

    Particularly when it is a new regulation on a rather confusing sign. Whatever happened to printing up a bunch of warning leaflets and leaving one of those on Granny's car????

    Towing her car is pretty low.

    Particularly when the LWV and others are permitted to violate long-standing parking bans with total impunity. I have pictures...

    And APD, DPW, et al, these are women who were nice to you when you were young. Have you no conscience??? Towing Granny's car while she's at church?!?

  14. This is just a test of folks' faith in the Almighty.

    Those that believe will have no issues getting to church.

  15. Ed, you don't live here.

  16. Which does not negate the fact that towing Granny's car WHILE SHE IS AT CHURCH is a truly A-hole thing to do.....

    What's next, stealing candy from preschoolers????

  17. The Town needs to rethink this one. Kind of a major oversight to not consider the breadth of community members using that lot.
