Monday, February 6, 2017

Celebrate, Celebrate, Dance To The Music

Southwest concourse last night just after Patriots stunning comeback victory

Perhaps this a good sign for looking forward to March and what town officials refer to as, "The event that shall not be named."  Yes, thousands of UMass students can gather in unbridled celebration without riot gear clad police and pepper spray being required for dispersal.

Of course I do have to wonder if the game had ended differently in those final mesmerizing minutes of play and a large angry crowd had formed instead of the jubilant crowd, what the outcome might have been.

But all's well that ends well.  No arrests, only a few medical calls and no bad press for our flagship University.  Let's hope the BLARNEY BLOWOUT goes equally as well.


  1. There wasn't a riot because the police didn't start one. It's really is that simple.

    It was a good idea to transfer the UMPD over to A&F.

    Oh, and Larry, UM Collegian is reporting that it was "a student" flying your drone "over the crowd."

  2. There was another drone flying very recklessly over the crowd that was making me very nervous.

    The Collegian knows I'm smarter than that.

  3. Did you get it's "tail number"?

    I believe that a licensed drone operator is obligated to report it -- pilots are supposed to report incidents involving reckless/rogue aircraft.

  4. No I was a tad too busy piloting my drone.

    And it looked to me like it may have crashed.

  5. Ed...did a copper ever bash you over the head with a night stick? It would explain a lot!

  6. Ed, time to move on with your life. It's been years since you were at UMass.

  7. I was standing outside the restaurant listening to the students, they were so loud and happy. The ones on their way uptown and to southwest were all hugging each other and us as they went by.. it was definitely "I can't believe we won" love fest.. I even heard a couple "Belichick for President" chants

  8. Give me what I want and I'll go away.

    DJT may actually do that, incidentally....

    1. Ed Cutting, if you're looking for your dignity you're not going to find it by ranting on Larrys blog. You are just lowering people's opinion of you.

  9. Congrats Patriots!!! Fantastic win! Congrats Brady! 5 !

  10. Congrats Gaga too!

  11. Dr. Ed you are a real A-- hole.. get a life pinhead..
