Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Other #1 Story Of 2016

A sea of flags at Hampshire College protest called by VFW Post 754

The Maria Geryk debacle that I declared the #1 story of 2016 was based on number of Blog hits and comments on the initial story that appeared a day or two before other media sources picked it up.

So it was a pretty easy call declaring it the top story of the year.  Mainly because it had such a far reaching impact over long period of time, which still has not concluded since the $67 million Mega School -- Maria's Folly -- comes up for a revote at a Special Town Meeting January 30th.

But the story that reached far more eyeballs than the Geryk affair -- mainly on Facebook rather than my Blog -- was the embarrassing deja vu incident with the American flag at Hampshire College. 

Or perhaps I should say the lack of an American flag at Hampshire College.

My Facebook post of B2 video showing the enormous flag waving crowd on the day of protest called by our local VFW had almost 30,000 views on Facebook alone.  Which goes to show the power of that website for news distribution.

Interestingly enough the first blog post I did on the flag controversy lamenting the initial idiotic decision to fly the flag at half staff to protest the election of Donald Trump was the first time I was banned by Facebook for 24 hours.

Maybe some of the Facebook moderators are Hampshire College grads.


  1. I wonder how those trumpvoting flag toting motorcycle riding veterans feel about their PEOTUS now?

    1. How do you clintonvoting flag burning birkenstock wearing socialists feel about your --nobody-- now?

  2. They probably feel pretty damn proud to be free Americans with an America-loving PEOTUS. And you will too, soon enough.

  3. Tons of credible evidence that Hillary, and her team, committed THOUSANDS of action. No credible evidence of Russian hacking, immediate, knee-jerk reaction. Hmmm...

  4. Weren't the Russians just nation building, something we strongly support?

    1. I confess! I confess! Dirty commies made me check the Trump box! Yes, it was two commies in particular: Hillary and Bernie... I confess! Stop torturing me!!

  5. We hack them too. Didn't they try Obama's fierce tactic of telling us to "cut it out?" No evidence their hacking affected the election. No dirty commie forced my hand to vote Trump. And besides- didn't Clinton win the pop? Some favoring of DJT, eh?

  6. Young America's..your NEXT President NIXON ...////!!!!Young Americans..Young Americans...

  7. Hey speaking of the russians....gee... they wanted to help Trump sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much that... that...Clinton won the pop vote. Lol. How inept are they?
