Tuesday, January 10, 2017

American Bandstand

Proposed site is a natural amphitheater on east side of common somewhat in the center

Click to enlarge

The Amherst Business Improvement District is hoping to see Frederick Law Olmsted's original vision for our historic Town Common realized with the installation of a permanent bandstand to be used as a performance venue three seasons out of the year.

The Town Common has hosted at least two "permanent" bandstands and two temporary ones over the past 150 years, but in 1991 town officials turned down the offer from the Rotary Club to construct and donate a permanent structure (costing $20,000) near where Mr. Olmsted envisioned it.

The idea will need the okay of the Historical Commission, Design Review Board and of course our keepers of the public way, the venerable Select Board.

Let's hope they don't screw it up this time.


  1. Look at that lovely little gazebo structure in South Hadley near the commons. I would be overjoyed with a similar place for local bands to play. Bring on the Amherst Community Band!

  2. Nice place for the homeless to hang out.

  3. Nice to see the BID doing this. It will get used a lot.

  4. Anon 1:29 sounds kind of bitter....

  5. 1:29 is just so burned out on all the Negative Nellies. But, nice deflection.

  6. The BID deserves more credit than they get. All the Christmas lights downtown are the BID. The street cleaning crews are paid by the BID.

  7. That would be a poor place for the homeless. A good place would be actual warm shelter in a community that understands the best use of public funds.

    It's a dream. Perhaps at a quarter million dollars per student....one of them will eventually figure out how to convince the town to divert money to take care of the most needy in stead of the most wanty. Again, I know it is a dream, I think it takes a half million is basic ed to be that smart.

  8. You point your finger at yourself too? Or just at "you people?"

  9. Anon 6:48 I am tired of taking care of springfield and Holyoke problems!

  10. Leave it as it is. It would be unsightly. The field is wonderful as a common. While they erect a stage for a couple of events, I don't think there are enough events to justify a bandstand. Waste!!!!!

  11. Really nice to see the Amherst College fraternities labeled with their proper names.

  12. And I am tired of paying for endless liberal wants. It would be cheaper to feed and house the poor. Thqt is why we have government...to take care of those that cannot.

    I guess the question is who is less cqpable...a homeless person or a fake liberal....it is worth noting that the fake liberal always needs more and costs the community more. Often, being homeless is a choice. At this point, I do not think helpless fake liberals have a choice.

    What makes someone a fqke liberal...well they are all for spending more for their wants than community needs, they treat people like trash, they may use the word blight, they think people are not actually equal. They talk aboit folks from springfi3ld like our new president talks about m3xicans.

  13. "And I am tired of paying for endless liberal wants."

    Pay attention. You're not paying for it. The BID is paying for it.

  14. Where does the BID get funding? Is it 100% voluntary?

    I was thinking a giant inkwell right next to the horse and buggy parking lot would really be in theme too. We can then all listen to some Sousa, dip our pens, write a review for the local paper and then buggy on home in style....all before sunset.

    Long live president Lincoln.

  15. Pay attention...the comment was in response the the person that thinks homeless folks from springfld should suffer....and people do damand lots of local taxes to pay for liberal wants locally and then the same group neglects the homeless.

    How is the bid funded, all by voluntary donations? The it would not be a tax, if not voluntary at each transaction, it would be a tax.

  16. THE BID handles the holiday lights?
    What was the story with the partially lit tree trunk at Kendrick Park?- It looked horrible.
    Replace the lights on the tree (so the entire tree is lit) or take them all down.

  17. Squirrels ate some of the wires.

  18. "Where does the BID get funding? Is it 100% voluntary?"

    Why do you care? You are not paying for it.

  19. Let's pray that Amherst new gazebo doesn't meet the fate of the famous gazebo in Vermont shot in Chevy Chases flick Funny Farm-demolished by a drunk driver plowing through the town common last year-made national media !!!

  20. Doesn't Amherst get a lot of outside funding?

    Students at colleges spending.
    State taxes
    Fed taxes via state.

    Every American taxpayer has a stake in Amherst, and like most college towns, is excessively flooded with non local money. Without such outside financial assistance, town would be much poorer, locals would have to pay more for Amherst's mega government and its reach (aka pay their own way).

    How is the BID funded, no one seems to know or want to answer?
