Saturday, December 3, 2016

A Sporting Gesture

The Rally heard round the world

The veterans who rallied around the flag at Hampshire College -- both figurative and literally -- have canceled tomorrow's Raise The Flag event, which was originally scheduled as another demonstration to pressure Hampshire College into doing the right thing, but then became sort of a victory celebration after they indeed DID THE RIGHT THING.

 Click to enlarge/read

Probably because they don't want folks to think they are gloating.

So no ticker tape parades through Times Square as we saw over 70 years ago on V-E and V-J Day, but still a major victory to be savored ... until the need arises once again. 

Freedom requires eternal vigilance.

B2 however is dissappointed


  1. Ever think that wars from World War II - to escape the Great Depession-to Iran-Iraq or Saddam-all have one thing in common-they serve as a quick fix for unemployment in antagonistic states ???!!!

  2. What about something on December 7th?

    Sad thing is that most folks, it's just Wednesday.

  3. We will never forget what Hampshire stands for...transgender and burning the flag,and unemployable graduates. This school will be bankrupt in the next 5 years.

  4. Replies
    1. Easy to call names. No real argument?

  5. Well, look, if Hampshire is bankrupt in five years, they still have a long way to go to catch up to Mr. Bankruptcy, Donald Trump. He has driven more lucrative businesses into the ground than your average numb nuts. So what's the big deal? We're all looking for ways to go bankrupt now pal, and then we won't be paying any taxes. The new president is showing us all how to be real Americans and we're willing to learn: pay no taxes, don't pay your employees until the sue you, sue your employees with money given to your non-profit charity. See this is how real smart Americans think and act. It's the trump way. It's the american way, It's I'll ride for free while all you suckers pay.

    God bless American and German banks!

  6. I'm afraid it is the Hampshire students and administrators who are the worst bigots, Anon 7:52.

    Evenings of late, the Trump 'Meritage' and 'Viognier' are especially rewarding to sip.

  7. "In order for us to move forward peacefully as Americans, we must show signs of peace, patriotism and gratefulness."

    Mr. Kelley, you would be wise to take a page from this group's book, and try to learn some humility and grace, as they are clearly showing.

  8. Hi. I guess I'm what you'd call a liberal, but most of my life I've been quite moderate in my beliefs and interactions with other people.

    However I just saw a parade of these people go through downtown Amherst with their oversized pickups, with a whole array of flags waving in the back.

    One thing that interested me was that several of them clearly feel not only invested in the flag — they feel that they own it. This was obvious because they were flying "thin blue line" and "thin red line" flags — black and white "US" flags with one blue or red stripe.

    I find these flags highly disrespectful of the history of the United States. I think these people should be punished in some way… perhaps loss of citizenship or jail time.

    1. Funny. I think more people are to feel as though they own the flag.

  9. Politics = Sports + Religion

    Let compelled freedom ring...

    1. Compelled? Freedom is for the taking.

  10. What I found interesting is the anti-Trump protesters in town center blocked their way by illegally occupying the center of a busy street, obstruction the public way.

  11. Larry, then I'm sure you were pleased to see the police officer forcibly push the protester to the curb. I suspect we'll see a lot more patriotic, non-violent forcible pushing-to-the-curb of those with dissenting opinions in the near future.

  12. Actually I didn't see that. And I was right there.

  13. We must be talking about different intersections, because it was obvious.

  14. As the police officer could have arrested said protester, pushing it to the curb was restraint.

  15. "One thing that interested me was that several of them clearly feel not only invested in the flag — they feel that they own it. This was obvious because they were flying "thin blue line" and "thin red line" flags — black and white "US" flags with one blue or red stripe."

    I must admit that I consider these flags disrespectful.

    Fly your identity flag too, (remember it's below or to the left), but don't deface the US flag -- you're diluting your message.

  16. Indian people- Indian nation-Sooooooo proud to protest the Dakota pipeline -being turned to indiansicles by Trumpkins with water canons-yet Freudian flag waving mis-anthroposophy blockade Hampshire Colleges public/private ways- hmmmm-is it paddy wagons or good ole Dr Frued that we seek ??!!!$&@

  17. Let's leave Freud and my mother out of this.

    1. We know-believe me-we-know !?$&@
