Monday, December 5, 2016

A Protest A Day

TD Bank main sign is covered over

About the same number of folks showed up today at the somewhat downtown TD Bank on Triangle Street for a protest over the Dakota Access oil pipeline although I did not see a single Sioux tribesperson among them.

Yes the Army Corps recently nixed an easement needed over the property so the battle is somewhat won so I guess this was a victory celebration to some extent.  Unlike the Veterans 'Raise Our Flag' protest/celebration which was cancelled yesterday so as not to seem like gloating.

 Since B2 can't sneak up folks turned their signs to her

Another pro-Hampshire College protest yesterday in town center attracted about the same small number of folks as today (75) but they decided to block traffic in town center -- specifically a legally permitted convoy enroute to Hampshire College.

 Yesterday APD had to move along protesters blocking traffic

 With gentle persuasion from APD sheet is removed

Today's protest was much better behaved, but they did cover over TD Bank's main sign for almost an hour and also tied up four Amherst police officers for nearly a half-hour.


  1. Aren't you the "First they came for the..." quoting person? There doesn't have to to be a Sioux there. The point is to stand up for others, not just yourselves.

  2. So you'd rather have 750 railroad tank cars a day crossing a bridge going over the river? Now what could possibly go wrong???

    Hint: Remember that little town in Quebec Province that isn't there anymore....

    They are drilling through rock some 90+ feet under the river, and do you know how many other pipelines already cross that river?

    And Larry, isn't the bank's front lawn private property? Isn't it ironic how one side respects that while the other doesn't....

  3. Oh, and folks, the pipeline doesn't touch Sioux land...

  4. Protesting global warming -- in a snowstorm. Priceless....

  5. Gee, do you know the difference between weather and climate? It's called Global Climate Change not Global Weather Change.

  6. Climate has always changed. Climate will always change. You blame humans. I blame the sun. Claimant has changed before humans. Climate will change after humans. Is there some ideal temperature you think the earth should be at? And we are on earth should the temperature be?

  7. The pro-Trump/Military policy/flag protestors illegally blocked both a public- 116-and private-Hampshire College way-Hampshire is not legally bound to support either flags-or attending warmonger aviators-Sooooooo put that thought in a peace pipe...

  8. You do know that there is an uncontrolled Hydrogen Bomb some 93 million miles away, and it spews lots of radiation in all direction, quite inconsistently.


    1. Are you telling me that the Sun may have something to do with all this?? Holy cow! Since when? Oh! Since time immemorial.

  9. Actually Anon 4:53 pm they did not block any road public or private. I was there the entire time.

    And nobody was waiving a Confederate or Nazi flag.

  10. Larry, I couldn't help but notice the grey hair of the protesters.

  11. And the reporter covering them. (But they had more)

  12. I'd like to see TD Banknorth civilly prosecute these schmucks -- hire some ambulance-chaser to sue them for $5000 each, like the abortion clinics used to do.

    It wouldn't necessarily be a public relations disaster -- particularly if TD turned around and gave the money to the town for "public safety." And I don't think the town would turn the money down, I don't think it would dare.

    It's not their lawn, and they knew that.

  13. What right did these people have to cover that sign?

  14. "What right did these people have to cover that sign?"


    And that's why they should have been arrested.

  15. Does anyone else notice that there's a road in the Amherst Hills neighborhood named Indian Pipe Lane? Seems awfully racist for the richest people in town to live on a road suggesting Native Americans smoke pipes

    1. Are you saying no Indians smoked pipes? Even the ones in India. "American" is a reference to Vespucci, the Italian. As an Italian, I remain proud that the natives here use the name.

  16. Funny Thing how all these self-proclaimed " Socially conscious progressives" can advocate for social change-non stop-yet always diss out dismissively any victims of drunks or druggies-guess it's like the Pink tune -" Let's get this party-started 24-7!!!! Even they might become victims of drunks and druggies-climate change-not so much !!!??? Ya Thunk ??!!!

  17. I have no fear of that. You pull your own strings. Only You can allow yourself to feel offended.

  18. Indian Pipe is a parasitic plant, it grows locally and the common name is Indian Pipe.

    It functions a lot like parents and others that could not survive or support their families on their own. It does not make chlorophyll, so it saps off a larger plant to get the effects, a lot like parents in the public school system do not make enough money for their families so they sap off of neighbors, whether they have enough or not.

    At least the Indian Pipe is white, so it stands out among plants. Those that live beyond their resources don't stand out by color as easily, though most folks like this in Amherst are also "white".

    1. Yes, but what was the plant named after?9

  19. The whole issue is based on a lie. The pipeline doesn't cross Indian land. Liberals always lie.

  20. I don't recall seeing any Afghan women that day many years ago when your wife was wearing a burqa in Amherst to protest the Taliban.

    1. Did the Taliban ever respond to that protest? If so, how?

  21. ...didn't think so.

  22. Did this protest have any effect at all? On anyone?

  23. Indian Pipe...parasitic? OMG, I think I need a safe space!
