Thursday, November 24, 2016

Those Who Fail To Learn From History

Hampshire College is the 3rd largest landowner in Amherst (but pays no property taxes)

So you know an issue has really gone stratospheric on the national stage when Snopes weighs in on it.  

The flag controversy at Hampshire College -- or perhaps I should say the lack of a flag -- is streaking along the same fast track to Public Relations nightmare Amherst regrettably wallowed in 15 years ago ... a shit-storm only pigs would love.

On the eve of 9/11 the Amherst Select Board voted to allow 29 commemorative flags to fly in the downtown on only 6 occasions and to keep them down until the first day on that list -- Veteran's Day.

At that now infamous 9/10/01 meeting a UMass professor branded our flag "A symbol of terrorism and death and fear and destruction and repression."  It would be later dubbed by the Wall Street Journal in a front page article as "The ill timed quote of the century."

Because of course only 12 hours later terrorism and death and fear and destruction reined down from a crystal clear blue sky, and before the smoke cleared 3,000 innocent people were dead.

To show what a slows news day 9/11 started out as, the Associated Press put out a brief mention of the Amherst flag flap story around dawn that morning.

In the wake of information overload a few hours later as stunning images beamed worldwide of Twin Towers making their last stand, both Fox News and CNN erroneously reported that Amherst was banning the rights of private citizens to fly the American flag.


And now we have Snopes correcting that same mistake about the current flag flap.

Obviously Hampshire College President Jonathan Lash has little to no institutional memory, otherwise he would have leaned from the Amherst 9/11 commemorative flag debacle.

Especially since Hampshire College students and a professor were involved with burning American flags at an Amherst College rally only six weeks later, which garnered nationwide condemnation. 

Let's hope Mr. Lash shows up Sunday afternoon for the rally-round-the-flag demonstration at his front gate.

After all, seeing is believing. (But you have to remove your head from your ass.)


  1. Never let your opponent set the terms of the engagement.

  2. Larry, what is the lift capacity of your drone?

    You ought to be able to hang a cemetery-sized flag from it.

  3. Well said....Larry.

  4. Thanks.

    Never thought I would have to keep saying it.

  5. Hiding oneself in the flag- is the last refuge of a demagogue !!!

    1. Mr Bannon of Breitbart !!!???$&@

    2. And you on the left are always incredulous that anyone could disagree. Always amusing.

  6. And the first refuge is making anonymous comments on the Internet.

  7. Hers History-The HAIR album...Don't Put It Down...

    Om mane padme om
    On mane padme om

    Folding the flag means taking care of the nation
    Folding the flag is putting it to bed for the night
    I fell through a hole in the flag
    I'm falling through a hole in the flag, help

    Don't put it down
    Best one around
    Crazy for the red, blue and white
    Crazy for the red, blue and white

    You look at me
    What do you see
    Crazy for the white, red and blue
    Crazy for the white, red and blue

    'Cause I look different
    You think, I'm subversive
    Crazy for the blue white and red
    Crazy for the blue white and red

    My heart beats true
    For the red white and blue
    Crazy for the blue, white and red
    Crazy for the blue, white and red

    And yellow fringe
    Crazy for the blue, white, red and yellow

    Read more: Hair - Dont Put It Down Lyrics | MetroLyrics

  8. Perhaps the previous poster was refering to using the flag as a surrogate. Like imagine if someone went on and on about the flag representing freedom...but then also constantly promoted policies that were anything but...that would be using the flag as a surrogate or refuge because the person was not able to form an consistent opinion or understand how taking action to limit freedom is like taking down every American flag.

  9. Hey, Phony-Baloney Protesting College Students: If you REALLY want people to believe how seriously upset your are about whatever issue is is you are crying about, how about instead of burning the American flag, which you have nothing to do with and sacrificed nothing for... how about you burn something of YOURS that has value so we can see how upset you are and how you are willing to make a sacrifice to show the world how much you want change. I would suggest that you burn your college books that you paid for or your favorite clothes or your iPhones or Computers. Of course we all know you didn't pay for them anyway, that your parents paid for them. But it would at least show the world that you are willing to sacrifice something of your own that you might actually miss if you burned any or all of those items, instead of the flag that means nothing to you. I for one don't think you believe in any of the stuff you love to protest about because I don't believe you are willing to make the hard choices and sacrifices to effect change. But here's your chance to prove me and everyone who also believes that you are nothing more than privileged post-high school kids who are "protesting injustice" but have no skin in the game. Put your skin in there, future leaders of America... burn some of your own possessions and show us all how deeply you believe in your cause. Yeah, I didn't think so.

  10. Remember the American flag represents an ideal. Look up what it represents and educate yourselves. The U.S.A. is not perfect, but loyal citizens keep striving for "a more perfect Union." If you don't want to have pride in America and support the ideals of this flag, you are free to leave this country for one that better reflects your beliefs.

    Meanwhile, I will continue to fly my Red, White and Blue. I will never be embarrassed because I get "chills" when I hear our anthem played, and I will forever respect the military service of my husband and all who served by his side. God Bless America!! I love my country.

  11. Bannon is a great man! At least he wears 'BIG boy pants' unlike many who attend Hampster College.

  12. Sunday will be fun,come prepared!

  13. I think what the alt-right fails to grasp is that defending the flag is not about a cloth-it is about the values that preserve freedom-justice-opportunity-and dignity for all ....

    1. Thank you for setting them straight. Whoever thdy are.

  14. "I think what the alt-right fails to grasp is that defending the flag is not about a cloth-it is about the values that preserve freedom-justice-opportunity-and dignity for all ...."

    Including the alt-right?

    What the fascist left fails to understand is that it has created the alt-right, and that the alt-right is a civil rights movement akin to all the rest.

    And before condemning its excesses, ask this: Did Act-UP go too far in the '90's?

  15. I have heard people say the American flag represents oppression and it’s a militaristic symbol. These people seem to hate the flag. I have never been able to understand this. I was taught that the colors are symbolic of ideals. White represents purity and innocence….nothing wrong here. Red symbolizes hardiness and valor…..still seems OK. And blue is for vigilance, perseverance and justice…….all three seem like worthwhile things to me. The stars represent the fifty states and peoples’ age-old aspirations of heavenly or divine goals. The stripes stand for the thirteen original colonies and symbolize rays of light from the Sun. I suppose, mention of Heaven or the divine could get a little risky for some, but not for me and not for many of you.

  16. "Once more with feeling: there is no such thing as the alt-right."

    True. They should just be called neo-Nazis.

    1. Once you get over the shock that not everyone agrees with you, the hate that arises from the left is stunning.

    2. Never underestimate the enemy. Democrats are vicious.

  17. Nazis were also Christian, so I guess by your logic, Christians are nazis.

  18. The college decided as an institution not to fly the flag, but are any brave students flying the flag from their windows?

  19. Why do people need to be forced against there will to agree with a military agenda- you have to be blind to see this attitude is anti-thetical to freedom the flag represents !!!

  20. Why do we need to be forced to live according to what you think is a military agenda, Lefty?
