Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Ninja #Fail Police Report

Patrick Bemben, only one of four home invaders arrested (so far)
 Click to enlarge/read


  1. The DA and APD are burying the lede here...they found at least 2 pounds of marijuana on the premises and the makings of a full blown drug growing and dealing operation. That $300 figure they threw out to the media was a joke. Maybe $300 an ounce. That plus the MDMA would mean this place had at least $10,000 of drugs on hand.

    Yes, this moron broke the law and should be prosecuted accordingly, but let's not let not protect the drug dealers in our community. As soon as they're all stitched up charge them too and get them out of here.

    1. No hard drugs found on or in the property, and the residents of the house were medical marijuana patients please explain how they are drug dealers tardo

  2. This is what POT -BOOZE - DRUGS ....does to your brainium $&@!!? Druggies - Legalized POT is still LETHAL pot to OUI driving wreck VICTIMS ...!!!?$&@

  3. Just like Her, LOCK HIM UP!!

  4. Bemben is singing like a canary, so he can go back to WPI. SINGING won't keep him from Walpole, but it will get him special treatment from his new collies. Bad decisions...bad consequences.

  5. What self-respecting Ninja forgets his blowgun and climbing claws? Snake Eyes and Stormshadow are laughing their balls off right now.

  6. Anon 6:25 sounds soooo of hardcore! Hardcore circa 1935.

  7. Funny thing - we had riots all summer about poor souls being " Violated @ but not one rioter would step up to call this type of violence a " Violation "....acts say Soooooo MUCH more than words ...just like ANIMALS. !!?$&@

    1. Please...I'm begging you. Stop with the sooooooo's. Please.

  8. The DA and APD are far from burying anything. What you are reading is not a "police report" per se, it is a "probable cause statement" which means that it is a far condenced version of what the police know and only exists to state PC for the charges. LK posts these constantly, please realize whhat they are. Armed Robbery has an element (you can read the MGL online, 265/17A) about "any other property that may be subject to a larceny", therefore a $ amount must/should be assessed for said property. The courts have long ago stated that drugs do fullfill that requirement.

    My guess is that number was used to satisfy that element but, like you, I wasn't there and do not know what the police do. I am sure they know far more than they are reporting at this point. The DA may choose to indict this case and then we will end up knowing all, but not until then.

  9. The real rogues gallery is the parents of these little darlings.

  10. Hey 5:23,

    How does an anon poster at this backwater blog know what they police found. Ok, officer O'Malley.

  11. I can't wait until the vote net Tuesday. All of this will stop once it is legal. No more robberies, no more backroom dealing. Only the state will sell it, we will tax it, and everyone will be happy! Right? Hello?

  12. Was Bemben set up?

    It's easy enough to figure out how the other ninjas escaped -- into a vehicle and over the town line -- but with the radios (even without) he should have known they were leaving. They just abandon him, or did they do it intentionally?

    I keep asking myself why wasn't the gun used? It isn't necessarily more lethal than a tactical hatchet, arguably less as you could fire warning shots. In a situation where a gun is present, AND an ABDW which arguably could be considered "Attempted Murder", would the criminal liability be any more severe with a GSW to the arm as opposed to "merely" trying to hack it off?

    I am not familiar with Glocks but they are reported to be rugged, does the grip usually come loose from trauma?

  13. Yes, the parents......................

  14. Mr ed.

    Reading: it's fundamental!

    There was NO gun found, just parts.

    So you can stop asking yourself. And you can also stop posting your misinformed, fantastical, nonsensical posts that NO ONE is interested in. We are all exhausted from scrolling past them!

  15. "It's easy enough to figure out how the other ninjas escaped" - If that were true then they wouldn't be Ninjas.

  16. Hey 6:42 AM:

    I know what they found because I read the reports Larry posted on this article, and watched the video Larry took from the arraignment and posted yesterday. The police list one pound of marijuana recovered at the front of the property and another, similarly large quantity of marijuana found vacuum-sealed in the back of the residence. They also list MDMA, hash oil, and cultivation tools discovered.

    Maybe you should read these blog posts before you comment on them...

  17. There was NO gun found, just parts.


    Gun parts come from somewhere, and under the circumstances, well...

    Which leads to the question of what the escaping ninjas managed to take with them -- if the APD recovered 2 lbs of pot, then how much more was there?

  18. Soooooo, wait, who ARE the parents?
