Sunday, November 6, 2016

Like A Bomb Went Off

Chaos in town center

Probably the busiest PVTA bus stop dead in the center of town was ravaged by a large vehicle that left one innocent bystander critically injured dead and left a trail of debris in front of the Post Office and  down Kellogg Avenue.

UPDATE:  Monday morning.  Unfortunately the victim did not survive

Click to enlarge/read

Please excuse my language

Amherst police have called in UMass, Hadley and Amherst College police to help secure the crime scene and Massachusetts State police are enroute.

 Vehicle found around the corner on Triangle St behind Primo Pizza abandoned


  1. ...all I got is holy f**king sh*t. pardon my French.
    I hope the injured survives and heals...
    and I hope they nail the bastard who did this to the wall.

    Can't count the number of times I walked or waited along that section of the street. This hurts to see.

    Having become a victim of a drunk driver in 2009 (and watched her skate off with probation despite multiple DUIs) I have little faith in the state to actually punish this perp. Larry I hope you step forward as a witness, maybe you can be part of getting this idiot put behind bars.

    1. Concerned about the wall? What?

  2. Our paramedics are top notch. My God be with the person who was injured and God Speed to the APD in finding the person driving.

  3. I arrived on scene about 10 minutes after the initial incident so would not make a good witness.

  4. Just another 100 feet north is another serious accident just waiting to happen: there are "Jersey barriers" jutting out across the sidewalk and bike lane, forcing cyclists to veer into the main travel lane to continue northbound - this afternoon I saw a pedestrian walking northbound in the middle of the lane as I biked back to campus, and at first I thought that the accident you covered was in that area instead of the post office....

  5. I hate to say this Larry, but Amherst is a "Sanctuary City".....

  6. As a crippled for life victim of a hit & run DWI drunk driver-this carnage & mutilation or potential death just outrages me !!!! This is why the no good bums at resteraunt bars need to be taxed- they get away with murder-a few quid is all innocent life is worth to these crookstas !!!?$&@

  7. O my god! I was walking my dog in town about 9:15pm last night and walked right past there. Timing was on our side last night.

  8. "Sanctuary City"

    What a bigoted statement...i hate to say it. Haha!

    1. It's more hateful to BE it than to say it.

  9. Yes more tax. Always the government in our wallets. Fixes everything.

    1. So you expect your " Quid" for piss-cleans up DWI carnage to society ?? What a creepy unfounded emotionalism !!!

  10. Why is the DA trying to cover this up?

    Some details withheld, perhaps -- but it is a matter of public record when someone is killed, as happened here.

    It's a;most like he wishes to "broom" this. WHY?!?!?

  11. I will go further -- there is an issue of trust. There has been no update to "Operation Hatchet" and for all we know, that was related to this. After all, the cops were out looking for evidence earlier that day.

    No, I'm not saying that -- only that it is wiser for the authorities to tell the truth than to have rumors flying.

  12. Gee, Ed, perhaps their trying to solve this crime. Perhaps you can do it from Maine?

    1. Bullying a commenter. Hmmm. Must be okay to bully here. Hey kids...

  13. "The incident remains under investigation by Amherst Police, State Police assigned to the Northwestern District Attorney's Office, MSP Crime Scene Services and MSP Collision Analysis and Reconstruction Section, according to spokeswoman Mary Carey.

    "Due to the ongoing nature of the investigation, additional information cannot be released at this time," she stated."

  14. "Gee, Ed, perhaps their trying to solve this crime"

    Without first even admitting that a crime occurred?

    You do realize how asinine that is, don't you?

  15. OMG Ed- let the DA's office complete their investigation.

    A horrific accident- I'm sure they want to insure they have all the information they need for their work- Informing the press/public is not their current concern or priority

  16. A crime occurred whether the person was intoxicated or not they left the scene and someone died. I'M sure they have a name but are trying to track them down, question and arrest them. Hopefully it wasn't another situation of an unlicensed minor on a joy ride.

  17. This is all in your head, Ed. No one is denying that it happened.

  18. Ed....where were you last night? I feel you are trying to distract us from considering you as a Suspect! Can your mom verify you were in your room? I am just asking....

  19. DWI IS ABJECT UN-ADULTERATED MURDER TERRORISM ....Look no further than this crime case !!!$&@??!

  20. Agree but we don't know for sure if was a DWI / texting/ stupidity/ driving while stoned / who knows.. regardless of the presence of other factors such as drugs/alcohol/distraction .. the crime was committed because they left the scene of a personal injury. The details will follow soon enough.

  21. Anon 4:47...Hmmm . How facile!

  22. Ok the man who got killed it was his daughters birthday yesterday. They are local and she has read the blog to find out information about what yesterday so please remain respectful. Thanks all

  23. No, Rebecca, I'm not sure we ever will.

    There has been a remarkable amount of governmental secrecy this fall, a disturbing amount.

    Mary Carey's initial press release didn't even mention anyone being hurt. I kinda think that's a rather significant fact....
    Heaven forbid the public have a right to know.

    And I'm starting to think that there might be a reason for this secrecy, a reason beyond mere paranoia and a bureaucratic sense of self-importance. What they don't realize is that trust, once lost, isn't easily regained. Ask General Westmoreland...

    It's long been said that the public is the eyes & ears of the police -- well, apparently, the police enjoy being deaf & blind.

    I don't know why there has been such a coverup of crime in Amherst, but that's what it is. Maybe the propertied class doesn't want it known that Amherst isn't the halcyon enclave they want people to think it is.

    And that, Rebecca, is why I doubt that they will ever tell us what really happened last nigt.

  24. Most hit & run DWI are like the one that catastrophically mutilated and crippled me for life-the drunkard runs to sober up and avoid blood test-criminal convictions-harsher sentence-in my case the perp got away with this crime-just a piddling 300 hours " Community Servvice" of coarse-not even punished when he violated probation-sick-sad world !!!$&@??!$$$

  25. I'm sure,they will thetecwere,lots,of witnesses,including a,police officers nephew. It is,already on at least two videos posted online. Although wwlp reported the gentleman was in hospital which is,wrong. Unless more,than one person was injured. Both of this,man's children are mourning as well as some of his family I exoect. The Truck is a 2008 f550 not too many around. It is,only a,matter,of time before we,find out who was driving. I hope after the marijuana passes people understand legal doesn't mean it is ok to drive while high.

  26. Geez Ed, maybe they made no mention of it because A) the person was not dead yet B) the family had not been notified C) there was an investigatory interest in omitting that fact.

    You scream cover up when information is not immediately watch too much TV

  27. Ed, this is a local issue. It's not part of some huge government coverup. Come out of your basement. You need some fresh air.

  28. "Geez Ed, maybe they made no mention of it because A) the person was not dead yet B) the family had not been notified C) there was an investigatory interest in omitting that fact."

    Read Mary Carey's press release in its entirety.

    No mention of anyone being injured. At all.

    A: Current status of victim is irrelevant to that of 12 hours earlier, i.e. "seriously injured & transported."

    B: If the APD can't notify at least one family member within 12 hours, they are either incompetent or not trying.

    B1: Mentioning the heroic efforts of AFD (i.e. rolling double crew) may give some comfort to survivors.

    C: There is an investigatory interest in not mentioning PI?!?


    First, if you don't have the vehicle by now, you aren't going to find it without a tip. It's hidden in someone's barn, one guy up in NH actually buried his truck.

    Demolishing a bus shelter will be met with nonchalant indifference in many quarters, while seriously injuring someone won't. If the truck Larry has pictured is "the" vehicle, there'll be forensic stuff like paint transfer between the metal of the shelter debris and the truck. That's conclusive -- what you need is the public's help in putting an operator into the truck.

    If there is a fairly accurate description of the vehicle, having the right description out there helps. I've seen "pickup truck", "SUV" and "F-550" -- three very different vehicles, as the F-550 is neither a "light" truck nor can be registered with a PAN plate. (PAN GVW limit is 6,000 lbs, F-550 *empty* is over 7,000 lbs.)

    Second, in the absence of official information, rumors will fly and create even worse problems for you. you'd think perole would know this.

  29. "Ed, this is a local issue."

    No, violent crime in any college town is a national issue.

    It's not part of some huge government coverup.

    Tell that to the parents of Jeanne Cleary...

  30. One other thing: Remember the search for missing Warren Lifeguard Molly Bish?

    Well a hunter found her bathing suit in the woods, but thought nothing of it because it was blue -- and lifeguards wear orange swimsuits. (And yes, it is not uncommon to find clothing in the woods, but I digress.)

    And it took a couple years for the authorities to learn about this because they hadn't told anyone her swimsuit was blue. Maybe there was a legitimate reason not to reveal that, but to keep secret the fact that someone was injured in a hit & run?

  31. Ed! Ed! Ed! They didn't keep it a secret. It was all over the news (MassLive, etc.) soon after it happened. And yes they mentioned someone was (at the time) injured. Perhaps if you leaved remotely near here you would know that.

    Don't you have a life?

  32. And yes they mentioned someone was (at the time) injured.

    No, they didn't.

    "They" had a spokesman, her name is Mary Carey, she issued a press release.
    Read it. No mention of PI.

  33. Clearly ed has no life and his cognitive functions are in decline. So please be kind to ed!something terrible happened to the man and he won't stop until he gets what he wants! Unfortunately we don't know what he wants and I think he has forgotten. Same thing happened to my grandmother....very sad.

  34. Clearly reality is an illusion and facts are irrelevant.

    Black is white and wet is dry.

    Oh Brave New World!

  35. I would have had no problem had Mary Carey issued at least part of this on Monday morning.

    Fact is, she didn't -- then.

  36. ed
    please leave amherst alone...we don't want don't want us......
    if so interested in amherst why don't you visit....
    you are a sick man.....

  37. Gaslighting will not silence me.

    Amherst is entering its death spiral.

    I shall enjoy watching it go down....

  38. Gaslight? I loved eating at the Gaslight.

  39. Ed if you ever visit amherst....I know it's a long bus ride....but if you ever visit let us know so we can meet your bus!

  40. Anon 10:23 -- nothing can upset me tonite.

    PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. why hasn't the owner of the vehicle been identified? Was it stolen? Why haven't those details been released?

  42. Edward, Once again you prove to be a dolt. Let the cops do their job. You screamed about transparency, racism and cover up about the murder = 2 arrested later on. You moaned about the home invasion for similar reasons = 1 arrested and investigation continues. You again show you have no idea about how the process works in this crash. You ever consider that silence or the releasing of very little or redacted information is for a reason? Another poster gave you a list that, as retired LE, I agree with.

    Let me pose this theoretical situation: Bus A is involved in a crash. A person or person(s) die or were seriously injured as a result. Bus A flees and is found (known to LE but maybe not public). Bus A is a Peter Pan bus (empty at the time of crash passengers wise). You think Peter Pan knows or can find who is driving that bus? Yup. They most certainly can. Even if a private passenger car the operator can most likely be found. Those registration tags and VINs can be a real thorn in a criminals side you know.

    Start plastering the net with information that 10 are dead/injured and it won't be long before Peter Pan and their driver or the criminal citizen know the severity and will start protecting themselves thus HINDERING THE INVESTIGATION. If the cops can get to the driver maybe they learn that he has no idea that he hit a person(s). Happened 1000 times before (dropped cell phone/coffee, drifted off to sleep, was texting, thought it was a deer/wildlife, etc). Maybe the cops have in this case and the DA is considering charges given the circumstances. If you RUSH mistakes get made. If they have nothing they will ASK and put out to the media (they do generally as a rule to entice unknown witnesses to come forward).

    In my career I have also been a party to a few substantial investigations where the press and social media released inaccurate information which really put roadblocks in my way.

    I understand that society is impatient and wants everything 2 minutes after it happens. Patience. If you hear noting in a month or two (maybe more if forensic science is involved) then start asking questions. Instant gratification society and solid investigative techniques cannot coexist.

    You go all chicken little too quickly.

  43. You think Peter Pan knows or can find who [was] driving that bus? Yup. They most certainly can.

    No company I've ever driven for (including UMass) ever could. They may know who was supposed to be driving it, and may have a pretty good idea who was, but they don't know with certainty. Even if they have a CCTV that captured the driver leaving the yard, that doesn't mean he/she/it was driving it later.

    Case in point, the VT cop who had his cruiser stolen off the side of I-89 earlier this fall. An extreme example, but it proves my point: vehicles do get stolen.

    There is also a lot of unauthorized use -- everything from moving someone else's truck because it was blocking yours to the boss' teenaged son (who doesn't have a CDL) going joyriding. And I'm talking reputable companies that would be cooperating with the police if anything happened, although I do know of others, that, ummm....

    Even if a private passenger car the operator can most likely be found. Those registration tags and VINs can be a real thorn in a criminals side you know.

    You may be able to bully someone into saying something incriminating but ownership of a vehicle does not mean operation.

    And one question: Who guards the guardians?

  44. This is the most violent gruesome murder I have heard of in Amherst in my 50 year life-the victim was a firefighter in NoHo-someone who CARED about and saved lives-unlike this lawless renegade hit $ run criminal-I would think with all this carnage-the fact he fled-he knows he's in deep right now !!

  45. Any video cams in the area?

  46. Is their any update on this. Did they find the person responable for this horriable issue?? I hope they do catch the person and my prayers go out to the family.
