Friday, November 18, 2016

Kickin' Kurt Strikes Again

Kurt Geryk, age 51, stands before the Judge

It's been a bad week for the Geryk household. 

On Monday night Amherst Town Meeting killed the $67 million school building project almost singlehandedly hatched by (former) Superintendent Maria Geryk that would have somewhat salvaged her legacy in spite of the $309,000 she coerced out of the diffident Amherst Regional School Committee three months ago.

Just as President Obama's legacy is already somewhat under a cloud because you-know-who became President instead of the anointed Queen.

Over the weekend Geryk's often volatile but always behind-the-scenes husband Kurt was arrested for assaulting a church door, messing with the last guy on APD you would want to get physical with -- Lt. Gabe Ting -- and even somewhat assaulting a Catholic priest.

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Tuesday Kurt Geryk accepted the somewhat standard plea deal for this somewhat unusual incident:  Count One (Assault & Battery) was dropped and he was found "responsible" for Count Two (Trespassing), but it was diverted to a civil rather than criminal complaint. 

He was fined $100 which he paid immediately (probably out of the $309K).

Click to enlarge/read
Click to enlarge/read


  1. I don't understand. Why was the assault charge dropped? And why such a small fine?

  2. They always drop one of the two, usually the first one listed just to get you to accept the deal and stop clogging up the judicial system.

    Fines are always in the $100 range except if someone is charged under the "noise/nuisance bylaws" where the fine is $300.

  3. Not surprising at all.

  4. I would like to see him fined just because.. but that's just me. It is good to see him acting out irrationally in public. I WONDER WHAT THAT THE CHURCH DOOR DID TO HIM ! and yes I'm not craziness enough with Kurt's issues to post my name !

  5. alright, after seeing this I've got to wonder- was it the SC members that caused Ms Geryk emotional distress (as she claimed) or her husband? After all, I'm assuming many SI have to deal with difficult individuals in their professional lives. This incident is bizarre. Hope the kids are doing ok...It sucks to have messed up parents.

  6. Just seeing the Nit-wit in court is worth it! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA......

  7. I see by your reference to the Lt. that you promote police violence. I suppose you are against the black lives matter movement also. Shame on you Larry. I always had more respect for you than this.

    1. Seriously a minority police officer is protecting a church, the priest and the groundskeeper against an irrational acting white,person and,your swing it to pro police violence and BLM. Honestly anyone acting as portrayed in court records would have expected intervention possibly physical restraint. Relating this to a racial issue is dishonoring the real problem that often gets displayed in our country. I know Gabe no way would he put his hands on Krazy Kurt unless it was necessary for the safety of others. Maybe the Geryk's will invest the 309,000 in a lawyer to sue the town for even more money... sounds,like it us right up their alley.

  8. Nice, succinct parting shot, there.

  9. Look, I'm no fashion diva, but Kurt is probably the worst-dressed person Larry's ever taken a picture of at court. The leprechaun tie, the running sneakers, the oversized pear green blazer, the 80's hairstyle. Though he does look like a younger Greg Kinnear, I must admit.

  10. Martin Luther did this too- 600 years ago-Kurt Gerky's got " True Religion " - the dogma mantra of the teachers union booster clique-that all " Robin Hood " style highway robbery -is " For the kids " - Our Bad !!?$&@

    1. Larry this must have been highlight for you. I know there us no loved lost here.

  11. Interestingly enough it was the first time I ever laid eyes on him.

  12. At least he made an attempt to look respectable for once. It must have really pissed him off to have you there taking his picture.

  13. I'm sure it did. The Gazette mentioned the incident as well but since they never attend court, no photo.

  14. 1: Isn't it a sin or something for a Catholic to assault a Priest?

    2: Why wasn't Kurt charged with assaulting an officer?

    3: And most interesting: Why no inquiry into Kurt's mental health?
    UMass undergrads get carted off to the psych ward for far less on a daily basis.

    Larry, I say this as a Protestant: I've yet to see a Priest who wouldn't find time for someone who needed him, and most of them are far better at the mental health stuff than the mental health folks.

    It appears that Kurt was initially let into the church -- what happened next?
    What did Kurt then do? What were the underlying issues? And as the Newman Center was open at the time, couldn't he have gone there?

    For all the wild (often maliciously slanderous) speculations about people being mentally ill, here is a case where an individuals documented overt physical acts give cause for concern. Kurt DID things -- and he's not even sentenced to anger management (not that I've ever seen it do muck good...)

    If we, as a society, are going to subscribe to the "Chicken Little" theory of Mental Illness, then why is nothing being done about Kurt?!? Under the theory of "Cognitive Aggression" (which I consider to be bullshite), he's defined as being clearly dangerous and inexorably progressing toward homicide, i.e. "the next 'Virginia Tech shooter'."

    Notwithstanding that paranoia, Kurt has clearly crossed a line here, and could have been facing a lot more charges had priest & police been so inclined. Why is he not being given the "help" he so clearly "needs"?

  15. "Fines are always in the $100 range except if someone is charged under the "noise/nuisance bylaws" where the fine is $300."

    Because hitting people and breaking things (that aren't yours) is so much less serious than noise.....

  16. And one other thing: "Cute, Kurt, cute -- this little stunt was really cute.

    1. Not to speculate-but Kurt's marriage dynamic may be under real tension with all the publicity to Maria's actions-he well may have a legitimate issue that any plea to help was underserved by the Church laizze-faire response dynamic ...

  17. And Larry can find joy in someone else's pain, as he so often does. Tells us all we need to know about you Larry. What a sad man you are, very very sad.

  18. Kurt has been a major pain (in the ass) over the past six years or so. But no,his demise --or even Maria's -- brings no joy whatsoever


  19. his demise --or even Maria's -- brings no joy whatsoever

    Hard to tell by your manner of coverage, Larry. You have seemed to take great joy not only in witnessing Maria's demise but in inciting it.

    1. Someone had to do it . It wasn't gonna be you.

  20. The Gazette actually (sort of) beat me to reporting on this incident so obviously it was newsworthy.

  21. Men with butterfly nets seen on Applewood Lane....

  22. "The Gazette actually (sort of) beat me to reporting on this incident so obviously it was newsworthy."

    Damn right it was -- when was the last time a member of the clergy was assaulted by a parishioner? And wasn't Ting the officer who got the APD to "pass the hat" and buy a new bike for the boy whose bicycle was stolen a few years back?

    This is a hell of a lot more newsworthy than some UM student arrested for a loud stereo.

  23. Sure Larry. Keep telling yourself you don't salivate when others are in pain. That's why you walk around with such a pleasant expression on your face. Yes, you really are a joyful man, especially when you can berate and bully those you don't like.

  24. Well at least Kurt always had the balls to harass people using his real name (mostly).

  25. Yep, and there it is folks, go right for the vulgarity and force, classic bully moves. I guess with you it's been there so long there's little chance of anything else when someone sees who and what you are, and calls you on it.

  26. Larry, when was the last time someone was trespassed from a church?

    Yes, I think this was newsworthy.

  27. Apparently Facebook does not, as they took down my link and suspended me for 24 hours.

    1. So, Kurt reported you again?

    2. So Zuckerberg was talking abt you with the false news stories.. wow your super famous now. What happens when they find the report truthful.. do they suspend the whiner for false reporting?

  28. I don't get the Facebook problems you've been experiencing lately. Do they give you a notice about being suspended? What do they say?

  29. Yeah that's my guess.

    Why not? Worked the first time.

  30. And to think people are worried about Trump (which I certainly am) restricting free speech. Facebook is worth more than most countries.

  31. It is so petty sounds just like Krazy Kurt

  32. Laura: They just say certain aspects of my posting ability has been suspended for 24 hours. And they took down the Kurt story almost immediately just prior to sending me the message.

    I can still give a thumbs up to anyone, post a comment or drone shot or any other kind of photo just as long as I do not try to post a link back to my blog.

    In other words my Blog has been temporarily suspended. And I ran a Google scan which showed my Blog is malware/virus free (which it has been for 10 years). And I ran Sophos anti-virus on my laptop (which is a Mac) and it showed virus free.

    So I'm pretty sure they are considering some of my NEWS stories, "harassment".

  33. File a facebook complaint and see what they say. Make sure they know you have a permit to photograph in court.

    Is Kurt on any kind of probation because of this? (Like the UM students are.)
    In that case, a complaint to the judge might be appropriate.

    One other thing-- Facebook has been burned on fake news, and there has been a LOT of it -- they may just be dumping everything.

  34. Sounds like you need one of your friends to post the link in the comments, again.
    But most likely nobody wants to get harassed by Kurt.

  35. Shameful this lout would attack Fr.Smegal, a great asset to Amherst. Kurt, please stop wearing jackets,since it will be very hot where you are going.

  36. Larry, the issue is the selectivity of your coverage -- it shows your bias in bold relief. How do you explain that when the spouse of a former school official kicks a door, you are right on it, but when a former police chief is found to have hundreds of unsecured guns on his property, you are completely silent? This is the same man who accidentally discharged a loaded weapon during a gun safety training, the same man who pointed a gun at someone while under the influence of alcohol, the same man who was connected to a gun event where a young child died tragically. You present yourself as a champion of public safety. Which person presents a greater danger to the public?

  37. Well geeze Nina, if you were paying attention, a " jury of his peers" recently found him innocent of the charges.

  38. Nina,
    The blog title says only in Amherst. Pelham can report on their own issues. And before you say anything about the parent banning, it was brought to Amherst by the parent because it was a Regional issue.

    I don't care if Geryk is the spouse of the former super. If someone is trying to kick in St. Brigid's door, in the center of town, I fully expect Larry to write about it. If he reported on it and it had been a student we'd have people saying he's anti students.
    Kurt has some serious anger issues that only his victims knew about in the past. It's about time that APD has arrested him.

  39. Yep.

    Nina is a schools cheerleader (and former employee) so she's a tad biased.

    Over the past 5 years during Maria's dictatorship I have had at least a dozen folks report to me abuse from Kurt simply because they voiced criticism of his wife, the highest paid PUBLIC employee in town.

  40. School nuts write intelligence insulting letters to the Gazette propounding that the school board is proper to " just ignore" open meeting state laws because " it is for the kids" is maybe pocketing half a million dollars due to fastidious adamant union held dogma- unbiased ?!$&@ Where do the union boosters get off on all this ???!$&@

  41. "Over the past 5 years during Maria's dictatorship I have had at least a dozen folks report to me abuse from Kurt simply because they voiced criticism of his wife, the highest paid PUBLIC employee in town."

    Well, he's now been convicted -- it's not what he might do but what he had been documented as having done.

    So, what is going to be done to get him the "help" that he so clearly "needs"?

    If he were a UMass student, he'd been carted off to the psych ward long ago -- AFD records indicate that UMass commits upwards of three students a day. We have a "Chicken Little" paranoia about anyone who is different, and yet here we have real, documented, proven acts of violence.

    If we believe in carting people off to the psych ward, Kurt clearly would be a prime candidate -- so why isn't this being done?

    Conversely, if we are going to respect individual rights and such, why are we carting off so many undergrads?

  42. Sorry folks who may think otherwise but Father Smeagal is anything but a good kind hearted priest. I know--I am a parishoner who he refused to baptize our child--he said baptism is not a miracle--He expected to see our family every week--pouring our pennies and nickles into his basket to support his free lancing--and castle like home--filled with all kinds of servants(of God) who wait on him hand and foot. This is a sham people--by any other name--it is a sham--tax free entity--tax free buildings both his castle and the church--and $$$ collections every single week by those who enter this church and 'p(r)ay' for a reserved spot in heaven--it's all a sham! He is not a nice man. Any priest who throws any man, woman or child out of the House of God--should find another job. He once came out of his rectory/mansion and shouted at my friend's daughter--who had never been yelled at by a man in her whole young life and was simply traumatized by the experience--all because she was climbing the tree in the front yard of the church--while waiting for a bus. A church is a house of worship--it needs to be open and left open always--all days--all the time--To get to Kurt's tantrum--Of course he was favored by the court--of course the newspaper reported--but in a limited way, his outrageous behavior because this is what they do for the rich and famous among us. I feel for Maria having to live with this kind of maniac--but I feel more for their chldren--and our children in the Amherst Schools who have been ripped off by her greed for $$$. :(

  43. To show that your coverage is fair and balanced, Larry, why don't you provide links to all your posts that subject the police department to the same scrutiny as the school department? What's that -- can't find one? Not even one in all your hundreds of posts?

    I don't think police are bad people. I just think they are human beings. Human beings make mistakes. When you have multiple human beings in an organization making multiple decisions, the odds are overwhelming that mistakes will be made.

  44. And you should start your own Blog Nina and do nothing but point that out.

    I'm sure Kurt would love to work with you on that.

  45. Didn't Kurt plea "guilty"? THAT MEANS HE DID IT!!!

    Nina, when the spouse of a police officer is in court for trying to kick open the door of a church, I'm sure Larry will cover that, too.

    Now, back to my initial question: What is being done to get Kurt the "help" he so clearly "needs"?

    Oh, and Larry, without a MegaSkool on her CV, Maria's potential for future employment has declined dramatically. Hence the need to get Kurt the "help" he so clearly "needs."

    1. Amherst school nuts need " help " recognizing half a million doallars to teachers union style agitators for " insult & injury is neither " for the kids education" - nor very democratic- it's run away @ taxation without representation " for a special interest clique cabals minority's agenda-just Say'n !!!?$&@

  46. Little late to the party here but this is hilarious. Goes to show you that swindling $300,000 from your fellow citizens doesn't bring happiness. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if the money that charlatan conned our schools out of ends up going to divorce attorneys and therapists after a few more outburst by this sad little nutjob. That is, if they don't decide to squander a few thousand in the near future suing APD and the church for interfering with Krazy Kurt's latest meltdown. At least this time it was directed at an inanimate object instead of a person. Those of you feeling sorry for Kurt and upset with Larry have clearly never met the former or witnessed the way he treats people. A pathetic little man.

    The Geryks are a couple of garbage human beings. In the words of the immortal Silky Johnston, "I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and nobody else." :)
