Friday, November 11, 2016

DUI Triple Dishonor Roll

The errant vehicle demolished a bus shelter and killed a man waiting there Sunday night
Bus Stop late this afternoon

So I often get criticized on Twitter for using thumbnails from Google images of drunk driving fatal crashes to illustrate a drunk driving post because it does not reflect the actual incidents I cover with my routine "DUI Dishonor Roll" series shedding light on weekend arrests for drunk driving.

But every now and then, sadly, a local incident occurs that drives home my point:  Drunk drivers kill!  Last year over 10,000 innocent people.

Last weekend, in addition to the three drunk drivers APD took off the road, one still at large drunk driver screamed through town center on a beautiful Sunday night and directly trampled a 55-year-man sitting on a bench waiting for a PVTA bus.

Since the perp was piloting a commercial style heavy-duty truck and the victim was sitting, he stood no chance whatsoever of surviving.

 The Death Machine

Police have impounded the vehicle, but since it was reported stolen early the next morning, it is exceedingly hard to prove who was driving it.

About to graduate UMass student Danny Haley, age 24, was slaughtered by a wrong way drunk driver on Rt 116 in Hadley in 2012.  To this day his family keeps up a memorial


In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday all three APD weekend arrests had their cases continued until next month.

 Matthew Vasquez, age 27
Click to enlarge/read
Kyle Kitlinski, age 21
Luis Gonzales, age 21


  1. This is where fingerprints come in. Are there fingerprints on the steering wheel from someone other than the owner? Could have been stolen. Or could just be an alibi.

  2. I continue to think that there needs to be some high-profile public scrutiny in Massachusetts about the whole process of how our impaired driving laws are enforced. We are in a very narrow minority of states regarding refusals to take breath tests and what is admissible in court. A change there would require a constitutional amendment, and the debate about it would be illuminating. Our multiple offense defendants soon learn that there is a game to be played with the police and the court, and some of them get very good at it. I personally believe that at some number of subsequent offenses, especially given the challenges in proving cases, OUI, Nth or Subsequent Offense should be a life felony, N to be determined. Now there will be some amount of remorse about what we have unleashed on our highways with drivers impaired by marijuana. That problem awaits, and no one should be surprised by it.

    We all worry that we will get a phone call in which we learn that we lost a loved one at the hands of one of these pathetic drivers. The people who spend the most energy looking at our state OUI laws are those who've gotten one of those calls.

    Rich Morse

    1. As a crippled for life victim of a hit & run DWI drunk driver I lost everything-so I commend and applaud your respectfully and responsible sentiments to this crime .Thanks for keeping it REAL !!!

  3. There was no driver at the scene so this breathalyzer talk has no relevance to this tragedy.

  4. 0.07 and charged drop that case, defendant you are free to go.

  5. Not necessarily.

    All the prosecution has to prove is a driver was impaired by alcohol so the BT is super important but so is the observations of the arresting officer.

    But yes this is the type of DUI case where a lawyer comes in handy.

  6. Larry, on what basis are you stating that the unidentified/unknown operator of the fatal vehicle was intoxicated?

    And as to the .07 OUI, why isn't he being charged with being stoned?

  7. My gut. (Which is vastly experienced although a tad too large these days)

  8. Larry, a personal request: Unless/until you have "probable cause" to say it was
    OUI, please do not say it was. At this point, I don't think we know.

  9. Because do you know what happens if you get caught driving stoned? Nothing. Nothing ever happens. OUI Drugs in this state is a joke and near impossible to prove absent bad driving, bad roadside tests aaaaaand a blood draw. A blood draw is something that the cops can't get in MA for a standard case. So, drive stoned all you want. The legislature doesn't give a flying fuck (until their kid gets killed by one). Now with legal weed stand by for a shit show.

  10. Question for you Larry, do you ever take down these blog posts after a certain period of time? because some of these kids might have charges dropped or dismissed and try to move on with their lives, but these posted will only continue to hinder their ability to grow into more respectable human beings that may contribute to our society. Even after charges may be dropped or dismissed the simple act of googling their names can have desvastating impacts on their lives forever. So i'm just curious to know of your thoughts on that matter. i do think that you are doing a great job at keeping the republic informed though!!

  11. WHo cares if they beat the case or have the charges dropped? Its a matter of public record. Don't want to haver your name show up on a google search don't get arrested. Pretty simple

  12. As a crippled for life victim of a hit and run DWI drunk driver-who got off easy-I know who society prefers to criminalize and blatantly discriminate against-The VICTIMS !!?$&@ Sorry to rain on you pukes parade - catastrophic injuries from an illegally in-insured 4x bar hopper-sure turns my world upside down-People like you go liberal with invective-against the victims !!!!

  13. It's been a weeh -- any word on the hit & run?

    Two weeks, ay word on the other Ninjas and/or the resident druggies?

    Three weeks, any word on WHY the fatal shooting?
