Sunday, November 20, 2016

DUI Double Dishonor Roll

Matthew Dupont, age 38, stands before the Judge

Let's hope this weekend closes out one better than last weekend, although only one drunk driving arrest was still better than average.

But in the case of Matthew Dupont, his second offense, and with a Blood Alcohol Concentration of .23 -- almost three times the limit -- he was a deadly event waiting to happen.

And we already had one too many of those this year.

Click to enlarge/read


  1. Larry, I'll believe that fatality involved OUI when there is a police officer making a sworn statement that a specific (named) individual (a) was operating the truck and (b) was drunk.

    Technically, it would be when the person was convicted -- but they haven't even arrested anyone.

    And even if the reported-stolen truck was full of ETOH evidence, that doesn't mean anything. It wouldn't be the first time that a drunk driver left the keys in a vehicle (or even left it running -- I've seen that happen).

    But we don't even know if there was any ETOH evidence found, do we?

    1. Ed- Don't fall off Santas sleigh for the holiday blues-Rudolphs got a Cherry red nose - time for a breathalyzer !!!?'

  2. 12 years ago?

    How many other crimes look back that far for prior offenses?

  3. Anon 1203: all of them. Your adult criminal record doesn't just vanish...

  4. And the first thing an officer asks Dispatch about a driver is their criminal background.

    I'm always slightly amazed when I hear them respond, "18 on the adult, 6 as juvenile."

  5. Funny Thing - to the DWI drunk driver perps- they are never guilty-just pissing off the blues to the bar piano man- let me ask-why are crippled for life disabled victims of a DWI hit and run-guilty without batting an eyelash from your " Coyote Ugly " chic-in line for Black Friday discounts-once a year we can afford it -after all-this is how you funistas left us? Life's a party to you crookstas !!!?$&@

  6. Just 2 OUI arrests? He's got plenty of driving in front of him. Things get serious about number six!

  7. There isn't a drunk driver that's ever been guilty according to Ed.

  8. Has anyone ever seen both ed and football phil at the same time? Food for thought!

  9. Could this have helped? In MA you may ask the OCP to seal some criminal convictions. The OCP is the Office of the Commissioner of Probation. You can ask to seal a CORI as follows:

    Misdemeanor: 5 years after you were found guilty OR after any jail or prison time. The count starts from the later date.
    Felony: 10 years after you were found guilty OR after any jail or prison time. The count starts from the later date.
    Sex offense: 15 years after you were found guilty OR after any jail or prison time OR after you no longer need to register as a sex offender. The count starts from the later date. Sex offenders that are Level 2 or Level 3 can’t seal their convictions.

    1. Let's remember for the maimed-mutilated-dis-figured victims of DWI criminals-the " Criminalization " of resulting disability and attending socio-economic discrimination nightmares-has no such " get lucky" end in sight- social Darwinism wins the day-just look at Ed's crocodile tears-dished out everyday a victim negotiates society !!?$&@

  10. Folks, exactly what is the name of the allegedly drunken driver who caused the downtown fatality?

    Don't accuse me of denying the validity of an allegation that hasn't even been made yet.....

  11. Has anyone ever seen both ed and football phil at the same time? Food for thought!
    Has anyone ever seen both ed and larry together
    Has anyone ever seen ED anywhere?

  12. With UMass off for a Thanksgiving Week Break... Amherst is a ghost town!

  13. Do you only post the weekend DUIs? Wasn't there another DUI arrest at the intersection of Northampton Road and South Pleasant? Wednesday I think it was..

  14. The Holiday Blues posit us such a conundrum...folks get shitfaced as they attempt to avoid life and disagreeable folks/relatives-when they do drunk driving DWI and trash somebody else for life-put them in a wheelchair-they don't want to live with that-either- of coarse-they open minds and wallets(Yours-the handy taxpayers) for "Treatment" so the MAIMED VICTIMS don't get driven to drink-by them..spoiling the holiday long distance re-unions at which they find victims in wheelchairs healthy targets for un-P.V. impolitic blowhard about "Disabilities"..Must be nice..Happy Holidays-If you drunk-don't the watermelon crawl..and YES.. have a good time..the fruitcakes got RUM...enjoy that-stay safe..!!
