Monday, November 14, 2016

And The Children Shall Follow

ARHS 12:30 PM

Following suit with protests across the country about 1,000 Amherst Regional High School and Middle School students walked out of school today at 12:30 PM and marched to Amherst Town center for an anti-Trump rally on the common.  Well, many of them made it that far.

The weather was a perfect late fall day with plenty of sunshine with temperatures in the low 60s.  And plenty of Amherst police were on hand to do traffic control all along the way.

Amherst of course overwhelmingly supported Secretary Clinton by a ten to one margin over Trump 12,374 for Clinton to Trump's 1,250.

 Most of them made it to the Town Common

Although the vast majority of  these protesting students were not old enough to cast a ballot on November 8th.

But four years from now they can make their voices heard in the most American way possible.  As happened last Tuesday.


  1. Soooooo...Where were these dearies....purporting democratic interest-when Kippy Fonsh...Appy..and Maria Geryk were gutting the Amherst schools..with Ms Gardner...etc ??? I think if I were a college administrator scanning admissions packets for "Civic involvement"...fostering competent-responsible school administration and democratic policies..would be truly "Uber Gifted Wunderkinden" material..of course..being led by the nose and intimated about free speech by the teachers union..carried the day..our community/schools demographics bad..just say'n...!!!!

    1. Six o's in 'so.' What a writer.

    2. I was there yelling Trump, Trump, Trump!

    3. I thought it was "...Shall Lead." No?

  2. Replies
    1. God forbid they stay in school.

    2. The best part of all that's happened in the last week? Hillary Clinton is Not My President! Not Anyone's President!

  3. Ed, we know that's you. It's easy to spot because it's nonsense.

    1. It's nice that you liberals are in favor of Democracy. Thank you for supporting free elections and accepting the results thereof. We're all so proud of you!

    2. I'm begging you: get some help for your Ed obsession.

  4. Sarcasm requires its own special font.

  5. What happens to them when they leave "Cuddleville" and they must deal with the real world? Mommy, Daddy(?) and all of their leftie teachers will not always be there to support their "causes." No more dollars for Amherst Schools!

  6. What happened to those who did not participate in this nonsense?

    1. The teachers union believes non - union sponsored dogma is not " Uber Gifted Wunderkinden " as such- dissenting students do not " tow the union line-hook-and sinker" they will learn a lesson in " Realpolitik" when union teachers advisors fail them at Ivy admits- what corruption-sick-sad-world,these students demonstrate one thing-they know which side their bread is buttered on-how un-democratic values!! Just Say'n !!!?$&@

  7. I assume signed permission slips were required.

  8. That is a great question. And I wonder how much peer pressure was brought to bear.

  9. Yes Anon 5:01 permission slips were required and even then some needed follow up phone calls to parents to verify they actually signed the slip.

    1. Where do said permission slips now reside?

  10. Actually, I'm a student at ARHS and permission slips were NOT in play at all. It was student organized, though approved by the administration. It was a safe place and students who didn't attend were not made fun of- most likely it was for academic reasons or simply because they didn't want to. THAT WAS OK

  11. I heard that Phil the super King Hero was there sticking up for truth justice and the american way

  12. Safe place. Funny! The ones who need a safe space most are those who support Pres.-elect Trump.

  13. Love how these libratards indoctrinate their kids to support Hillary. These kids need to have a civics class added to the roster so outside of the myths their parents tell them, they can learn how the elections work and how the Consitution works. America has spoken and we have a new President. Clearly, no one told them.

  14. Yes, permission slips are needed to make it an excused absence. Mom's permission kind of takes away from it being a bold move to walk off campus in protest though.

  15. Whenever this blog gets to the issue of schools and Amherst teenagers, there's cascade of--anonymous, of course--comments disparaging "kids today". Mostly written by my fellow 60's/70's burnouts who in lieu of a hobby troll this blog, they assume our own time was a kind of golden age when we always made proper decisions, learned the value of hard work and the dollar, and respected our elders. Yeah, right. Kids today (I have two teenagers and have teenagers in my house frequently) are more well adjusted, make (largely) better decisions, treat each other much better, and have a much more sophisticated sense of how the world really works than we did. I just turned 60 and I hope I never turn into one of these cranky old farts who love to present a wildly revisionist history of their own upbringing in order to disparage today's Amherst teens. Wanna skip school and protest an election? Ok by me. Wanna feel ten years younger? Get to know an Amherst teenager.

    1. Well said Nate! Lots of haters on this blog.

  16. In my experience, ARHS kids definitely know how to think for themselves. Just because they don't reach the same conclusions that you do doesn't mean they didn't reach those conclusions on their own. They are influenced by their community and by the media, of course, but so is everybody.

    People who are taking to the streets in the past week are not necessarily saying "I don't accept the results of this election." They might be, but they also might be saying things like "I don't accept the violence and harassment that has taken place in the wake of the election" or "I feel strongly about issues like climate change" or any other number of opinions that they want to give voice to. They are serving notice that they are not going to back down and remain silent when they see bad things happening.

    To 6:55 pm, if you feel that it's okay to use the suffix "tard" on a word, why don't you put your name on your post? If that is defensible language, you should be able to own it proudly. The fact that you use it anonymously suggests that you know it's shameful.

    1. As minors it would remain the legal opinion of the court the schools/ teachers union must accept all responsibility for a legally dubious action-and for pressure-intimidation of participants freedom of speech and action-undue influence was a direct consequential product of this act-that is what @legal" tells select board for counsel !!!

    2. What Are they "saying?" I wanted to leave work to protest, too. My boss was having none of it. I do think that calling people "haters" is rather hateful in itself. But that's a subject for another day.

    3. The President himself has called for acceptabce of the election outcome.

    4. And as for name-calling, we had to put up with "tea-baggers." You'll have to put up, too. That's what half the country has to do: put up with the other half.

  17. Go Canes!!! Time to stand up!!!

    and the rest of you define the word "curmudgeon."

    1. Actually, the time to stand up was Election Day.

    2. Not curmudgeons. Protesters.

  18. Well they are too young to decide or vote (aka 1/300,000,000th of a decision in this case).

    1. I hope the popular count soon has the votes of those immigrants who came in illegally and the dead people vote extracted. Trump will most certainly be the winner of the pop vote as well as the E. College. Stay tuned.

  19. So the truancy laws are no longer enforced in Amherst?

    What ethical/moral right does the Town have to insist the UMass students obey town laws when its own students fail to obey state laws?

    If they'd waited a few hours and done this after school, I'd respect it. Not agreed, but respected it. But this was criminal truancy.

    Larry, I don't care if they were protesting Donald Trump or the Designated Hitter Rule, they are required to be IN school and preferably learning something. which they weren't -- or will they be making up those hours on Saturday

    And to those who want to claim that this was somehow "educational", answer this: What if they had ben protesting President-Elect Obama, circa 2008? How would that have been different?

    So Orwell's "three minute hate" has been expanded into an afternoon's indoctrination. At taxpayer expense unless all fac/staff weren't paid for those hours.

    And to those arguing "free speech", answer this: what if their message had been the exact opposite? What if the students, completely of their own initiative (right...), had instead formed a Klan Chapter -- and had been permitted to walk out of school for a Klan rally???

    Legally, there is no difference.

    And to those of you who say "they wouldn't dare", please have the courage to admit that you are fascists. Were you truly "liberal", you'd be respecting (and defending) the right of others to express those opinions you consider most vile.

    Well, the middle shall soon cease to hold, word is Ben Carson at ED, which will be a wakeup call to Amherst in dimensions unimaginable.

  20. "People who are taking to the streets in the past week are not necessarily saying "I don't accept the results of this election." They might be, but they also might be saying things like "I don't accept the violence and harassment that has taken place in the wake of the election" or "I feel strongly about issues like climate change" or any other number of opinions that they want to give voice to. They are serving notice that they are not going to back down and remain silent when they see bad things happening."

    And when those of us on the other side start doing the same thing, you'll have the Wiemar Republic, Part Deux.

    Nina, don't think for an instant that there aren't those of us with different opinions (we won the election), that we don't feel strongly abut our opinions, or that we don't have baseball bats too.

    Nina, we aren't going to back down either, so you either have a full-fledged civil war or you have rules. Do not think that one side will continue to observe them indefinitely while the other violates them with impunity.

    And don't think there isn't another side, silently seething...

    1. Climate change? Yes it has happened since the dawn of time. You can't change it. If you think you can, or should, then Why? Is there some magical ideal temp at which you think the earth should exist? Really? What is it?

  21. "Rather than concerns about costs, Brewer said, she observed a vote that was made by people who didn’t trust the school administration, the School Committee and the process."

    I can't imagine why....

  22. I wonder if they would have walked out when Bill Clinton was playing around with cigars in the oval office?

    1. He was an abuser of women as sitting President. Great guy though, huh?

  23. Would this be the Superintendent's Daughter?

    "Organizer Abigail Morris, 16, said the demonstration was not “anti-Trump,” but was rather meant to show support for women, Latinos, immigrants, LGBTQ people and others Trump disparaged in speeches during the campaign.

    “It’s also a way of rallying social justice groups at our school – Black Lives Matter, the Women’s Rights Club and Sexuality and Gender Alliance,” said Morris, a junior. “We need to keep fighting. The fight is not over.”

    1. Miss Morris, how did Trump disparage immigrants? Legal immigration is encouraged. Illegal immigration is not? How does Trump disparage Gays? He did't take money from countries which push gays off of tall buildings to yheir deaths. Hillary does and did.

  24. "The ones who need a safe space most are those who support Pres.-elect Trump."

    Really? Aren't those the ones Drumpf was encouraging to take up arms if Clinton was elected? I think it's the rest of us who need protection against the Hate and Fear President Drumpf, and his educationally challenged, gun toting followers.

    1. Seems to me the violence all came from the left. And coming from there still.

    2. Gun toting is a right.

    3. I have fear. I have to wear my pod-people face because I work in town here where liberals abound. They have been known to attack Trump supporters. Of which I am one. So fear? Yes.

  25. This "demonstration" was a lot of crap. Those students wanted to leave school so they did and used the election as a cheap excuse for an afternoon off. Ask yourself this: If they really cared about the election and wanted to make a point, why not mass together last SATURDAY when their presence would have REALLY been above reproach and their motivation would not have been questioned. I'll tell you why. Because it would have interfered with THEIR day off... it would have been a sacrifice of their free time. This whole thing is so laughable. The students have learned well from their politically correct, phony-baloney parents. Pay lip to service to real issues and only give the appearance of caring. Never make a real sacrifice or take a difficult stand out of true personal courage or guts. Just "look" like you are a good person, never actually be one. Yes, you are the future... and it is a poor future indeed.

  26. Ed, i don't think you are silently seething. You don't do anything silently.

    1. Again with the Ed attacks. Please give us a break, willya?

  27. "I think it's the rest of us who need protection against the Hate and Fear President Drumpf, and his educationally challenged, gun toting followers."

    Keep this crap up and we'll give you something to actually worry about.

    1. Define the hate you accuse Trump of having.

  28. "Just "look" like you are a good person, never actually be one. Yes, you are the future... and it is a poor future indeed."

    What's worse is that they only know what to think, not how to think.

    My favorite was the honors student who proudly proclaimed her support for gun control, but couldn't think of any reason why -- when pressed, the best she could do was state that she thought that "guns are yuccky."

    My challenge to all of the anti-Trumpers, including those of you who consider yourselves educated, is this:

    1: What are the powers granted by Article I of the US Constitution, and to whom?

    2: What are the powers granted by Article II of the US Constitution, and to whom?

    3: Why is the "to whom" relevant?

    Even though the third question pretty much answers the first two, my guess is that there wasn't a single one of those students who could answer any of them....

    1. I don't think the Amherst schools are teaching the US Constitution. A shame. Students have to educate themselves in this regard. And where, exactly, do you think your unalienable rights come from? Many think the government grants them. They're not teaching anything about this.

  29. Anon 11:08, both State & Federal law REQUIRES the US Constitution be taught.

    1. Dr. Ed, as we know, what the law requires and what he's actually followed may not be the same thing. Is there a teacher out there Who is teaching the US Constitution? I mean it is a founding document.

  30. What if the kiddies protested when Obuma won the EC while Romney won the popular vote? Follow the left's playbook of calling them racists and bigots? This is exactly the uninformed nonsense that got us where we are. If you look, it is AGAIN making our town a laughing stock.

    Thanks kiddos.

  31. Principal Jackson just referred to Queers in his statement. I was brought up not to call someone that. I know. I know. They call themselves that. And blacks use the N-word frequently. Doesn't mean it's right. Just trying to be cool, eh, Mark? So nice to have the students be your friends.

  32. Anon 6:23am: No, Ms. Abigail Morris is not the SI's daughter.

  33. DC is considering it an UNexcused absence, why not Amherst?

  34. More law lessons from ed. When does he find time to go to work?

  35. Romney didn't win the popular vote, so your example is kind of silly.

  36. ? What's your difficulty? Do you not realize that if you are in the country illegally you have no right to vote. If you are dead, your vote is fraud. And i'm pretty sure illegal immigrants and dead people vote Democrat.

  37. Judging from the photo, only 999 students walked out... one made his way to the common via unicycle. HA!

  38. The children didn't follow, they led.

    1. How so? Their walk out was far from original.

    2. Copy cats. This is leading?

  39. Trump is our President! Get used to it. What this means for Amherst,Massachusetts is they will be treated like a red headed stepchild(gender IDwill not matter). Looking forward to incessant whining,protests, and not getting their way for the next four years.

  40. So to be clear, adults need permission slips in this town to be able to live in a home or rent one, but kids do not need permission slips to leave school and protest the president and their fellow citizens' decision?

    On an hourly basis, each kids costs about $20. Yes each kid contributes more per hour to the school for 12 years than they will make each hour for the 12 years after they graduate. What a rip off....but....

    That means that if 100 kids spent 1 hour doing this, it cost the community $2000. 200 kids, $4000...per hour of waste, with permission from staff. Who was authorized to spend $1000s upon $1000s so kids could protest something they cannot change...and no one can change now. The election was a protest against these kids amd the attitudes of their families...and the solution was to disrespect all the money invested in them....perents should have done this with them after school...with no theft from the community.

  41. It's worse than that, 8:30 -- the town was responsible for those children, who were minors. Unemancipated minors.

    The town is liable to their patents should they get hurt, the town is liable to anyone whose property they damage (just like a parent is) -- it's what En Loco Parentis is all about.

    Above and beyond that, let's speculate which kids went -- and which ones didn't The students themselves said those serious about academics didn't go.

    Hence the students who were behind are now a day further behind, which means those serious about education will be held back even more...

  42. "I think it's the rest of us who need protection against the Hate and Fear President Drumpf, and his educationally challenged, gun toting followers."

    "Keep this crap up and we'll give you something to actually worry about."

    Aren't you way too old and flabby to worry anyone? Why don't you go clean your guns in traffic.

  43. You really have no understanding. The 2nd Amendment exists for your self-protection. Especially from a government which is, or becomes oppressive. Weren't the Austrian people stripped of their guns as a prelude to the horrors that followed? But you go right ahead and make fun of the Constitution. I hope sincerely that you never need to protect yourself, your loved ones or your property.

  44. What worries me is seeing crazies like you. Gun collecting hillbillies indeed. Lol

  45. Gun ownership is our right. Hillbilly or not. You must be one a them thar city slickers.
