Saturday, October 15, 2016

Party Responsibly

Sunset Avenue near Southwest

Proving that there's such a thing as responsible partying in a college town, the new Party Registration Program for off-campus UMass students is working way better than some pessimists expected. 

According to Nancy Buffone, Associate Vice Chancellor for University Relations, 35 parties have been registered thus far, five of them required a "courtesy call" from Amherst police, and of those five none required any further action of APD.

 Fearing Street

Party on dudes! (Well, at least until you get a courtesy call).


  1. In a community that accepts such, how much longer until you need a permit to have a baby? Do we want such people to even reproduce and risk speading this disease?

    And for those that thought this was over the top and that people would not comply have forgotten about post WWI Germany....people can be passionate and say stuff, but in reality there is less free will than they think. When your task master says jump, they jump.

    Also these are millenials, so it makes sense. Gen x or boomers would have laughed at such nonsense....millenials resist through intense branding and pretending companies that supply all your stuff is the enemy...and the government can solve all, soon, really it will be better soon with just a few more rules. Essentially, they are crybabies, but compliant wimps. Millenials show us how entire cultures can evolve to bend over like 75 years ago in Europe and Asia. I guess it is the cycle...perhaps the next gen will resisy bs again.

  2. In a community that accepts such, how much longer until you need a permit to have a baby? Do we want such people to even reproduce and risk speading this disease?

    And for those that thought this was over the top and that people would not comply have forgotten about post WWI Germany....people can be passionate and say stuff, but in reality there is less free will than they think. When your task master says jump, they jump.

    Also these are millenials, so it makes sense. Gen x or boomers would have laughed at such nonsense....millenials resist through intense branding and pretending companies that supply all your stuff is the enemy...and the government can solve all, soon, really it will be better soon with just a few more rules. Essentially, they are crybabies, but compliant wimps. Millenials show us how entire cultures can evolve to bend over like 75 years ago in Europe and Asia. I guess it is the cycle...perhaps the next gen will resist bs again...if they have preserved the right to do so, which is a very real maybe.

  3. Um, thanks for the blather. Smart program. Glad to see it working.

  4. Soooo...By this convoluted logic-since it is a common courtesy that if you park by downtown merchants-you pay a meter fee to avoid lollygagging..but some think it's wrong that when a "Animal house' fills the whole street with cars-drunks-druggies-sexing loud and obnoxious folks overflowing the neighbors yard-that someone-even studying for a term paper next door-have no notice ??

  5. How do you "study for a term paper"?
    You WRITE a term paper...

  6. I think it makes sense. It is like Trump wanting to register all Muslims. When you have a group that has some probability of causing disruption in organized society, it needs to be tracked carefully by government so that enforcement can begin prior to the crimes occurring. This is just basic logic, like setting a table for dinner. Qualifying to having a child makes sense too, some basic rules for such would help this issue in particular. I think most people have shown to have bad judgement, this is why we have put elected officials in charge of stuff.
