Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Party House of the Weekend

35 Tamarack Drive

Fortunately it has been a while since we had one of these.

The new "Off Campus Party Registration" joint program between UMass and APD has been very successful, but obviously it's the party hardy nitwits who don't bother to register their events and don't respond to police when they come knocking on the front door who need an attitude adjustment.

 Leonard Schwartz, age 24, arraigned before Judge Estes

Click to enlarge/read

In Eastern Hampshire District Court on Monday Mr. Schwartz showed a little more cooperation with the DA's office than he did with APD and took a plea deal where he will pay the town's $300 nuisance ordinance and promised to be a good boy over the next four months.


  1. .......and just to think -these types wax prophetic about Brownie Scouts and charity car washes...but if they intend to DWI murder you ... " Must be a poor sport" is the chip on the shoulder creme.....scrumptdelicious !!!???

  2. Worst comment yet, 6:04pm. Please stop posting nonsense.

    1. I bet you swipe kiddies trick O treat baggies !!

  3. Do upstanding, well employed, white, middle class families have to register their events too or just student scum. Can you provide a link to the details of this law?


  5. And what if you aren't UMass students?

    Seems like a equal protection issue to me.

  6. What if you live at said student scum house, and have no association with the Universities? I know town police have to run a tight ship, because of the abusive UMass party culture. I understand this, it's an image that the town and the schools are trying hard to shed, but the excessive force, blatant manipulation of the facts, and complete disregard for federal and state laws exhibited by the police that night only proves to me that it is illegal to be 24 in Amherst. This is why local young professionals and artist all move to Northampton where they are not treated as second class citizens. I don't want my town to be some battle ground between law enforcement and college aged peoples. That party ended an hour before the police arrived, and the remaining 12 guests were removed by residents in under 3 minutes. My handicapped friend was forced to leave against her health, and the police only served to hinder her on her way out the door. I watched a resident get arrested, because the police knew they wanted to arrest people. From down the street I watched as the police left, then swiftly return playing loud electronic music while they drove around my cul-de-sac several times. I then watched them enter the empty house from all entrances and shout drunkenly hoping to arrest a drunk naive student. It's incidents like this that make me embarrassed to say I am from Amherst, home of the police state. Larry I respect the fact that you see issues with your neighborhood/town, and genuinely try to fix them within your own power. You live in a college town and rather than pack up and move to a place without these issues you try to better your community. I think you are dead wrong with your approach however. The posts such as party house of the weekend, only serve to burden young people with mistakes from the past, and further the divide between young people and law enforcement. You create an us against them narrative that tells young adults that they are a problem and will never be accepted, treated, or respected, as a citizen or person, because of their age. This idea permeates into the law enforcement culture and into the youth culture reinforcing the idea that both are justified in their inappropriate behavior because that is what expectations are. Besides do you really want to end a young person's career before it starts by making a public blog post that incriminates them with a one sided story? Maybe you do. I don't know you. I just want to people to not take one look at me and already assume that I am some lying, lazy, asshole that only cares about partying. I hate prejudice, and I am trying hard not to become prejudiced against older generations that I feel discriminate against me.

  7. I sincerely hope your friend at Umass party house was not one of the ignoramuses the Umass Boltwood Project sends around to do nursing home visitations-for DWI victims-and "just doesn't get it"..ENOUGH-already !

  8. While I'm trying to understand the students post it does contradict. At one point it says they essentially are innocent of the charges but then says they shouldn't be branded for a mistake while a youth.

    BTW - 24 isn't that young! Most at that age have begun their careers or are taking their graduate studies serious enough to know where they are headed thus showing enough maturity to avoid these situations.

    When the police show, cooperate and you won't show up in a report like this or even get arrested! I know from experience during my time in town.

    1. I agree, and that is what I thought too. 24 isn't that young, and I have started my career. I also thought if the police come to your door and you cooperate fully, you will be fine. Then this happens, cooperation with the police is 100%, but the police report and then therefore Mr. Kelly don't acknowledge this. The police saw what they wanted to see. They used the words students over and over again, verbally and in their report. They saw we were college aged and assumed the worst of us. Then this information is passed onto Mr. Kelly who then reports the only narrative he has. Thus adding onto the false narrative created by the police. Now as my friend is trying to get his career started a factually incorrect story about how he is a degenerate is a top Google result for his name. Also I would like to clarify that the comment about the branded for a mistake in their youth is a general comment towards all of Mr. Kelly's party house of the weekend posts. It's not a black and white issue, and I realize while I am not 100% innocent, I shouldn't be 100% at fault and the truth always lies somewhere in between the two sides. I would just like to have my side heard.

    2. Must be nice jazzing a college princess with your knowledge of psychological disabilities of disabled DWI drunk driving victims in downtown fine dining thus despoiling a once annual Christmas reunion -you seem very " in the know" about alcoholism - YOUR PROBLEM for example-problem drinkers-seems to just escape you- what's up ??!!$&@

  9. Larry, I find the allegations disturbing, my suspicion is the APD sought to "make an example" out of some UM students who defied the party registration, and F***ed up by not bothering to check to see if he was a student in the first place.

    $300 will buy a good home surveillance system that writes to a hard drive and it's admissible in court. More realistically, it can be given to the boys at Barstool Sports or broadcast over ACTV. (Neither the town nor APD could prevent this.)

    I'd imagine it wouldn't take long for an intrepid 14-year-old to strip out .avi clips of officers "enter[ing] the empty house from all entrances and shout[ing] drunkenly hoping to arrest a drunk naive student." It would neither be long before it got to every teenager in town (if not the valley), nor before the officers (if not the entire department) became subjected to public ridicule. The careers of the officers involved would be over. Over...

    likewise, I imagine that a "handicapped [woman who] was forced to leave against her health" would receive a very sympathetic ear from either the MCAD and/or Loretta Lynch's quite anti-cop US Dept of Justice. (Anyone want to say DOJ isn't anti-cop?)
    And who knows what our loose cannon State AG might do...

    Bottom line, a municipality is defined as a "person" in Federal civil rights law, hence sovereign immunity does not apply. And how much did Maria Geryk get?
    Larry, if that allegation is true, the town would be WISE to immediately make an offer well into the "five figures"....

    And Larry, he is not a "public figure" and you've all but said he's a UMass student. If he isn't, ummmm.......

  10. "Must be nice jazzing a college princess with your knowledge of psychological disabilities of disabled DWI drunk driving victims in downtown fine dining thus despoiling a once annual Christmas reunion -you seem very " in the know" about alcoholism - YOUR PROBLEM for example-problem drinkers-seems to just escape you- what's up ??!"

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!

    That's not just a run-on sentence, it is incomprehensible.

    I've been sorting through twisted grammatical trainwrecks for nearly 30 years, and this is the first time (outside of 'word salad') that I have to give up as I have no idea what the writer was attempting to say.

    "Must" is a verb (technically an aux. verb modifying the verb that follows it, but ignore that) which means you need a noun or pronoun (e.g. "it") which usually precedes it. (It doesn't have to, but you are better off ignoring that.)

    Keep it simple: SUBJECT-VERB-OBJECT, and active voice -- "Officer Friendly wore his uniform." "To" is a preposition which means it connects a prepositional phrase to the subject, like a trailer on the back end of a car.
    Hence "Officer Friendly wore his uniform to church."

    You can't discuss his marital status, sexual orientation or relationship with the Chief in that sentence! Beyond that, thank you for making my student's writing look not quite so bad....

    1. You students don't write -Word Perfect write's for a writers staid you are ..' nother Umass bash this weekend ???!!!

    2. When Ed fails at morals & ethics -he turns to his " Grammer-and the bottle" pretty old school !!!?$&@

  11. Hey, home invasions are preferable to loud parties.
