Friday, October 7, 2016

A Town Gown Project

Authority Way on left, Olympia Drive right

In addition to approving the multi-million dollar ten year cable renewal contract with Comcast the Select Board yesterday also approved Town Manager Paul Bockelman's deal with UMass to pave Authority Way, owned by UMass but connecting to town owned Olympia Drive.

The town will pay $20,000 of the $84,000 total cost and UMass will pick up $64,000, the lion's share. 

The town was creating a turn around for school buses (that need to serve Olympia Oaks) anyway as well as installing a fire hydrant which represents the $20,000, and while the contractor is there anyway will pave over Authority Way.

Of course it will also help serve the privately owned Olympia Place, the newest five story student housing building owned by Archipelago Investments, LLC.

1 comment:

  1. And it will allow PVTA buses to get around there too, hitting the other two stops that used to be up there. Hooray!
