Friday, September 2, 2016

Who Shot J.R.?

Amherst Pelham Regional School Committee

Well, maybe not the equal to TVs most famous cliffhanger but this confirmation that tell-all documents will be released Tuesday at the Amherst Pelham Regional School Committee should dramatically increase viewership.

Although I doubt Maria Geryk will be in attendance.

 Click to enlarge/read


  1. By my reading of the meeting agenda, SC Chair Kent and Member Appy have apparently decided to double down on their SC malfeasance and continue to flog their dead "Union 26" horse!

    I respectfully protest any Regional School (for students grades 7-12 ONLY) Committee discussion about Agenda Item 5 "Policy BEAA: Union 26" (for students grades k-6 in Amherst and Pelham ONLY) because such unethical conduct is harmful to our children, teachers, parents, schools and community.

    The much talked about "Union 26" does not exist as a legal entity, and therefore the "Union 26" signature on Ms. Geryk's superintendent contract has always rendered it null and void. The evidence further suggests Ms. Geryk, her attorneys, Ms. Kent and Ms. Appy have been well aware of this fact for some time, but deceptively choose to conceal it!

    By our Regional School Agreement, Shutesbury has only 1 vote on the 9-member Regional School Committee and Pelham has 2 votes, even though more Shutesbury students attend Regional Schools than do Pelham students. In an effort to further stack the decks against Shutesbury and our 1 vote, Regional Chair Kent had the audacity to deceptively add 2 more Pelham Elementary School representatives to the mix, for a grand total of 4 Pelham votes versus 1 Shutesbury vote, to accomplish Ms. Geryk's, attorneys', Ms. Kent's and Ms. Appy's predetermined pay-out scheme.

    Ms. Kent's and Ms. Appy's intentional breach of our Regional School Agreement is plainly designed to misappropriate education dollars from Amherst, Shutesbury and Leverett Elementary Schools to pay for Ms. Geryk's gross negligence and violations of civil rights that occurred exclusively within the Pelham Elementary School District.

    Like it was in 1776, taxation without representation is still tyranny! Should we men and women of honor, from Amherst, Pelham, Leverett and Shutesbury, continue to bury our heads in the sand and turn a blind unjust eye to SC malfeasance, we, our children, teachers and schools, will continue to reap the distrous "taxation without representation is tyranny" consequences of the SC's deceptive and dysfunctional conduct.

  2. Who shot JR?....wasn't it all a dream?

  3. I'm too young to remember (or too old).

  4. Shays rebellion about to break out again?

  5. Common knowledge:

    Vira voted in favor of the $309K settlement in executive session, but appearst to be against it in her public grandstanding after the vote.

    Vira is hoping that: 1) the minutes will be released after the state rep. primary election next Thursday and/or 2) that her name will be redacted.

    Voters--there are 5 other really great candidates for state rep. Please choose one of them.

  6. Larry we need a post where we can discuss the upcoming September 8th primaries.

  7. TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION..this is the lesson in "Democracy" that we learn from these school union booster nutz fiasco's-THEY PLAY-WE PAY..the point is we need some accountability here-for the real good of " Education"..that very concept brings hot tears from the union clique-so what pat of " This is for the kids" does perhaps multi-million payouts-have to do with ??

  8. sup at puffton? OD?

  9. Just note the timing here..

    The SC Exec session minutes and Maria G's scary DEMAND letter will only be released well after the school district has written the check for most of Maria's payout (sent out August 31). My guess is that it's already safety deposited in her bank account.

    Nice play acting by Kent, 'it's all so confusing, and people want to redact a bunch of stuff'. My guess is that they were worried that if the documents were released on time, the hue and cry would have been so great as to put Maria's big payday in jeopardy.

    We were well played by Kent, Appy and Maria. This happened because the residents, taxpayers and parents in Amherst have let an ethically challenged, perhaps criminal cabal (looking at you Appy, Kent, Hood, Maria G) run amok inside the school district and with public funds.

    Now this gang wants to railroad in a $65 million new school project that nobody wants.

    The time has been to vote the Kent/Appy cabal off the SC. Amherst cannot no longer afford them, fiscally, educationally or ethically.

    Good Riddance!

    1. You are putting the blame for reactions on the wrong people. When the minutes are approved the truth will come out finally.

    2. The teachers union - as epitomized by longtime union boss - teacher - local and regional school committee Union " Yes " man Kippy Fonsh , etc and I'll - have been allowed to just run amok of conflict of interest laws and egregious questionable ethics over reaches for eons - this rotten fruit has become ripe & prurient with this Maria Geryk debacle !! " For the kids " - my foot - what a load of busk a !!!?$$&@

  10. Abbreviation for "what's up".

    I'm a little surprised there's been nothing about yesterday's
    "unattended death" (as tweeted by Larry) in the Gazette or

  11. Brief mention on MassLive (they also follow my twitter)

  12. I want to be an unattended death...seems best!

  13. No, actually it's not. Especially when you're only 21.

  14. Who DID shoot larry hagman ?

  15. Nobody actually shot JR was a dream.

  16. Re Anon September 2, 2:05's comment: Will the minutes at which the vote was taken as to whether to release the Executive Session minutes be released? Those minutes should show which SC members wanted their names redacted.

  17. Maria and her team--the whole lot of them, need to pay up--They need to be held accountable for their abuse of power--for their inhumanity and ignorance and for not taking a stand against this gross injustice-- banning Aisha from her own daughter's school and every single school in every single district--and all the grounds of each building--it's an atrocity! It is and always has been a clear cut case of abuse of authority--of white privilege, of white supremacy--of tyranny--of the blind leading the racist blind--of classism--elite trying to rule--but their white pointy hoods got taken down. And now to think that nearly a half million dollars will be paid out to this is incredibly f'd up. Wake the f up people--these are your hard earned dollars aka taxes--you have a voice--you need to stop this insanity instead of rewarding it!

  18. Anon 4:52: Not sure how you can say that, since it hasn't been made public what Aisha did or said to get banned from the school!

  19. 7:22 All she did was stand up to her child being bullied. The bullying was not addressed proper and escalated. Instead of dealing with it--facing it's reality, the administration fell to the racist belief that all Black people are dangerous--even Mothers standing up for their daughters. There was nothing that Aisha did or said to get herself banned. Not a thing. This was a total misjudgement on MG's part--and to see all her croonies stand behind this act is too much. They all need to be exposed for the classist racist people they are. They hurt terribly an innocent first grade child by doing this--and inflicted harm on Aisha's family that can never be repaired. This was totally a racist act--and one that will remain in denial by the powers that be. Appy needs to go away--she is complicent in this act--she is not a good person. Mazur too--and Brady is--well--when you see racism and you are in a position to stop it and you don't--well you are just as guilty as the perpetrator aka as MG. Why is she left to take the fall? It took her whole dang team to continue and support this ban--and to put Morris in charge is such a f'n farce--the blind shall continue to lead the racist blind. This is what you get. Pretty sad.
