Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Well At Least It Wasn't A Drone

Youri Thernelan, age 20

In addition to an Amherst College panty thief and a would be rapist posing as an Uber driver, UMPD also arrested a UMass student for surreptitiously photographing a young woman taking a shower.  Of course he probably should have shut off his flash if he really wanted to be stealthy.

Youri Thernelan was arraigned in Eastern Hampshire District Court Tuesday, released on his own recognizance, but must stay away from the victim (who was not identified in court documents).

Click to enlarge/read (all three)


  1. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you never spoke with this kid, never asked anything about his background, never found out about what kind of home he might have come out of. Never learned anything about what obstacles he might have overcome to cross paths with you, or what personal hurdles he still might have to jump over to make something of himself.

    Just took his picture at age 20 and stuck it up on the web for all time. And then you move on.

    In the finest blood-sucking journalistic tradition, of course.

    "Giving voice to the voiceless"....Oh, I'm sorry, that's NOT the operative Larry Kelley piety for today.

    Rich Morse

    1. Is this Soooo true ??!!! Look at the massive landslide of racist torts and threats against those who felt Greenfields Sgt Daniel McCarthy had " done no wrong " with his lowbrow racial anti lgbtq threats with a Confederate flag against gay couples black son - all preserved on Masslive !!!???$&@

    2. CORRECTION - iPhone keyboard - Should read : Look at the racist retorts against black - gay people by lowbrow supporters of racist Sgt Daniel McCarthy - big difference !!!

    3. Lefties always side with the lawbreakers. That's just another reason to be looking for a change this fall.

  2. " Your Mother Wears Army Boots" When is "P.C.- Political Correctness" going to recognize the equity of women actually NOT sharing uni-sex coffee shops restrooms with men ? As a disabled American-I waited three patrons-like 10 mins-to use the bathroom-a women arrives-Uber gacuhe and pushy-barges-cut's the line right in-ladies priviledge--three customers still waiting-after 15 minutes of rude use "powder puff girl" she emerges-I have an accident-the waiting two turn to six junior misses-the girls force the manager to apologize for my accident-they cut the line too-and I am a disabled diabetic-Victorian era chivalry is NOT dead-where's the EQUALITY-What's NOT "Sexist" about or "P.C." about-all that ??!!

  3. Why is he still a student?!?

    (The fact he wasn't ordered to stay away from campus indicates he's still a student.)

  4. Larry, that picture is from 2012 -- when he was only 16.

    While he graduated from Sharon High, he's from Edmongton,Alberta -- he's a "dreamer."

    Rich, he probably thought he'd get away with this.

  5. Sadly poor Youri hasn't discovered internet porn yet.

  6. Go to his Twitter page @ythernelan to see what he is into. Look at what he follows(shower thoughts). Guilty,guilty,guilty. Appears to be very dangerous, feel bad for the young woman, but nice to see this creep get justice. As Trump would say,'get him out of here' bye bye.

  7. Fyi he is a (waste) product of Sharon High School(MA)

  8. Yes Mr. Morse he's a nice kid, just like all the other preverts that are walking around the streets, and locked up in jail. Why don't you have him stay at your house seems like you have a lot in common?

  9. People + Cameras = Perverted interest in other people's lives.

    Evidence or he said, she said?

    Remember 20 plus years ago when we would have just laughed about this because no one was hurt?

    1. No one was hurt? D'ya mesn physically? Howzabout psychically?

  10. No, I suspect this was more about bullying & teasing the shy girl who lives across the hall.

    Something he likely thought he would get away with because (a) everyone else was doing it and (b) he's Black.

    For someone who reacted as she did (crying on the phone with her mother, after midnight), to have acted as aggressively as she did (both confronting the perp & grabbing his keys) tells me that this wasn't the first time she'd been harassed while taking a shower.

    Note how she ignored the first flash but saw the camera/phone and hand the second time. She had to either be already looking up to see this.

    My guess is that he isn't the only one who was bullying her, he just went a little bit further than everyone else. 0r maybe was drunk this time...

  11. Some of the comments are crazy! This is so straight forward. A man takes nude photos of a woman in the shower violating her right to privacy. I applaud the fast response of the UMPD! Hopefully he didn't have a chance to share them with others. It would have only been a matter of time before they were posted online for this poor woman has to live with the world violating her privacy for life.

    But I guess the perpetrators right to privacy is more important, a right he had just violated of the victim.


  12. Rich, I am surprised by your response to this. I know someone that this happened to her and it is very damaging. Would you have the same response if this had happened to your daughter when she was in college? His background is irrelevant. He is an intelligent college student that chose to do something he knew was wrong. No excuse.

    And Ed at 9:54, I say bullshit. You are basically, as usual, saying she asked for it. Of course she would cry on the phone to her mother afterwards! And she should be praised for her quick thinking to grab the keys. Damn right she was aggressive, she was probably pissed off and full of adrenaline. This isn't bullying, it is sexual assault.

    1. It's always someone else's fault eh, Mr. Morse?

  13. People + Cameras = Perverted interest in other people's lives.

    I suspect this is more a case of harassment & bullying.

    Evidence or he said, she said?

    Not this time. There likely is a time-stamped photo of him in that hallway if not hoing into the Women's bathroom. She had his keys. And if the IPhone is like every digital camera I've ever seen, it assigns a unique file name (i.e. number) to each photo, it has to know where to write the data to. And tne cops have his phone.

    At the very least, there'll be two missing between the last one he has (time/date on the file) and when the cops got his phone -- he'll need to explain this.

    More likely, even if he erased the photos (2 flashes = 2 photos, of something), it'll be possible to recover the images or at least a lot of date/time stuff. Above & beyond all of this, he may not have erased the pictures, may even have emailed them to a buddy, at which point....

    Does the IPhone let you use WiFi to save airtime like many/most Androids do? Unlike downtown, WiFi in the dorms requires a UM-network login, and OIT will have a log record of exactly which wireless modem was connected to that phone and when -- not just what floor he was on, but essentially what room he was in -- which of the transmitters he was closest to.

    Remember 20 plus years ago when we would have just laughed about this because no one was hurt?

    Phoebe Prince wasn't hurt either, was she?

  14. Rich are you in hiding?

  15. The Gazette said a man using the woods - was forced to register as a " Pervert " by his new divorcee ex - wife's lawyer -ARHS - school grounds - he was sports tutor - just Say'n - be careful what you wish for ?????!$&@

  16. Anonymous 9:54, I say bullshit. You are basically, as usual, saying she asked for it.

    The fuck I am! (I actually was suggesting this likely was an EVEN MORE SERIOUS incident than it appears to be.)

    Of course she would cry on the phone to her mother afterwards!
    Not necessarily, I've seen woman wanting to kill the schmuck, in explicit detail.

    And she should be praised for her quick thinking to grab the keys. Agreed, but how many women (or men) would know that as a means to ID a perp?

    Damn right she was aggressive, she was probably pissed off and full of adrenaline.

    See above about "wanting to kill the schmuck."

    Now as this is 3rd Floor Brett, there is something else I am not saying.

    This isn't bullying, it is sexual assault.

    Sexual assault is a form of bullying. Remember Phoebe Prince?

    1. Why do you have to say 'fuck' to make your point?

  17. I liked it better when it was "Dr ed said" doesn't matter that we know you comment all times of day and obviously don't work. It's alright eddie! At least you are not as dumb as Rich!

  18. Saying that taking a picture is sexual assault does not land well to those that have actually been physically assaulted, though it is a violation of their rights of sort. A nude body is not sex and we should not encourage folks to think so, that is childish. I personally feel that if you take a picture of anyone without their permission, it is a violation, regardless of clothes, regardless of setting. This is also not a violent crime and should not be treated as more important than when someone touches another person without permission.

    1. Nobody said its more important anon 6:12

  19. Does anon 6:12 protest too much? Interesting. What level sex offender are you?

  20. "Does anon 6:12 protest too much? Interesting. What level sex offender are you?"

    Anon 8$6PM, does this answee your question?

    6:12 has a point -- this incident was not a rape.

    The distinction I make, beyond it likely being a pattern of behavior, is that it would put a "reasonable person" in fear of being raped. Look at the totality of circumstances here -- alone, in a shower, after midnight, perp reaching up & over partition.

    Yes, I'd argue this was serious.

  21. Yes serious, like when we allow bars, you are likely to get drunk drivers. Can we move on to something important, this is a peeping tom with a new camera? Rather than a focus on this, why not focus on actual rape prevention? My sense is that Amherst has quite a few actual rapes, likely one since folks are talking about this petty incident, which likely serves to discourage actually rapists from coming forward.

    Also same reaction if the female was taking pics of the male? Of course right? Those of us who are older know that females are the sex crazed of thes sexes, men are just physically stronger.

  22. Troll much?

    Actually if the rolls had been reversed this story would have gone even more viral.

  23. I am curious what makes a troll? Is this just a comment that others don't like. As a former student, showering in those showers, sharing those bathrooms with the opposite sex, highly vested in the community, financing the university more than these students or most of their parents and being concerned about rape in this community....I feel that I am not a troll, but a community member with an opinion - one that says lets focus on rape in stead of alleged incidents. But I guess at this point, Troll is just another slur, like idiot or Jew...actually makes the person saying it look petty and thin skinned...when you are likely pretty thick skinned...but just like everyone else, it is easy to spit venom like the word Troll on line vs. discussing it.

    If such a comment is trolling, perhaps it is time for a troll festival to support the community and make it better. The trolls can stamp down the endless NIMBY's and those obsessed with petty issues, typically the same group.

    Just to be clear, my understanding of a troll is one who comments in public on line about stuff that is not really their concern or who is way off base relative to the impact to the community being written about...or reality. It kinda makes this whole blog a troll kingdom - poster and commenters...especially when older folks in the community, who are clearly very unplugged from college life, peaceful existence and fundamental economics, comment about it all the time or go Super Troll and start a whole blog about this stuff.

    Why is it trolling to bring up the actual rape issue in town vs. a petty moment that has no real impact? Why is it trolling to wonder what the situation would be if these "equal" sexes were in reverse position? Your comment makes it clear that the equal stuff is BS. Making everyone equal even if they are not is the communities primary goal! Why is it not trolling to smear this event all over the locally read internet, so that in fact, the girl has even more to be embarrassed about? When was the last time an actual rape, which is not uncommon locally due to very real community dynamics and poor parenting in the state, has been reported on this blog vs. this alleged picture taking event?

    Or better yet, the ultimate issue to avoid, what is the action item, what do we do different? The answer to that question is usually and appropriately, nothing.

    And if you do not think that people in the dorm do not know who it was and that this blog did not help to ID or even worse, all girls in that dorm are suspected of being that are off.

  24. Sorry, your comment exceeded my attention span.

  25. Me thinks anon 12:59 is a peeper that caught caught and has to register as a sex offender.

  26. Larry, thank you for your last comment, I cannot stop laughing.

  27. Two kinds of and with.

  28. Peverted peeper writes a diatribe on not identifying anyone involved! Just a bit self serving. So happy his name is out there and I'm extremely confident his victim is even happier!

  29. That was about not making it so someone was trying to ID the girl that accused him of taking the picture - his ID was already public. More a criticism of the blog for using the story to get attention and ads, but knowing that it could hurt the girl even further. The point being that this blog exposed her more than the alleged pics did. The concern was for her, but to not pretend she was raped, which a significant eternal crime. Taking a pic is pocket change in comparison, but does not make the girl something to be used by media, which has now happened.

    This was reported and apparently there are police in town that are being brought under question in the legal system....and blog commenters are the problem? Jokes on everyone. Peeping toms are nothing.
