Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

Atkins Reservoir September 4th, down 8' 5" with 80 of 200 million gallons remaining (40% of capacity)
Quabbin Reservoir September 6th, now at 85% of capacity

Proving that nothing brings folks together like the threat of catastrophe the UMass community and their host community the town of AMHERST managed to conserve vital water supplies at an impressive rate.

Although yes, beer consumption was probably up a tad.

 Townehouse Apartments 9/4:  Not much water being consumed here

Last year peak usage occurred on September 6th, a Sunday, with 4.2 millions gallons of water consumed.  This year, with the water ban in effect, town officials were hoping to keep it to 3.5 million gallons.

But we managed to keep this year's peak to only 3 million gallons of water.

UMass bathroom

Way to go UMass!

 Atkins Reservoir sandbar 8/21
Same Atkins Reservoir sandbar 9/4


  1. Way to go UMass students! Great conservation efforts.

    Thanks for the updates, Larry and the super pictures from your drone.

  2. How about a town wide rain dance?

  3. #FaucetsOnForHarambee...


  4. I highly doubt the little entitled twerps were consciously conserving water. Har, har, hardee har har.

  5. still can't find the minutes and the Geryk demand document on the ARPS site. What's the deal?

  6. I'm waiting for Ms. Kent to email them to me now.

    There were some slight changes to the minutes and she needs to get that particular document from their lawyer. Stay tuned.

  7. are you kidding me? The timeline (delaying) seems extremely suspicious on Ms Kent's part. Surely, it was many days ago that she was given the info from above about having to release the documents. Has she just asked for the letter? who is dragging this out? This is getting to be kkafkaesque.

  8. Yeah I also have problems with the lawyer handing out that particular document at the 1st executive session and then collecting all the copies at the end of the meeting.

    He does after all work for the Regional School Committee. Sort of.

  9. Larry, handing out the unapproved minutes was far worse.
