Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Drunk Meter Report

Overall AFD runs for substance abuse are about 10%, but much higher on weekends

Again this past weekend UMass came in over .50 on the drunk scale with 8 of 11 AFD ambulance transports (73%) due to alcohol overdose.  And even if you factor in the other two colleges the index would not be below my modest target range of 50%.

Drink responsibly!  Oh, and conserve water.


  1. Kinda makes you wonder why it is legal and why you get so many chances to drink and drive.

    But that is a common sense driver and we do not use this when we try and manage society, we use money.

    At least at this point, we know it is not the individuals, it is the system that is broken....part of the reason we know this is that the system worked the same before these people were even born.

    The system is clear, drunk driving is not great, but acceptable and allowed to be repeated over and over. This comment is for the last two posts clearly pointing this out, actually the 100s here clearly pointing out how flawed the system is.

    How were we able to get a rental bylaw passed, but there is nothing the town does about this? Kinda backwards, but again, it is government, thus it can only be about money.

  2. MADD points out that drunk drivers cost each American over $500 a year - in my case every cent- as a crippled for life DWI hit & run driver victim !$$$$&@

  3. So I'm curious- a private ambulance company is setting up shop in Hadley- Wondering what their goal is.. Trying to get Hadley business, or wonder if they will move in on the UMass contract when the time comes for either. With all the whining that AFD Local does publicly- I wonder if the private ambulance service will offer to handle UMass activity for a lesser dollar amount- which would equal AFD being more available for their day to day calls. AFD would still need more staffing- however less call volume would be easier to manage. Just wondering what the goal of this ambulance company is....

    Jus T Curious

    1. What private ambulance company would that be, anon 5:48?

    2. Action Ambulance

    3. Larry, it would be great if you'd do a post on the private ambulance in Hadley. Will they be taking over repose to Hadley when the contract with AFD expires? Would that include Mullins? Would they provide mutual aid for Amherst? How many ambulances do they plan to staff? Or are they just planning to provide transportation for nursing home patients? I've tried to find out without success.

  4. "reaction to cocaine." do tell...

  5. Interesting at $500 a year per person, drunk driving is 1/2 the problem of identity theft which costs people $1000 a year on average....but we could go on from there. Both of these major issues are all but ignored by those that make laws. my sense is that lawmakers don't want to be on the other side of a life sentance for stuff they and others do all the time like drive drunk. My sense is they also don't want their electronic identity ruined, as would be the case for a lawmaker that made good laws against identity theft.

    Lawmakers are the very same people that always have time to honor teachers and cops with special recognition. Drunk drivers are not a big priority for the legal system, or I should stay stopping them is not a big priority. Sorry you got stuck on the back end of obviously bad policy that no one seems to really want to change. Those that make laws that claim to want to stop drunk driving should be ashamed of their absolute failure, in your case, but also in many others. At this point the blood is on the hands of the lawmakers as much as the drunk drivers.

    1. I absolutely concurs with your sharp and astute observations on how negligent lawmakers are in obviously poo pooing the severity of drunk driving offenses - it is partially due to an overwhelming plethora of state legislatures who are career drunk driving criminal defense attorneys - our bad !!
