Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Conservation: Don't Stop!

Atkins Reservoir today. 75 of 200 million gallons remain (37.5%)
Atkins Treatment Plant goes off line September 21st meaning we will  have zero reservoirs in use

With Atkins Reservoir now down 8' 11" and fast approaching the all time low of minus 10' it's time to double down on the water ban.  Our other two reservoirs in Pelham are completely off-line and will stay that way for at least another six weeks.

 Pelham Reservoir currently off line
Hills Reservoir currently off line

Click to enlarge photos or graphs

 That red splotch keeps growing and heading our way

Even if consumption peaks at  4.2 mgd (like last year) the wells  alone can handle it (unless Wells 3 or 4 go down)

Atkins sandbar 8/21/16
Atkins sandbar 9/12/16


  1. why did they take so long to activate the pelham reservoirs?

  2. Amherst drilled a couple of wells off Teewaddle Hill Rd in Leverett - they have never been put to use - down from Atkins reservoir !!!

  3. Good work Larry this is going to big news, with no soaking rain in the forcast.

  4. This will be how the UM students fight back.

  5. We need more development LARRY. You know the tax paying kind that you constantly promote. More development and more use is just what Amherst needs. For a remedy to your thirst you can get in touch with Coca- Cola who have designs on the Great Lakes as their source. They will sell it to you for a small sum. Don't have any answers for your septic and showers though, get creative. And by all means keep building, cutting trees and destroying what little earth there is left. Conservation now Larry? I don't know excuse me I left my French toilet running.

  6. If all the folks on private water are ok and folks on public water are having constant issues, year after year and decade after decade.....since this is the same problem we are having with public schools, perhaps we should use the same solution....let the person in charge quit and pay them half a lifetime of income.

    Next problem.....

  7. Pretty dramatic photos, thanks Larry

  8. Larry we need a post about the school committee to get our motors revved up. You got anything?

  9. Yeah, that huge spike in readership during my usual slowest month of the year was pretty much all school related.

  10. When people flush and nothing happens, and when they go to shower and can't. That my friend is when they will know they have a problem.

  11. Question 2 will eliminate the monopoly held by the Geryks of the world.
    Amhest could well build a MegaSkool only to find 2/3 of its children in Charters and a big, expensive elephant to pay for.

  12. School topics always peg your sitemeter. That's why you post them.

    I wish the district would figure out a way to get people engaged in a dialogue, one that might be informative for all parties. People obviously want to talk about schools. It would be nice if there were a place that they could voice their opinions and also get answers to questions. I once programmed a community forum to be hosted on the district web site but somebody nixed it. I forget who. Too bad -- I even included a Larry-Kelley-detector in the code.

  13. So this guy walks into a digital bar, looks at the screen and says, "barkeep I need to get revved up. Can you hit me with a "double ugly rumor about the school committee"? And give me an 'I've got an axe to grind chaser. Make it snappy, huh fella!
