Friday, September 30, 2016

Catch Me If You Can

Fox resting behind Fisher House in North Amherst

The sickly North Amherst fox made yet another appearance this afternoon but managed to elude APD and Animal Welfare officer Carol Hepburn yet again.

 Come out, come out wherever you are

The cute critter has a bad leg and appears to be blind but seemed to move pretty quickly when approached and was last seen high-tailing it across Pine Street heading north. 

APD has strict controls over when they can fire a weapon and although it's been 50 years or more since exchanging gunfire with a human, mercy killing of a suffering animal is not all that uncommon.  

When they can catch it. 


  1. This animal has been in our neighborhood for years. An amazing feat of survival since it has always traveled on only three legs. Sad they are going to kill it.

  2. Why kill it? How do we know it is suffering?

  3. He has mange which is highly catchy. He's a danger to other animals. He's been in my yard, too.


    KILL IT!

  5. Nature will take it's coarse- winter's a comin - these spaz's are " killjoy's"- get a life- Fox Lives Matter # !!!

  6. Please tell me that their method of locating this poor animal consisted more than a bunch of cops and a single dog officer crashing through the woods where any animal worth a damn will hear, and smell, them coming from miles away. Try Hav-A-Hart traps and wildlife cameras. Then deliver the poor critter to one of the handful of Massachusetts certified wildlife rehab specialists. Of consider hiring a licensed hunter to do the work necessary to end its suffering. I hope this and the other Fox reach some merciful fate. Suffering in the wild is worth than death.

    Bill R

  7. Bs. mange is not catchy, almost all dogs have mange, they get it from mom, they fight it and keep it in check, like so many human illnesses we all have. Leave this animal alone. Animals and police do not mix well, police gun down around 25 dogs a day in the us, mostly in the name of the hippie's drug war ( you guys lacked a spine on that one). Canines also use their sight far less than humans understand. Blind dogs often do fine with very little help, using other senses, esp if they had sight once and can stay clear of cops.

  8. jeez, the spelling errors. i must have been pretty tired. sorry folks but you get the idea.

    bill r

  9. I'm sorry, I'm out of the loop on this. What did the fox say?

    1. The fox said " Give me a good rub down with dandruff shampoo .. chill-Dudesters !!!

  10. @8:29am: "Chaos Reigns"

  11. "Leave this animal alone. Animals and police do not mix well..." Including, many times, animals of the human kind.

  12. This fox has been in the North Amherst neighborhood for a couple of years and has survived fine without being a threat to anyone that I know of.
    The thing that scares me is not the Fox but that silly thing with a cowboy hat running around with a gun try to kill a harmless fox. If the fox is going to die let mother nature take care of it. I hope that is not the case because I enjoy seeing him in my yard catching chipmunks..
