Monday, September 26, 2016

Cable Showdown

Comcast 1st took over the  Amherst cable franchise in 2006

The Select Board will decide this evening if the final offer from Comcast for $1.125 million in one time capital payments -- up from $450,000 ten years ago -- is close enough for Amherst, although the original asking price was twice that.

Amherst Media is rallying the troops to pressure the SB into rejecting the offer in favor of their final counteroffer request made through the Amherst Cable Advisory Committee of $1.6 million. 

So yes, the battle lines are drawn a bit like moon river: wider than a mile.

Amherst Media email to supporters (Click to enlarge/read)

If the Select Board rejects the 10 year license renewal, which has an October 15 deadline, Comcast would file an appeal in order to protect their $7 to $8 million per year market and the legal battle would, according to the Town Manager. "cost the Town significant legal fees."

Temporary Town Manager Pete Hechenbleikner recommended approval when the final offer was at $950,000 and new permanent Town Manager Paul Bockelman entered the fray late but got the final final offer up to the current $1.125 million, which he now recommends the Select Board accept.

So tune in tonight before the Presidential debate for the exciting outcome on the Amherst Media government channel, or maybe I'll livestream it on Facebook.


  1. Take it! Amherst residents pay for any additional funding via their monthly bill. So if the offer is rejected and Comcast give Amherst more money we, the Amherst customer, will be paying for it!!! It's like yet another Amherst tax. Odd that the corporation is fighting to keep our bill lower.

  2. Comcast worries that when your bill gets too high you will cut the cord.


  4. Haven't had cable for a year, I miss the Town Meeting reruns. NOT!

  5. Amherst Media's demands are outrageous.

  6. Where s the competition? Why only Comcast? Invite others and see what their offers are?

  7. So are the demands of Amherst to spend $100 million for capital projects!!??
    Those people have absolutely no care for those with fixed incomes.
