Friday, September 16, 2016

Blockbuster Party

North Pleasant Street from Amity to Triangle Street became a no vehicle zone

One good thing about our lack of rainy weather is it makes for a perfect backdrop for outdoor activities -- especially on a large scale.  And in our little college town things don't get much larger than the annual Block Party.

DPW used fleet of large vehicles to close off streets

Thousands of residents converged on a safely closed off downtown to partake of our culture, cuisine and camaraderie.

AFD will miss having such a Central location (but that's about all they'll miss)

Great job by Business Improvement District and Chamber of Commerce as well as their partners AFD, APD and our DPW.

 St. Brigid's would love to see this crowd on Sunday

Birdie the 2nd had a blast.

 Caught in the act by Kevin Collins


  1. Thanks, Larry. Can you do sequential lights, going around in a circle?

  2. Chamber of Commerce had nothing to do with the Block Party, nothing whatsoever.

  3. Well, they're an advertiser (and the BID isn't)

  4. What does that even mean?

  5. Ah. truth only if you pay. No pay, no truth.

  6. Glad to see you use the patronage system of reporting.

  7. Sarah and Ann from the BID did a magnificent job on the Block Party. Kudos to them for their months of hard work. The weather gods must agree! Love the night photo Larry.

  8. So it's pay to play for Larry Kelley.

  9. Another reason to change Amherst's govt--too many fun events.

  10. Thanks Sarah LaCour for magical night. Circus was amazing. My kids loved them.
