Wednesday, September 21, 2016

And Then There Were None

Atkins Reservoir 9/21

Atkins Reservoir went off line this morning and even after the rains over the past few days was still down 9' 4"  with only 70 million gallons of water remaining from a 200 million peak.

And if not for that recent rain Atkins would most likely have been down more than ten feet, which would have broken the record set back in 1982.

All three reservoirs are now shut down, although it will still take a few days to put Atkins safely to bed so if something should go wrong immediately with one of our wells it could be fired back up fairly quickly.

Three days from now and that will not be the case.

Conserve water people.


  1. Amherst has grown so much since 1960 -Atkins just doesn't " hold water " anymore !!

  2. It should be drained completely, dug deeper (we have heavy equipment now), lined with gravel along the shore (like the Quabbin) & stocked with trout (to eat the bugs).

    All that crud on the bottom makes it more difficult/expensive to treat the water.

    As 3:07 points out, Amherst has grown...

  3. This water shortage continues to be your big Story? Nothing about the resignation of Kent or Appy being the heir apparent? I am so disappointed! I flush my toilet less now let's get on with the tar and feathering! (this is not sarcasm)

  4. Maybe if UMass paid on campus sales tax some going into local coffers, we'd have a way of paying for better water supply for their students.

  5. Maybe put some rattlesnakes in there while we are at it...
