Sunday, August 7, 2016

Construction Overview (Way Over)

UMass towers over the town

Can you tell Amherst is a "college town"?

Almost all the new growth happening now is from our institutes of higher education, and one of the reasons cited for the unusually high water consumption during July was construction projects using the public water supply to wet down work areas in order to keep the dust from flying.

But I still love the new Design Building, a signature structure along the gateway road (North Pleasant Street) into the heart of  UMass.

 Design Building (Note drone training area in center)

Physical Sciences Building (Also on North Pleasant Street)
Another Solar Canopy going over Lot 44
Roof of Fine Arts Center being prepped for solar panels
Isenberg School of Management expansion looks like it will nuke three majestic Pin Oak trees
Amherst Collge Greenway Dorms (left) look done but Science Center just started
Hitchcock Center Living Building on Hampshire College campus
Olympia Place a privately owned (tax paying) dorm near UMass is now open
Former First National Bank building being renovated for Workbar, which should stimulate town center


  1. Using drinking water for dust control is BULLBLEEP!

    What construction companies usually do is have water trucks pump from something like the Connecticut River and then haul to site where the driver then waters down whatever needs to be wetter.

    It's cheaper for the construction company to simply tap a hydrant asthey aren't paying for it. At UMass, the students wind up paying for it as the cost is shifted from the project to the larger campus.

    To do this, or permit this, in a drought where there may not be enough water for the fall is irresponsible. Folks, forget about students pissing on your lawn and think of YOU having to do so as there isn't enough water to flush your toilet.

  2. Yea lets shit on UMass,since without it, Amherst would be such a great place for farmers.smfh

  3. Another example of how Amherst is whithering away under the guidance of Town Meeting, Select Board and Town Manager. Death knell to Town Meeting!

  4. That Alpine Commons fire probably consumed a LOT of water, thousands of gallons per minute for a few hours is a lot of water -- and why the building is still standing. What the Quint alone can do is impressive.

    AFD did what it should have, but I think replacing this drawdown was your unexpected water usage.

    Any word yet on what caused that fire?

  5. Billions in construction and pennies for the host community. What's worse, a casino or a university?

  6. A casino -- you can't demand that the casino independently punish patrons the way UMass does. Lots of municipalities would LOVE to have the state build job-creating buildings in their towns.

  7. The state is taking a free ride on the backs of Amherst tax payers. The town should demand more of the state in the way of revenue. This could be be in taxes or service fees.

  8. Yes, 6:35, do that. Ask legislators whose districts are "inside 495" to send even more money out of their districts and they'll ask why they already are sending so much.

    Or instead of funding the next pay raise, they send a few dollars to Amherst. Remember that the legislature never has to fubd a pay raise.

  9. Great photos, Larry! A real public service. Thanks for the overview (literally) of these positive developments.
