Thursday, August 11, 2016

Consonance & Dissonance

 Today's Gazette (almost keeping up)

This morning's hometown newspaper front page says it all: The catastrophic implosion of Maria Geryk's 5.5 year reign as Superintendent of the venerable Amherst Regional Public Schools dominating above-and-below the fold with two dirty laundry stories on the right side, while the historic Olympic silver medal win of hometown boy and recent ARHS graduate Micheal Hixon shares the left side.

Maria Geryk before the fall

Click to enlarge/read
No mention of the $309K buyout coming out of the schools budget


  1. That does say it perfectly. Our schools turn our wonderful kids, educated by great teachers and caring administrators, who go on to do great things, despite stupidity that goes on between school committee members and the Superintendent. The wonderful kids will continue. Hoping the other does not.

    1. Rick Hood I'm sure you are so sad that your evil queen is gone

    2. Our schools turn out the occaisoonal free thinker, but most often the indoctrinated lefty with little or no diversity of thought. But then again, that's what most area parents want their kids to be. And on it goes.

  2. Nice.

    Maybe you should replace Carol Ross as PR flack.

  3. The dissonance is your own refusal to acknowledge that ARHS year after year produces great scholars, athletes, business people, etc. It's quite simply not the failure you make it out to be. You trumpet schools like the Chinese immersion charter school, but the reality is it only has 11 kids in its senior class. ARHS educates hundreds of kids per class, and does a great job of it. The proof is in the pudding as the old saying goes, and ARHS graduates go on to do great things.

    1. Yes they do but in the last eight years those great things cant involve constructively criticizing their own school system can make it better. We want our kids to go on and do amazing things and make changes in the world and make things better but we criticize them when they expect changes at home because things aren't right.

  4. Well they have only been a High School for a year or two now.

  5. Needing a re-vote is dirty laundry? Calling Aisha affair dirty laundry without any facts?
    Larry K. is the Trump of Amherst. Spews out untruths and vitriol on a daily basis that I am sure makes his small pathetic base happy. The rest of us, the silent majority in Amherst, shake our heads in disgust. Do you want to know who is truly destroying the fabric of this town, Larry? Look in a mirror. No change in government structure can fix what you are destroying.

    1. If you have an issue with this blog I would suggest you do 1 or both of two things.

      1.stop reading, there are many other blogs out there which I'm sure you would enjoy without you getting high blood pressure

      2. Start your own and write about unicorns and how perfect the liberal town of Amherst is.

    2. You totally miss the point.

  6. Don't Shoot Me I'm Only the Piano Player.

    1. No Larry. You are much more than that. This post is a prime example.

    2. I know , I know - " Momie " is Sooooo into that " Teacher " girls club click through the teachers union - this is exiting , do you gangstas ever consider you are in fact responsible to the community / taxpayer - and must stand and deliver for student 's ?? Or do you just get your panties all in a twist - at any mere suggestion to accountability -it ' problematic behaviorism - at best !!!$$$$&&@

  7. anon@755: I agree that ARHS is really good/great, has some great teachers, and administrators. I think it could be better (ie the environmental science Fr year was a bad choice, bad choice for math). The main problems in the Amherst schools are in elementary and MS (disaster). If kids had a better education in elementary (but some good/great teachers and principles) and MS (and better behavioral guidance) the HS wouldn't have to deal with so many problems and would be able to provide an even better experience for our kids. Parents are tired of having to wait for the 'great' Amherst schools until HS (hopefully that will change with new leadership at the top). Our kids (and their parents) are tired of being guinea pigs for new initiatives that come and go yearly.

    1. The admin in this town has always wanted our heads to go out and improve the world. They teach us snd expect us to stand up for injustice. Howver they don't eant us to criticize or stand up against problems in our own system. Veey hypocritical.

    2. Stand up "for" injustice? I always stood up Against it. But then again, I'm a conservative.

  8. what is the superintendent's legal claim? breach of contract? intentional infliction of emotional distress -- by baptiste and douganamy? from something they said in public meetings?

  9. Your constant bitterness, Larry, is destroying what you've built here. And, congratulations, the tone you set here is affecting a wider area of activity and debate. It's not just a blog any more, and you are playing a far bigger role than just "piano player". Nice try at the faux humility, but you really are peeing in the pool we're all swimming in. Your prominence is due to the flatness of the ground around you, especially as it pertains to news coverage, but it's still prominence.

    Rich Morse

  10. Thanks.

    Coming from you I'll take that as a compliment (sort of).

    1. I don't think he meant it as a compliment.

  11. It is easy to see, as a parent of two students in the Amherst elementary school system, which commenters on here have kids in the Amherst elementary schools and which don't. Those saying "The main problems in the Amherst schools are in elementary" (8:04AM) have absolutely no idea what is actually going on in the schools, don't have kids in the schools or haven't in years, and are making up their own reality about the schools.

    The teachers, counselors, staff, and administrators we've had the pleasure of interacting with are dedicated, hard-working, and care ONLY about the kids. My kids are IN THE SCHOOLS and so are we, nearly every day, and we see the truth. Those who say otherwise are simply making up their own idea of what is going on in those schools based on hearsay - including this blog as a source.

    Larry, sorry to say as a fan of your blog over the last couple of years, this really seems like a turning point for you. I'm curious to see the direction you choose to take, but thus far you seem headed down the wrong path. Good luck.

    1. Are you a white parent? Because as a minority parent I have had a different experience....must be nice

    2. It is nice. No doubt about it.

    3. Anon 9:06 am-You have to be a white, upper class, two parent. household to say that. Your reality will always be different. Until your kind really give a hoot about the rest of us-we will continue to be oppressed, die, and get second best-especially in public education.

    4. So what if they're white? So what if their reality differs from yours. We're All different. Again: So what?

    5. Or, as your Democrat nominee has pointed out, "What difference at this point does it make?"

  12. As always I will light a candle rather than curse the darkness.

  13. My kids love the Amherst schools. One is in high school and has had an amazing experience, and the other will be in 4th grade at Wildwood. Our family moved here, rather than Belchertown or Hadley, specifically because of the schools. We are glad we did.

  14. Larry's big complaint with Amherst schools has always been the cost per pupil, which is interesting since Larry doesn't even work. Must be nice to be a welfare case Kelley. I'm betting you didn't learn that weak work ethic from your Irish American mother. My Irish ancestors taught me how to work hard, not sit around everyday listening to the police scanner and reporting on drunks. Seems like a big strong guy like you could easily find work somewhere. Granted, most business owners in Amherst wouldn't want you since customers might recognize the whiny old man who does nothing but complain and say mean-spirited things about a lot of people, but you could probably find a job at Taco Bell in Chicopee. Then again, Taco Bell has standards too.

    So keep on whining Kelley about costs for a town in which you freely use its services but have not had a job for about 10 years. My Irish American mother would call you "just another bum living off the hard work of most of the rest of us"

    Now you can go back out in the yard and play with your flying toy. Don't fall in the river. We are trying to keep it clean.

  15. And as always: Thank you for your support.

  16. My kids also had a great experience K-12 in the Amherst school system not very long ago. Very glad to have had the opportunities and excellent infrastructure.

    Fact is, administrators get lots of press but matter very little to the educational outcome. That comes from teachers, kids, and parents.

    I could do without the personal attacks on both sides.

  17. Personally I wish Larry would moderate the comments section. Or disemvowel the comments containing personal attacks, racism, sexism, homophobia. Sometimes it's a real cess-pit here. While there's a certain ethos that an anything-goes comment section is the free-est speech you can have, in fact, lack of moderation leads to harassment that keeps out the people who are most subject to harassment: women in particular, but really anybody likely to be targeted for their beliefs or identities. (Larry, the Guardian did some research on this issue, published a year or two ago -- you might find it interesting if you haven't seen it.)

    But he provides more and better coverage of local issues than any other source. If more people were hitting the boring meetings and WRITING UP what happens at them, our local democracy would be a lot better. We'd have more accountability from all of our representatives. Town Meeting, for instance, might function better if the School Committee, Select Board, and other local committees operated with greater accountability and transparency.

  18. "Our schools turn out the occaisoonal free thinker, but most often the indoctrinated lefty with little or no diversity of thought."

    Nice try but two of Mitt Romney's key people, his legal counsel and his Secretary of Labor, both graduated from ARHS. Not exactly leftists.

  19. Mean, Median, and Mode.

    It is completely disingenuous to consider Michael Hixon reflective of the swimming ability of ARHS graduates -- I'm sure there are at least a few who can't swim at all, let alone after having gone off "the high board." And look at the demographics: he's both White & male while the student body is half female and ethnically diverse.

    An exceptional individual, Hixon is worthy of recognition for his accomplishments, but he is an outlier -- in any evaluation of ARSH, he is statistically irrelevant.

    In other words, his classmates can't do what he can. Right?

    Rick, this is the problem with using outliers to define a school system -- it's why you have to look at averages.

  20. I know that there is more opportunity in the Amherst Schools than most will find in many other places. It comes down to what will one do with an opportunity, when it is offered. Some students and parents readily "latch on" to what's provided and others whine, manipulate, threaten, sue, complain, can basically name what you want, and they will never be happy. Not every child will be a top student. But, many have proved to do really well.

    There are very legitimate areas of study and policy, that need redefinition. We need to remember that schools should remain neutral in the political realm. This has been forgotten. Presenting both sides of an issue should be taught and respected. A student cannot learn how to discriminate between ideas, or to think for her/himself, if not presented by many views on subjects and factual information based on the opposing views.

    The schools are easy prey for people who want loads of attention or have a gripe about society and its ills. And, as of late, it seems, to those who are looking for "the quick buck."

    The schools cannot possibly, and should not be expected, to solve all the social/emotional problems families are facing. Schools don't have the ability to do this and it is silly to believe they do! Schools exist to educate children and make them literate. Hopefully, they will emerge into productive adults who can hold on to jobs and raise functional families. Some will become great problem solvers and go on to make our world a better place.

    The "attacks" that are seen on this blog are really indicative of how many behave toward people in our schools. That is one of the reasons so many educators get so frustrated....and leave.

    If you are in such opposition to the ideas of some who post here, don't read the blog. Many of those who seem to be attacked the most, clearly post their names, and you can choose to read or not read.

    I appreciate that Larry provides the one place where difficult discussions can take place. Opposing ideas are available for viewing...some are really "out there" but, so what, that's called free speech and Amherst sorely lacks much of that! It certainly seems that if you're not tilted in a certain direction, your thoughts and ideas don't count.

    Larry works very hard putting this blog together. Don't say that he doesn't work. I love his drone pictures. He also has local news before anyone else and seems to have sources that provide information that would not otherwise be available to the public. Just remember, if you choose to view this, to discriminate and decide what makes sense to you.

  21. If you are black, then go watch "Hillary's America" and learn the truth about the Democatic Party you belong to and why it has NEVER been out for your well being. See it and you'll understand why in communities that you think should be forward thinking, the worst things are done to minorities. If every person of African descent saw this film, there would be an uprising.

    1. Please free yourself from the Democrat Plantation. I know the fly in the vinegar bottle, it's the sweetest life you've ever known.

    2. Everyone should watch that. Unless you're afraid of this inconvenient tryth. How can anyone vote for that woman?

  22. Minority parent at 10:45 am - your experience in an Amherst elementary school isn't reflective of this statement?

    "The teachers, counselors, staff, and administrators we've had the pleasure of interacting with are dedicated, hard-working, and care ONLY about the kids."

    If that's not what you were referencing then please clarify.

  23. Anonymous at 10:41 AM:

    That would be nice, however - this blog is poisoning our town. It is hurting our talent pool, shaming students and residents (for life), and giving voice to those who have no real stake in our town (non-residents and those with no school needs).

    Until this blog stops doing those things, it can't be ignored. Perhaps those businesses in the right column should be given a real clear message about what they are supporting.

    1. Many complain about the anonimity option. I post under a made-up name. Is that better? Or worse?

  24. Larry's big complaint with Amherst schools has always been the cost per pupil,

    s a valid metric for evaluating school systems -- even the NEA says that a school with more resources can offer more to its students.

    Hence schools with more resources should do BETTER THAN those with less.

    Amherst struggles to do as well as...

    At one point, Belchertown had both the LOWEST per-pupil cost and the HIGHEST MCAS scores -- with more money, Amherst ought to have done better.

  25. Yes CAN 10:41, the businesses in the right column know full well they are supporting the bedrock American value known as the First Amendment, something lawyers and small business owners are particularly fond of.

  26. I'm so surprised that nobody here has commented on what it takes to get fired in Amherst. A $309,000 payout? It's outrageous.

    1. That's all? Good riddance. I'd have paid her twice that to get lost.

    2. She was NOT fired.

    3. Even better! I quit! (Pay me.)

  27. The decision to hire Maria Geryk was a BIG MISTAKE in the first place. She simply doesn't have the vision and qualification to run a high achievement school. period. Now the big payout just to get ride of her? It is the outrageous joke! Next time to find a SI, it is necessary to verify the track record that he/she has successfully run a high achievement school before.

  28. " the businesses in the right column know full well they are supporting the bedrock American value known as the First Amendment, something lawyers and small business owners are particularly fond of."

    Then you have no problem with the actual Amherst full-time residents and consumers - you know, the ones NOT filling this blog with uninformed, out-of-town comments - exercising our First Amendment rights by letting those businesses know that we will not be doing business with them while they support this poisonous blog, correct?

  29. "Next time to find a SI, it is necessary to verify the track record that he/she has successfully run a high achievement school before."

    Here's the problem - as soon as that candidate does any online research into our schools, they'll come across this toxic blog, read the articles and comments (from people who don't live here and don't have kids in school), slowly close the computer and breathe a sigh of relief.

    This blog is actively HURTING Amherst at this point. And I think it's time we do something about it.

    1. No matter what you think, Larry has the right to publish. Freedom of speech "shall not be abridged." Whether you think it should or not.

  30. Yes, I already forwarded them your previous comment (that I didn't publish) you put so much time into.

  31. You are all mixed up !!! Stay dry , It helps with coherence ,La rry works pro -social ,you are just a Al Anon troll arias ... society's bad !!!$$$&&&

  32. Previous comment (that I "put so much time into"?) simply asked that you confirm those business are financially supporting your blog in some way. Are you now confirming that?

    Have any of them yet responded to the comment you forwarded to them (that you didn't publish) that I put SO MUCH time into? If so, what was the response?

    What are your advertising rates?

  33. Hang on for a minute and I'll dig up what I sent them (other Commenters please stand by for a few minutes).

  34. To those commenters with Amherst elementary students who are a having a good experience in the schools, congratulations, I am happy for you. But your experience is not one that all families are having (have you asked Aisha Hiza, for example) & for some kids, the district is NOT serving them well... and some of these families are giving up on the schools & sending their children elsewhere. I know how they feel as I make the same hard choice for my own child. The cheerleaders for the district & for the superintendent like to pretend that our schools are doing a great job for all our kids. I wish that was true, but it is not. I hope that ARPS will have a new leader who is more willing to listen to the families who aren't happy, some of whom have big, legitimate reasons for not to be happy, instead of pretending that these families don't exist or saying that each Amherst family who intentionally leaves the schools is just doing so because of them & their kids' issues & that the current shortcomings in the Amherst schools had no role in that decision.

    1. As a matter of fact, I AM a robot. Albeit one which can discern and select All the photos of storefronts. Fzzzcrckkklllsssss. Yes. I can hear you. All other priorities are rescinded. Crew expendable.

    2. Sorry for previous post. I watched "Alien" one too many times.

  35. Sorry I had to switch from my iPhone to my laptop (which is struggling in this heatwave).


    Hey Folks,

    So I did not publish this comment because I did not want to make it easy for him to harass you, but since he took the time to make each link clickable he will most likely take the time to contact you (probably anonymously) and threaten never to do business with you.

    My guess is it's Kurt Geryk upset about his gravy train coming to an end.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Anonymous
    To: amherstac
    Sent: Thu, Aug 11, 2016 10:00 am
    Subject: [Only in The Republic of Amherst] New comment on Consonance & Dissonance.

    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Consonance & Dissonance":

    Larry, can you please confirm that all of these entities financially support your blog in some manner?

    1. Try not to guess, please. Inadmissable! Lol

  36. Here we go again , the school nutzoidics all have an open hand out for a vast plethora of our tax expenditures largesse , but a very Uber gauche closed minded attitude toward any democratic responsibilities with any education !!! Go figure - Jez say 'n - Ya Thunk - what clique gangsta thug life !!!??$&@

  37. You act like a child ("put so much time into", "guess is it's Kurt") and the only reason that childishness is nothing more than a joke is the real harm your toxic blog is actively inflicting on the town of Amherst.

    Amherst residents and school parents can only hope that you reverse your decision to direct your blog in such a way (allowing these uninformed and out-of-town comments, playing loose and reckless with the facts, choosing sides and "reporting" with that bias) so that perhaps - over time - we can undo the damage that it is doing to our town.

    1. What's toxic is the leftist agenda foisted upon the students.

  38. this blog is poisoning our town. It is hurting our talent pool, shaming students and residents (for life), and giving voice to those who have no real stake in our town (non-residents and those with no school needs).

    Milton put it best: Truth is stronger than falsehood, hence truth will prevailover falsehood.

    However, as Yeats warned, the middle has ceased to hold.

    The ice cracked under Maria, with everyone having to jump to one side or the other. Even Nick Yaffee had to do so, he just jumped to the wrong side.

    And the advantage of disinterested voices is that they ARE disinterested. I want good, cost-effective schools that actually "walk the walk" on all that social justice stuff everyone "talks the talk" about.

    I don't want to live in a country where the average Black male High School GRADUATE has the reading & writing ability of the average 7th grade girl -- and ignoring discipline is not a way to remedy this. And if I had children in the schools, I couldn't say ANY of this!

    Folks, parents have shared with me things that I will never repeat. I know what's happening in those schools. I intend to speak against injustice, and if tou don't want to listen, don't.

    Somehow, I think the issue is a fear that others might listen to me.

    1. Surely, you're referring to the "look-the-other-way-when-the-infraction-is-committed-by-a-person-of-color" non- disciplinary non- policy...yes?

  39. Larry I suggest you have Laura Quilter edit your comment section to remove any comments that are offensive. If only the whole world could be censored and made a safe space.

  40. Previous comment (that I "put so much time into"?) simply asked that you confirm those business are financially supporting your blog in some way. Are you now confirming that? Have any of them yet responded to the comment you forwarded to them (that you didn't publish) that I put SO MUCH time into? If so, what was the response? What are your advertising rates?

    Seems to me that this is all stuff he should discuss with them IN EXECUTIVE SESSION....


  41. So often for those who are such "liberal, so called tolerant" thinkers....speech only becomes TOXIC when you have made your point and you don't care to hear the opposing view.

  42. It's good to see Rick dared to show his face here. Embarrassment is something to be conquered. Never be ashamed is our cultures' mantra now!

  43. Larry - remove (or at least better-moderate) the comments and the toxicity level of your blog will be moving in the right direction. The usual suspects' comments do not add anything to the discourse and originate from folks who have no stake in Amherst.

    You are allowing them to hurt our town.

    1. These lefties are so lily-eared that they want this blog sanitized so that it becomes a safe read for them. Don't change a thing, Mr. Kelley.

  44. So, just hire a black female superintendent.
    Problem solved.

  45. "To those commenters with Amherst elementary students... your experience is not one that all families are having (have you asked Aisha Hiza, for example) & for some kids, the district is NOT serving them well..."

    Aisha Hiza isn't a parent of an Amherst elementary school student.

    I have a hard time believing Amherst is the only school in the county/state/country that as an issue serving "some" kids well. Should issues be identified and solutions be pursued for those kids? Sure. Will 100% of Amherst's kids ever be served well? No because that's not possible.

    Should we burn down the entire school committee and administration and teachers and others because of "some" kids, when the majority of families sees the school as hard-working and effective - open to communication and willing to work with parents? You tell me.

  46. Larry is past the point in his life where he cares if people hate him. Larry please correct me if I am wrong.

  47. I have a stake in Amherst and I live here. Where anon 1:57 do you get your facts that all the comments you don't like are coming from out of town? Maybe you are out of town! People just don't really want free speech!

  48. Anon 2:22

    When I was a paid professional columnist for the Amherst Bulletin my goal was always to write something that half the readers absolutely hated and the other half absolutely loved.

    So I guess that makes you half right.

  49. Larry,

    Your mission is noble - support free speech, give voice to voiceless, and generally keeping the spotlight on.

    Thank you for investing so much time in covering Amherst.

    My struggle is the overall negative slant of coverage, and toxicity of anonymous comments. You have big opportunity to be a force for good.

    Ps. Your counter is still jumping by 2 on each refresh :)

  50. Rename Fort River the Hiza elementary school and let her run it. Good luck to her.We are going to have to pay her anyways. (Sorry Larry...comments like mine make life more difficult for you)

  51. Yes, they do.

    And I have a simple solution for Brett:

    Don't read the fucking comments (after this one of course).

  52. Hahaha, thanks Larry.

  53. wow - people are really fired up in the comments of this post. everyone just take a seat, eat a few hot dogs, and relaxxxxxx......

  54. Especially considering the entire post consists of ONE paragraph.

  55. In Amherst, they do shoot messengers, apparently.

  56. Ed, fighter of injustice? Brahaha!!!

  57. I was wondering when Kurt would return to the internet. He just can't keep his anger in check and stay away from it for long. It will be interesting to see if he gives us all a big rant once Maria gets her check. I'm sure your count will go up that day.

  58. There is still time for the SC to do what's right. I think we should pay the school committee so it hurts more when they are dumped. That's why our new mayor should get a good wage so he will worry about people other then the big mouths!

  59. Hello, anons.

    You probably don't realize this, but you're really not anonymous. Your IP address is registered, each time you log on. From that it's pretty easy to figure out where you live. Another way to figure out who you are is by the words you use. If you are a regular commentator on Larry's blog, you probably use the same phrasing over time, and similar keywords or sentence structure. It's pretty easy to do a google search of Larry's blog with your keywords and pull up similar posts you've made over the years. And someone with Larry's skills probably has this all figured out anyway.

    There's no such thing as anonymous any more.

    1. Well of course Larry knows who everyone is. Did you just figure that out?

    2. Who cares where you live? Is this blog solely for residents of Amherst? No.

    3. I only work here. I wanted to live here back when I thought it was cool . Back in '69 when Sweetpie was playing at Quicksilver and Don Muller had his little leather shop down the alley. Now it's just Civil War II. Left v. Right.

  60. Why not just tell her no! Make her continue working for the duration of her contract. Then constantly evaluate her performance on a regular basis. Document everything right down to lunchbreaks. Document, document, document. When she fucks up enough, terminate her. She'll either outright quit or give in over time, everyone does. Umass employee tactics 101.

    1. They dont need cause. They can mutually agree. That ship has, sailed they vied and vit can't be changed now. Its too late. That is why I was encoragung everyone to email their opinion to sc members on fri, sat, sun & mon. We have to pay her now. We have to dix what the next problem is but I Nd spme other people wpuld like help doing so. While complaining on the blog is good ... It isnt enough to stop our tax dollars from being spent frivolously. Those of you that took the time to email the SC TY!! There just was not enough enails maybe 20? To stop this buy out fron hapoening. Maybe 1000 wouldn't have been enough they were so worried about being sued by Maria they were going to do anything to Let Her Go. I personally would rather have the school committee that doesn't care about being sued and is more worried about doing the right thing for our children which isn't always the easy choice.

  61. 11:28 So very well written, Thank you for valuing all sides and opinions. I too, appreciate Larry's call to attention of various Issues affecting Amherst.

  62. Dynamic IP address. So no. You can't figure out where I live.

  63. Blogger Laura Quilter said...
    Personally I wish Larry would moderate the comments section. Or disemvowel the comments containing personal attacks, racism, sexism, homophobia. Sometimes it's a real cess-pit here. While there's a certain ethos that an anything-goes comment section is the free-est speech you can have, in fact, lack of moderation leads to harassment that keeps out the people who are most subject to harassment: women in particular, but really anybody likely to be targeted for their beliefs or identities. (Larry, the Guardian did some research on this issue, published a year or two ago -- you might find it interesting if you haven't seen it.)

    Laura, saying that the Guardian said something is like saying Rush Limbough said something -- it is as far to the left as he is to the right. And women can be every bit as nasty as men

  64. You have ~got~ to be kiddingAugust 11, 2016 at 6:37 PM

    "That does say it perfectly. Our schools turn our wonderful kids, educated by great teachers and caring administrators, who go on to do great things, despite stupidity that goes on between school committee members and the Superintendent. The wonderful kids will continue. Hoping the other does not."



    F is THIS?!


    Shove it, moron.

    -Squeaky Squeaks

    p.s. And that story about your old man's bad investments? If Ted were here, he'd slap your face... and you god damn know it!

  65. Wow, is it just one or two people posting the same type of comment over and over? Bad Larry Hurtful Larry it's all Larrys fault- types? Crazy. It's a blog! This blog, no offense, isn't scaring off potential superintendents. Relax already. They are simply comments. We all have our opinions, relax.

    As a former Amherst k-12 student (class of '91) I'd love to see some improvements in the quality of our schools. The treatment of some who had challenges is discouraging and a reflection on the SI. My opinion is we need someone new. It's happens, not the end of the world. I'm sure it's personal for those who had specific issues or problems involving their children. For the rest of us I'm sure we all want to see I'm proved results, especially considering the cost per student or more bang for our tax buck, providing a higher quality product to our students.

    1. You're living in a dream world if you think this blog will have no impact on who the town can entice to the job of SI.

    2. Anytime a superintendent position is open other qualified candidates realize there were problems in the district. This blog is going to have no more of a negative effect on who we draw as a candidate as The Gazette or the Republican. Not everyone in Amherst Post on this blog not everyone in Amherst reads this blog so this blog is a snapshot of the opinions across town. But all those stories out there about our schools have been in all the papers so like I said this blog is not going to have any more of a negative effect on who we are as a candidate than any of the other papers in the area.

  66. 1:24 are you for real? put your name out there. Do you really believe none of us has critical thinking skills that we can apply while reading a thread on Larry's blog. Do you imagine the residents of Amherst solely getting their information from this blog/ And what are you? some sort of filter by which we are supposed to get your vetted version of "facts"? No thank you, I prefer my own discernment, and I like a place where free speech allows me to reconsider my beliefs, or I can simply, scroll past the self -important anonymous censors. I love America, and I love Amherst, AND there are problems with both, but this blog imho isn't one of them

  67. Larry, you don't curse the darkness, you create and/or spread the darkness. Your blog gives a very distorted picture of the community. It's certainly antithetical to the mission of the Chamber of Commerce, which is to promote all the things that make the Amherst area a good place to visit for shopping and tourism. I am not sure why they would want their name associated with your blog. I mentioned that when I called them today. They said they are in the process of looking at how they spend their money, including advertising.

    People who feel strongly about this should step up beyond leaving an anonymous comment on this blog. Call the Chamber of Commerce and tell them how you feel. Use your name and stand up for what you believe.

    1. I will call them tomorrow.

    2. I'm a member of the chamber. I have no problem with them advertising on your website. So my thousand dollars should count for something. If you're going to boycott the chamber then you need to boycott all of the chamber members so that includes businesses that are chamber members. Calling chamber members would be the way to get the Chamber from stop advertising on Larry's blog but I highly doubt two or three phone calls from Kurt changing his voice is going to make a difference.

    3. Why are you blaming Larry for the diverse comments on this blog? We celebrate diversity. Oh--wait--we only celebrate diversity of skin color. That's right. Sorry.

  68. Anon 5:56 you are the ultimate anon thinking other aons will be intimidated by you from your basement...your parents basement! Find me and come on over!

    1. Im sure he is not in the basement. I am sure he is,on a very exoensive coach in a very expensive house. Instead of celebrating his current windfall with his very nice wife he is dtill axe grinding. Move on Kurt you.. You just got a beautiful gift from the district.Drink, Eat and be Mwrry. And SHUT OFF YOUR TYPING FINGERS

    2. Know about him. Or her. But yes I am on an expensive coach.

  69. What does the Chamber have to do with larry. Wow Nina really revealed herself as a nit-wit!

  70. Certainly not a champion of free speech.

  71. Can't you even have a dialogue without making each other, to Larry, to sponsors? No, I guess only your wants and ideas matter. Never let "the other side" make its point. What is your fear? Maybe some people will "wake up" and recognize the current nonsense? Typical. Hypocrisy, at its finest!

  72. Now I'm afraid if I post a two paragraph article on this FUBAR topic tomorrow, I will get twice the grief.

  73. Replies
    1. Gee, imagine if they had just flown the US flag all those years ago here. Lol.

  74. You probably don't realize this, but you're really not anonymous. Your IP address is registered, each time you log on.

    Other way around -- to connect to the internet, you must be assigned an IP address, which is either static [like your phone number] or given to you dynamically from a block of them.

    It's the serial number of your .nic card that is registered when you connect to a network, any network has to know where each packet is coming from and where to send it. To make things easier, most networks give each computer a unique name -- no two computers on the same network can have the same name at the same time.

    From that it's pretty easy to figure out where you live.

    NO, IT ISN'T -- three reasons:

    1: All the IP Address tells you is where the owner connects it to the backbone. All of UMass, Crocker, [and I believe the Downtown WiFi] has a physical address of the LRGC [thr No. Ples. Roundabout]. Last I heard, It then runs down to the MassPike and then into Cambridge, which is as far as you can trace it back with confidence.

    2: Verizon [and I believe Comcast] only has a few connections to the backbone, and these few addresses are where all the related IP addresses come back to. They do this because it is a lot cheaper and easier to route traffic over your own network than to hire someone else to do it, particularly when you already have a network.

    3: User Deception -- intentional or otherwise. Three basic ways:

    A: Connecting to a second computer that has it's own IP address. Your own computer then becomes a very long extension cord on the keyboard to that remote computer, and in most cases, everything you do has that computers address on it.

    B: Host computer -- Blogger has a Google IP address on it, as it is coming from a Google computer. There are a bunch of reasons why itmust be done this way.

    C: Fabrication -- all each computer on the internet knows is what it is told. So if you give the upstream computer a fake sending IP address, and it believes you, it will go all the way with the fake IP address. There are ways to tell, but it's done - a lot.

    Hence even if you have both the REAL IP Address *and* the routing (header) info, all you really know within a thousand miles of where something came from.

    1. Again: who cares where you live?

  75. Nina, what you need to worry about is what I may say at a conference.

    You need to worry about someone introducing himself/herself/itsself as a friebd-of-a-friend and asking me my honest assessment of the ARSD.

    Worry about what I post on Larry's Blog being seen -- get real and worry about people I know asking me to help out someone they know ho is considering applying for the job.

    Worry about someone in Malden, or Boston, or even DC asking me for a "deep background" briefing on this mess.

    Nina, the stuff I write here is for the parents and taxpayers. Why do you persist in believing it will discourage a candidate able to contact me directly?

  76. One other thing -- were I applying for the Supt job, and I'm not, I would look at the budgets over the past 5 years and look for tends.

    A $310,000 payout would look like hush money.

    THAT will scare people away....

  77. "were I applying for the Supt job, and I'm not"

    Oh, please, please apply. Brahaha!

  78. Maria got out of town fast when she realized her contract, signed by a Union 26 school committee chair, was null and void BECAUSE "UNION 26" DOES NOT EXIST! Amherst Elementary School parents, teachers, administrators and taxpayers are going to go ballistic when they find out Geryk and Appy played them like fools! There is a good side for Amherst Elementary though, they won't be paying through the nose for the violations of Ms. Hiza's civil rights. Little Pelham is going to have to pay for all of dear leader Geryk's and principal desj's racist bullying fuck-up all by themselves. On another note, Geryk will be sued in her personal capacity for her rights-violating and bullying conduct. Neither the regional schools, or Amherst or Pelham schools are contractually bound to defend her, or pay a penalty for poor Maria in federal court. Wouldn't it be funny if Maria had to sue her good friend and attorney tate for errors and ommissions in fucking up maria's contract? Only in the republic of Amherst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. "Why do you persist in believing it will discourage a candidate able to contact me directly?"

    Ed, how will they know how to find your mother's basement?

    Get real.

  80. I am still wondering...does anyone know for sure?

    If Geryk is awarded money by the School Committee, does the town (schools)pay?

    If Geryk sues the town and wins, who pays? Who pays for what parts of litigation?

    If Geryk is released from town and then sued by Hiza? Who pays defense for Geryk?

    If Hiza sues town or Geryk (still employed by town), who pays?

  81. Can the region please consider paying not one penny? One strange thread in this entire Chamber of Horrors is the school's SI's messaging regarding the stay away order. First, it was the advice of the Pelham/Amherst police that the order should put in place. Then, the police said it was always the school's decision. If they gave that advice, even with the understanding (either implied or spoken) that it was the school's decision, why aren't they being questioned for giving that advice in the first place?
    Some police (not all) aren't too dexterous in thinking things through.

  82. The absolute "truth" behind that stay away order seems to be the biggest missing piece in solving this puzzle.

  83. "Why are you blaming Larry for the diverse comments on this blog? We celebrate diversity. Oh--wait--we only celebrate diversity of skin color. That's right. Sorry."

    Actually, liberals traditionally celebrate diversity when it agrees with their thoughts. When it doesn't they attack and play victim.

    1. Lol. Exactly my point. Diversity of thought is not welcome. I think it's we conservatives in Amherst who need the safe spaces.

  84. A Town Called Sue by Johnny Cash out

  85. Who is responsible for signing an employment contract where one can resign and be paid. Who failed? The citizens,that is who.

    Who made it so free speech was so readily posted everywhere on the internet, not Larry? Al really it was you war happy parents and grandparents that thrusted this technology forward with the military....

    Ironically, the joke is on the kids. Also, the more we obsess over kids, the more they grow up to be useless adults....look at the millenials and their really poor work ethic and hyperbranded nature.

    Then look at kids that grew up under, "do not speak unless skoken to" great people. Do not keep trying the same stuff and expecting different results...that would be Amherst....I mean crazy.

    Lower the school budget and make folks responsible. Get rid of tenure and employment contacts....keep folks honest. Move on, the kids will be fine, just teach them reading and math and let them play and goof off.

  86. Brett needs to stop refreshing the page

  87. 12:15 "Actually, liberals traditionally celebrate diversity when it agrees with their thoughts. When it doesn't they attack and play victim."

    This is pathetic and sad on so many levels, beginning with grammar and ending with hypocrisy. First, diversity can't agree with anything; it is not sentient. That's the grammar part.

    More repulsive is the hypocrisy. Liberals have always valued freedom of action so long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of others. This includes the right of WE THE PEOPLE to be free from bullying and threats by bigots. And conservatives are the opposite, they support gunslingers, polluters, and disgusting bullies of all kinds who insist they have the right to interfere with our peaceful lives. They do this by pushing forward an agenda based on a moral code drawn from neanderthal scribblings. You tell me who's true the libertarian.

    BTW, I'm not saying the SI did, or did not violate anybody's rights through the stay away order, but if she did she certainly wasn't discriminating based on race. Just ask the janitor's kid from last year.

  88. I've been referred to the DESE legal counsel office -- Maria may not get her money after all.

    She should have just gone out on psych disability.

  89. Anon 2:05..two parent that is bad! Anon 2:09 you are really mixing in a lot of things. Yes things that are not sentient! Define bullying in terms of free speech. Would that be anything that offends you or might offend lots of people? Is it one of those non-sentien things that you know when you see or hear it? Do you know what a prig is?

  90. Wait a minute now. Don't go bringing logic into this dust storm. The janitor's kid? Whoa. Easy does it. Are you saying she went after both sides, indiscriminately? Remarkable!

    1. The "slave" unit exists. But we're in 3rd grade and mustn't say certain words.

  91. Maybe diversity is could be a huge creature with tentacles like an octopus just squeezing the life out of any it attaches itself to.

  92. 3:26: Sure, I'll give you a couple of specific examples of what I consider to be bullying in terms of free speech.

    If you tell me that your Second Amendment people are going to take care of the problem, that's bullying. It infringes on my right to free speech, because now I'm afraid that if I continue your people will shoot me.

    If you incite violence against my daughter's abortion doctor, that's bullying. It infringes on my daughter's right to a constitutionally protected medical procedure, and on the doctor's right to advertise without being threatened with death.

    Both of these are, rightfully, prohibited by law.

    And in my dictionary, a 'prig' is a term that a hillbilly uses when someone asks him to please stop scratching his privates in public.

    1. Hey--wait a minute---you didn't complain when Hillary said "RFK was assassinated in June." This in May of '08 when she was losing to the execrable Obama. Hipocrite.

  93. Ed, what does this have to do with you?

  94. "An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

    -- MLK2

  95. You know, a Maria Geryk facemask would be a great Halloween costume.

    "Forget the candy, give me your money!"

  96. Larry, I didn't say that you have no right to speak. I am standing up to you and countering your speech with my speech. I am pointing out that your speech has an impact. I have never heard you acknowledge your role and responsibility. I called the Chamber because I don't see why they would want to pay money for something that paints an unrealistically negative portrait of the town they are trying to promote. So I voiced my opinion. It's just an opinion.

    I know for a fact that social media has an impact on the school district attracting candidates. I was on a hiring committee where the most qualified candidate backed out after seeing the apparent climate of discord as presented on social media. This candidate had many options and didn't care to be part of the negativity.

    I am really sorry about the way this all played out. I wish that the conflict situations had gone to mediation. And, as I have said previously, I believe the district does a poor job of communication. I would like to see Carol Ross do more. She's a good writer and she could really help in raising the quality of the dialog. I think Maria made mistakes and could have avoided things getting to this point. But of course all superintendents are going to make mistakes. It doesn't mean the sky is falling. It means people need to get together and work things out.

    My issue is that some people seem invested in things being bad. They seek to inflame. As we have seen on a national scale, that's how demagoguery takes root.

  97. When you arise tomorrow Nina and look in the mirror, and don't particularly like what you see ... do you blame the mirror?

  98. Nina, the sky fell for Aisha for 90 days, and inflaming is not the same as exposing.

    1. Exposing what? We still don't have the facts.

  99. The "climate of discord" is real and potential candidates for any job here have a right to know what a miserable mess they may be entering! Civility is not a value here, although most would claim to be so very tolerant. Opinions can only be expressed by "the chosen."

    How would you like to be hired for one of these positions without knowing what the locals were really like? The invisibility cloak has slipped off!!!!!

    I think it is time to review the Golden Rule....if you even know what it is!

  100. we are not going to get the facts, at least, not all of them. By saying "exposing", I meant the stories of those who have not experienced the "peace,love, and understanding" our valley and schools espouse to be about.

  101. I'm saddened that I can't be an enthusiastic fan of your blog any more, Larry, because when you're good on the substance, you're very, very good, close to essential reading. But when it goes dark, and nasty, it's very, very bad.

    If you look back to the early years of this blog and compare, you will see the stark deterioration in the quality of the remarks in the comments section. I recognize that this blog was born out of Mary Streeter's biased moderating of her Town Meeting listserv, which, by the way, I've observed continues to this day. So I completely get what you're stubbornly reacting against. But you've overdone it. And like Gloria Swanson in "Sunset Boulevard" (1950), you've let yourself go.

    Somehow Maria Geryk (or perhaps it's Kurt) has driven you a little crazy. You've facilitated the business of character assassination against her in recent weeks. You and your reptilian friends in the comments section are consistently vicious, in the worst way, and, yes, I think it does project an impression outward from the Town to people who might come here to work in our public sector.

    So I'm with Nina, one of the other last remaining people who sign our names. And this blog is now like a pack of smokes for me. I'm trying to quit. When you smartly catch something like the lack of a quorum the other night, man, that's like opening the pack. And then I know that the rest of the content is killing me.

    I'm urging you to make some changes, EVEN IF we can't detect them.

    Rich Morse

  102. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

    "reptilian friends". Geeze nothing nasty there,eh?

  103. They've earned "reptilian".... by a lot.

    Rich Morse

    1. Takes one to know one, I guess.

  104. The First Amendment protects reptiles, as well as the kitties and unicorns.

  105. The First Amendment free speech applies to the federal congress and using force to stop you. It does not involve just feeling scared because someone else has a gun.

    Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    You folks are a little over the top. This law does not stop citizens from restricting speech, states from doing so (though they may have their own laws), it does not refer to any body but the federal congress. The words are pretty simple too - it also does not say you have freedom of religion in the US.... it says that congress cannot even recognize an establishment of, Muslims, Christians....what are they?....To congress, they are supposed to just be people.

  106. Someone is confusing liberals, who are willing to use force to make sure petty laws are followed, just like conservatives, confusing either of these groups with libertarians, also known as classical liberals, who do not condone using force for petty issues, is way off.

  107. Clearly Katrina is not about the facts but the stories! Now tat is an expose!

  108. Larry the Maria forces are feeling the heat and lashing out! If the Anti-Maria forces were polite then nobody would listen. The maria folk only think their big mouths should be heard. And I assume rich Morse, since you are trying to quit, this is the last time we will hear from your sorry ass! And Katrina tell us some more of your "stories"!

  109. Tear me apart all you want....I happen to listen when people tell me about their experiences, much of that encompasses facts.

    1. The problem with you Katrina is that you only listen to one side of the story and you are only interested in hearing only one side of the story.

  110. Want a story? once upon a time I decided to stop feeding the trolls

  111. I agree. It's time to clean out that nest of vipers while we still can.

  112. Why ??/ oh it such anathema to call the school nutz what they are being...CROOKSTAS..I mean-this is You and I's TAXES..students & teachers LIVES-for chrys sakes ?? This debacle could cost the region well over a MILLION ? Now-this begs the that-" All for the kids ??? Huh ? Come again-Nina ???

  113. On this blog and in discussion of the new schools- it is often mentioned that residents without children in the schools should not have a voice.

    With the upcoming override vote- overlooking our views (and our money) isn't the best idea.

  114. If you don't like taxpayers without kids opinions, don't ask us to pay for your FU's.

    1. Hear! Hear! And while we're at it, I cannot understand how anyone who works for a living can vote Democrat. You must really want the government to take more and more of your money. Have you really looked at your paycheck lately? That's your government taking all that money you've earned. That's Democrats. Tax and spend.

  115. Larry's blog gives voice to the voiceless, let the "silenced" know that he or she is not the only one feeling the pain of the school system, and give the oppressed hope that together, we can change the school for the better.

    1. Who the hell is oppressed? Oh the drama.

  116. "I happen to listen when people tell me about their experiences, much of that encompasses facts."

    And there is your problem. "Experiences" are subjective. Subjective is based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. You don't hear facts only opinions. There are three sides to every story, yours, theirs, and the truth. Ask ten people who witnessed an accident what they saw and you will get ten different stories. Believe it or not, witness accounts are not really the most accurate form of solving a crime on their own. That information has to be interpreted.

  117. Anon 8;23 You are correct!

    As Amherst awakes from its usual summer slumber, take time to look forward...because that is the only direction one can go!

    Education is a wonderful part of the human experience. Humans, being blessed by free will, are responsible for making choices in their lives. This is a great time for all to make a choice.

    Our school system is facing great challenges, but not impossible ones. It will take an effort by everyone involved, to make things better. I was once told that teaching is the one profession where one "gets a new chance" at the beginning of the school year. Most other jobs are just day to day, without a beginning or ending.

    This seems to be the year where focus could be on this "new beginning."

    To could choose to work harder and study more, be respectful. This can easily be done without any reference to your race, intelligence, social standing, abilities, family name a few.

    To teachers...Love the kids, they are the reason you are employed. Try to listen more. Present both sides to issues as best you can. Remember that next to parenting, you have the most important job in the world. Do your best. You have been given a great gift, just being a teacher. Many know and appreciate how hard you work.

    To all support staff...You are very important and your jobs help children and teachers every day. You are often overlooked. Unfortunately, your jobs are frequently the first to be cut. But, people do notice your hard work and long hours. We respect what you do. Thank you!

    To the administration...You are "at the top." The students, the parents, the staff of the schools, the taxpayers, the state and federal regulators and more, all expect you to work miracles. So often you "take the heat." The amount of money you are paid reflects the expectation for good work.( I know you will never be paid enough for all the headaches and long hours.) Try to be the best listener you can be, and remember your highest calling is to try you hardest to ensure the education of all the children...(and keep your personal politics out of the picture!) You DO NOT have an easy job. Keep the students at the top of your list. Thank you!

    To the want the best education for your child. Think for a minute about how it feels when they go back to school...maybe a little sadness, apprehension, happiness, pure joy, relief (I'm sure you can think of more.) When the school year begins, the school staff are responsible for taking 20+ children in most classes, from a wide variety of homes, backgrounds and belief systems. The educators work with all these individual children (and all their problems) for six and a half hours, five days a week, for ten months. They make thousands of decisions a day, while they manage all the behavior and issues children have. Many teach multiple subjects, trying to be sure each child is getting the best they can provide. It is (next to parenting), the hardest job on the planet. So before you become too critical, reflect and think of ways to try to work more cooperatively with the schools. You may be pleasantly at what happens. Thanks, teachers!

    To the taxpayers...You have justification in feeling upset. Amherst spends a lot of money on our schools. Presently, we are not getting what we pay for and things are in turmoil. Society's ills have infected our schools. Expectations for the public schools have become unrealistic. Costs are out of hand.

    I don't have an answer, but I have an idea. Only citizens can make a difference. Listen, read and educate yourself. Find out what is happening in the schools. Volunteer. Run for office. Ask for change. Exercise your right to vote. And most of all, appreciate and respect the people in our schools who work very hard and "do the right things" for children. "Weed out" the ones who do not. This coming year can be the one that lets the light shine again. Most importantly, remember, children are our future.

  118. Guys: when I'm on my iPhone it probably takes me longer to publish a comment than it does for you to write it.

    So please try to keep it to a somewhat important statement rather than simple bickering.

    Or as Archie would say, "Stifle yourself."


  119. 8:11 Humans are not solely comprised of factual truths. Everybody employs spin, everyone has their "opinion" whether by agreeing with facts, or by omitting facts. One of the facts in the Aisha case is that I was there at the first meeting with the ombudsman in early April. Another fact is that I went with Aisha to her daughters play, on school grounds (also in early April) which to me indicated that Maria had amended the order because she was not a threat. And yet another is that I was present when Aisha picked up her daughter's school records, which she had requested in advance in writing, and what she received was woefully insufficient, hence there is now a request by a lawyer for the specific missing pieces. To me that raises all kinds of flags. If you have some facts that you don't think i'm taking into account. please share them with me. I'm not being sarcastic, but in this case I place more of the burden on Maria to prove she didn't place the order to shut Aisha up. in other words, i hold Maria to a higher standard of accountability for the manner in which things transpired because she is the professional, and should be able to clarify her rational and protocols. Haven't seen anything yet that justifies how long this has gone unresolved.

    1. Again, the administration cannot release the confidential records relating to this case until Aisha or her lawyer gives permission for this to occur. Until that happens no one, including you, has all the facts. I am reserving judgment on this issue until ALL the facts are known and both sides of the story are told. It's really very simple. And I hope Larry is as happy to post this comment as he was to post yours. If we're going to try this case here it's helpful to have both sides presented.

  120. Thanks Katrina.

    That's the kind of comment I'm happy to publish.

  121. The schools can not release their information without aisha's permission. How many times does this need to be said?

  122. These (ANONS 11.37 and 11:45) are exactly the reasons why the case should go to court and NOT be settled by the school committee.

  123. It would only take 10 taxpayers to file a class action suit in Hampshire Superior Court.

  124. 11:45 they could have released their records to Aisha , but refused unless she signed a release....makes no sense

    1. How does releasing the records to Aisha help the general public learn the facts on the other side of this case?

  125. Larry, given the upcoming revote (ie delay), any idea when the minutes of the executive sessions might be released to the public?

  126. No there will not be a delay because of the revote. That will happen a few minutes before the regular Regional School Committee on Wednesday. Only Union 26 needs to do the revote.

    The RSC will then go into executives session to approve the minutes and they will then be released immediately.

    But I don't hold out much hope they took decent minutes during those meetings.

  127. Makes perfect sense...why should the school release the records to just aisha. Then she can evaluate how damaging they would be in a possible lawsuit. She could also cherry pick what she wants to release to the public. Let's all see the reasons Maria jettisoned Aisha from school propery!

  128. It doesn't help the public, but it would help Aisha know the charges against her.

    1. The stay away order has been lifted so there are no "charges" against her. I think the word "charges" is just a tad inflammatory.

  129. I agree that Aisha's situation was handled very poorly. It should have gone to mediation very early in the situation. There had to be a better way to manage that. Even given that there is additional information we don't have, it's still an example of mismanagement.

    I also agree that the $300K payout to Maria is too much. If she is the person who is choosing to leave, then I don't believe she is entitled to two years' salary.

    I do not share the view that Larry is somehow a champion of the oppressed. Aisha's situation was simply an opportunity for Larry. Had her conflict been with the police department rather than the school system, we would have seen very different coverage on this blog. Just ask Victor Nuñez.

    Also, I wanted to say to Katrina that I think your comments are generally very thoughtful and I don't see why some people are giving you a hard time.

    1. I always enjoy your contributions to any discussion here, Nina. However I respectfully suggest neither you nor Katrina nor any of us have all the facts to determine if either the Aisha case or the SI payout were handled correctly. All I am asking for is that folks withhold judgment until we know all the facts. Hopefully the release of the executive session minutes will help in the SI payout situation. We'll see.

  130. Don't say "everyone." I like Larry and am grateful for this blog. Least of all for the entertainment value. Plus, he does withhold many a comment... For what reasons I'm not sure.

  131. I flat out guarantee you they will not.

  132. PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The First Amendment free speech applies to the federal congress and using force to stop you. It does not involve just feeling scared because someone else has a gun.

    Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    14th Amendment (in part): "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

    This did three things:

    1: It applied the Bill of Rights to the states.

    2: It repealed a good portion of the 11th Amendment.

    3: "State" includes "any person acting under color of law-- that's Hiza's claim against Geryk and it's both Civil & Criminal, and against Geryk as a person so it doesn't matter if Geryk's gone.

    Now Larry often incorrectly cites the First Amendment when he instead should be citing Natural Lawand meen such as Locke & Voltaire.

  133. Larry,

    Has anyone explored who represented Ms. Geryk in contract negotiations? Was that the same atty as represents the RSC and the School District in all its activity. Was there a conflict of interest ?

    Please explore these relationships.

    That kind of sunshine could save the School District $309k.

  134. What is the reason for the $300k payout to Maria Geryk?

    What has Maria Gerky done to Amherst school district? Under the four years of Maria Geryk policy, the Amherst school system has its curriculum dumbed down, sees bullies thrive in school ground, parents opinions are ignored. Families have no choice but pull their children out of school district, and the million dollar budget deficit is the direct results of the failed Maria Geryk polices. Aisha case is just an example of failed Maria Geryk discipline policy.

    Now Maria Geryk wants out of that position that she doesn't deserve, and wants to get out of the whole mess and trouble that her policies create. Good. Just let her go. The Amherst School district can reflect on those hopelessly failed policies and reverse course and get back on track.

    But Maria Geryk doesn't deserve this severance money. If she has conscience, she should reject this offering, and just leave quietly.

    It is outrageous to give $300k to a SI whose policies has failed the district and who chose voluntarily to get out the mess that her policies creates. It is a steal from taxpayer's pocket by her friends in School committee to fill Maria Geryk's pocket. It is unethical, and it is a corruption. This should be stopped!

  135. Hey--wait a minute---you didn't complain when Hillary said "RFK was assassinated in June." This in May of '08 when she was losing to the execrable Obama. Hipocrite.

    That's nothing: Then US Senator [now Sec. of State] John Forbes Kerry once said "if someone shoots Bush, the Secret Service is ordered to shoot Quayle."

    Fr those under 40, GHWB (41) was POTUS 1989-1993, with Dan Quayle serving as VEEP.
    Kerry said this circa 1989.

    Contrast this to recognizing that grass-roots activists deluging the Senate can derail a SCOTUS nomination -- what do you think happened to Bork?

    THIS is what Trump meant.

  136. Katrina, Aisha was charged with being an enemy of the state, in this case "Team Geryk."

    Nothing else needs to be known -- Ashia irritated them, was a threat to them, and hence spurious allegations were fabricated against her.

    And Aisha, this really had nothing to do with race and everything to do with the fact that you're your father's daughter and have the courage to stand for what you believe to be right. That made you dangerous.

  137. Apparently all I need to do is post one paragraph articles and the floodgates open wide.

    And just for the record, over the past 10 years July/August has always been the slowest months for readership. This month has now become the second highest of all time.
