Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Changing Of The Guard

Assistant Town Manager Dave Ziomek does the honors

Even before sitting down to his first official Select Board meeting as Town Manager Paul Bockelman posed with his bosses for a photo that will hang in Town Hall and be used on the town website.

But former Town Manager John Musante is far from forgotten.


  1. How can they be so happy with all the problems Amherst is now facing.
    Oh my God!

  2. Larry, how do the Select Board members like being droned at low altitude? Reminds me of how we used to use the crop plane to "buzz" the workers in the potato fields in my dad's farms, for fun.

  3. Actually I took it standing on a that neat outcropping planter (you can see my shadow above Dave)

  4. Very nice guy, I hope he does well!

  5. Do these folks have the right to make more strict drunk driving laws? If they can kick people out of their houses onto the street, it would seem that they should be able to....

    If they can make laws to restrict drunk driving, perhaps you should put some pressure on them to specifically do so.

    Would likely have a more positive effect on the community than anything the schools could do. Imagine if one life is saved, it would be worth closing a school, right? They kids may end up better off

  6. When pot is legalized, forget alcohol. They'll all stay inside sitting quietly, listening to each other think.

  7. Well, listening to each other, at least. . . .

  8. Anon 10:36...sober up and tell us what you meant!
