Wednesday, July 27, 2016


I guess they can blame it on the Associated Press

Oldest mantra in journalism teaches the 5 W's with "Who" being the first, the lead, the most important.  Although "what, when, where and why" play vital supporting roles.

So I was a little amazed early this morning when I ambled back from my driveway perusing the quaint print version of the Gazette with a photo of Bill Clinton under the banner headline "Clinton wins historic nomination".

Well yes, the headline is correct.  Because indeed having a female as a major party candidate for president is certainly "historic."  And yes, having a former President as a spouse to this candidate is also newsworthy.


Couldn't the Gazette have found a file photo somewhere of Hillary Clinton? 

Or did they publish a photo of Michelle Obama eight years ago when her husband clinched his "historic" nomination?


  1. She wasn't at the event. File photos don't go on A1.

  2. Photo shows no riots, hence newsworthy.

  3. She beamed in by remote broadcast.

  4. And I find it impossible to believe the Gazette has never used a file photo on A1 over the past year.

  5. Since many, many A1s didn't show a photo OF a video (NYT, WAPO) can only assume picture-of-a-head-on-a-screen didn't translate.

    1. Too Big Brother-ish. Or Sister. Come to think of it, that's the right assessment.

  6. Other A1s showed the crowd. WSJ changed their A1 at some point:

  7. Clinton is such a disaster that they can't even show a picture of her. Not that her rapist husband is better but at least he's done. Come to think of it, she's done too. Trump was up 7 points ahead of her Wednesday according to Real Clear Politics. Each day she has her convention, Trump does better. Wait til Wikileaks dumps more stuff Sunday. Toast.

  8. 4:38 you call Bill Clinton a rapist and cite wikileaks? Nice irony there as Assange of course is well known for raping teenagers and avoiding extradition.

  9. I get a kick out of world champion screamer Larry Kelley questioning someone else's news judgement.

    This is the man who told us earlier this summer, in his classic Chicken Little style, that an SJC decision established a right for the homeless to break into private homes whenever they felt like it.

    Rich Morse

  10. The "historic" Clinton is actually Chelsea.

    She will likely be the daughter of 2 Presidents.


    1. One a disbarred perjuror and the other a liar who even lied to the families of the dead. Oh and how about that phony "Siege of Tusla" with the non-exitant bullets flying?

  11. Actually Mr. Morse I said only in the dead of winter when their life would be endangered.

    Hence the term "Necessities defense."

  12. Donald Trump is dangerous. We should all be afraid of him becoming president.

    1. Substitute the name Hillary Clinton above, and I'll agree. Someone who put the country's security at risk repeatedly and illegally ought to go to jail.

  13. So my home could still be invaded but it's not a crime in the winter? Couldn't a super heat wave invoke a necessities defense if my air-conditioner is on? Or if my beer cooler is well stocked?

  14. Give me your address and I'll send them over.

    One way to get them the Hell out of town center.

  15. Get real: Assange was accused of not wearing a condom! He was accused of violating a nanny-state "health" law which (hopefully) wouldn't even be tolerated in this country. And both women were adults,and this was consensual sex.

    By contrast, Clinton was Disbarred, Impeached, and civilly convicted of sexual harassment. These are all facts.

    Assange fled not for the no-condom charge, but because it was widely known that was only a pretext for US extradition.

  16. Hey folks! Better get your heads out of the sand. Unless you are a real loser, Hillary will not be good for your future. If you are one of society's misfits, she probably appeals to you.

    She is a liar. Her defense of her sex-addicted, cheating husband, at the expense of his victims, Is inexcusable. To me, this says she certainly is not for the rights of women.

    For all of you who work with interns or trainees, just imagine if you had sex with an intern, a young person, in your care. Do you really think you'd still have your job?

    If you've never read Saul Alinsky's writings, perhaps you should do so, because Hilary is one of his disciples. Social justice, my foot. She is in this for personal gain. She's a power hungry, angry woman who will do anything to promote herself.

    Donald Trump certainly has faults. But, he sure is a better person than either of the Clintons will ever be. The mainstream media is doing a number on him. They are as crooked as Hilary.

    I think there is a "sleeping giant" out there and it is about to be reawakened.

  17. Politics is the fine art of " Agitational science ". Get this -Your agitated ". Say what. !!!$$$$@

  18. "Nice irony there as Assange of course is well known for raping teenagers and avoiding extradition."

    Sure. a typical Leftist response. Sort of like but officer, they were speeding too or but other people in government used private email addresses too. Assange wasn't the President, big difference. Clinton raped two women, had numerous affairs and had sex with an intern as President. Real class act just like his wife.

  19. The sleeping giant will soon be a minority race...get use to it!

    1. I can't wait! Then that minority will get free stuff, handouts ans special treatment! White Lives Matter. (Or at least they will then.)

    2. Why do you Assume that the term "sleeping giant" is a racial term?

  20. "Get use to it" exemplifies the type of language the misfits speak!

  21. For all of you who work with interns or trainees, just imagine if you had sex with an intern, a young person, in your care. Do you really think you'd still have your job?

    I know a lot at umASS who did and still do.
    I know someone who turned a grad program into hid personal harem
    and a then-dean who created a tenure-track faculty slot for his girlfriend.

  22. So, if Hillary wins, will this be the first time two US Presidents have sex with each other?

    1. Well they did once anyway. But rest assured, HRC will not become president. Trump 2016.

  23. You think they have sex? DOUBT IT!

  24. No, but she'll give the country what it needs - good and hard!

  25. As an over the hill independent voter looking in on the Democratic convention I found it to be disgusting!!

    The Party of MISFITS!!! No respect for police, our military or our country. So sad!

    During a moment of silence for murdered police officers the misfits are screaming Black Lives Matter, great way to get your point across, disgraceful. Or turning their backs on a Metal of Honor Veteran.

    As a decorated veteran I ask.. Is Hillary Clinton the best the Party could offer?Where is America headed?

    Wake up America!!

    I have voted for both parties in my life time but can't see how I could ever vote Democrat again as long as the party continues down this shameful path..

    1. The protesters you reference were about 100 or so Bernie supporters out of several thousand convention attendees. The speakers, including police officers, generals, veterans (including a Medal of Honor winner) were invited to speak by Hillary Clinton's campaign and we're loudly cheered by thousands at the convention. Those thousands of Hillary supporters also chanted USA to drown out the protesters. The Democratic party is NOT going down a shameful path. Only a few ignorant Bernie or Bust supporters acted shamefully. As a life - long democrat I was disgusted by their behavior.

  26. The MISFITS were NeverHillary Bernie absolutists, not those who were or became WithHillary

  27. I believe it was Hillary's campaign that chose not to have the American flag on stage or to have uniform police inside the convention center because she thought it might offend someone in her audience. Really ? Who might that be, some of her misfit followers?
    Bernie Sanders sold his sole and betrayed his followers but remember that the DNC and Hillary did Bernie in before he even got started.
    The DNC is a disgrace but what else would you expect with Hillary at the helm ?

    1. The American flag was on stage EVERY night of the convention.

    2. There were ZERO US flags on stage the first night of the Dem. Convention. But there Was a Palestinian flag. Shameful.

    3. Suddenly the Dems Love the flag. It's to laugh.

  28. She should be in jail, but the Obama White House is so crooked it will never happen.This corrupt government doesn't work for the people anymore and the intellectuals, Hollywood and the main stream Media protects this Democratic Party with their lies.
    The Clintons are both a great example of corruption at it's worst and it just shows how ignorant the American voter has become!! Only a idiot would think Hillary is worthy of the title Commander and Chief!

  29. I ALONE CAN FIX IT (with a little help from Putin)!

    1. Don't you wish Putin would release Hillary's emails now? Or would you prefer he uses them as blackmail later? I'm hoping for Now.

    2. Don't you wish Putin would release Hillary's emails now? Or would you prefer he uses them as blackmail later? I'm hoping for Now.

    3. Hillary sure as hell can't.

  30. This is ALL A LIE! Not surprising for a Republican.

  31. Spoken like a truly misinformed idiot!! Sad we have such ignorance with the right to vote!
    Hillary has blood on her hands.. she not only left four brave Americans to die on a roof top in Libya she then lied about a video to the parents of the four brave Americans!! Disgusting!!! She also kept her emails on a unsecure sever so she would not have to answer to the American people. She was proven to have broken federal laws but because of political correctness let of with no charges. Sad and disgusting.
    Sad we have such trash running for the highest office in the world!!
    I am a disgusted Democrat and also a veteran who knows what those soldiers were thinking on that roof top! HELP is COMING!! I wish I could have helped them! Never in our history have we not tired!!
    I am not a Trump fan but he is a much better American then Hillary!!

  32. It is sad the voters are so stupid! Nothing is a lie, that statement was correct with everything that was said about the DNC.. It was disgusting to see the way Democrats acted at the convention!! No respected for police, military, or our flag!! I am a Dem. who is ashamed of my party! Hillary is a disgrace to the democratic party!! We can do so much better as a party of and for the people. Hillary is for Hillary, just look at her history!!

  33. Trump is a traitor and should be tried for treason. He suggested the Soviets spy on America. That's because trump and Putin are acting together to take over the world. Trump hates poor people, so wake up all of you trump supporters who are hoping for more money in your lives. He will promise you a job but then never pay you. All of you in construction know how that works. The builder makes a big splash and then declares bankruptcy. Trump has done this so many times. He gets his money and the trades people get pennies on the dollar. Wake up! You've all seen this before. Trump has ties to Nazi Germany too. Can you believe it? This guy will give America away to the Soviets. Don't trust Trump! He's a con artist. You are going to feel stupid for backing this guy when he does to you what he has done throughout his entire life. All he wants is your cheap labor. He will destroy you in the courts when you try to sue him to get your wages.

    1. Quote for us exactly how Trump said Russia should spy on America. Don't just say he said that. This is what the left does--they say something and expect you to believe it.

    2. The Nazi's! Lol. This guy ( or woman) is nuts!

  34. Trump made the comment about the Russians getting into the e-mails in a joking way. Be sure to listen to his whole comment, not just the part the media plays and wants you to hear.

    If Hillary had nothing to hide in all those lost e-mails, why would anyone worry about someone seeing them? Yoga classes and Chelsea's wedding. Who cares. Sensitive State Department documents, possible illegal Clinton Foundation information, other nefarious writings... I care....and so should you.

    It is possible that she even wrote nasty comments about important people or even about her roaming husband, Bill. These e-mails could help reveal more of her true character. Some of the "lost" comments could be embarrassing to her, but also reflect a little about what she REALLY says and thinks.

    Trump reveals his character daily and, frankly, even though he can be somewhat crude, at times, I believe he is a good man. He loves his country, has raised fine children, has done many anonymous acts of kindness and generosity, and cares about the future of America.

  35. The accusations of rape came from Jones, Broderick, Willey, et al. It's not as though these are made up. And let's not forget that Hillary should a woman who accuses a man of rape ought to be believed.

  36. What, specifically, is a lie? You caanot get away with saying "this is all a lie!" unless you show How it is all a lie.

  37. Who would elect oral vote for a woman who lied to the families of those who died in Benghazi? Especially when they died because of her inaction and out right refusal to provide rescue.

