Friday, July 15, 2016

Sometimes A Mound Is Just A Mound

Unless of course you are an evil developer

It must be a monumental coincidence but it seems every time someone wants to do a development bigger than a breadbox on undeveloped land, neighbors are suddenly concerned with sacred box turtles, grasshopper sparrows or Indian burial grounds.

And of course those of us who grew up on The Amityville Horror know full well you don't mess with long dead Native American warriors.  Especially if you live in a town named after Lord Jeffery Amherst.

The controversial solar array project proposed for the idyllic hilltown of Shutesbury was on hold until the their Planning Board hears back from an expert archaeologist hired to study the mysterious mounds found on the forested property.

Turns out they were just root balls from trees toppled by the ghosts of New England weather.

Hadley, our farm community next door, had no problems with this solar array on E. Hadley Road


  1. Did Senator Warren sign off on this?

  2. I need an entire string quartet to play the proper "mood" music to read this letter!!
    My violin just isn't sufficient.

  3. About time! This kind of nonsense has gone way too far.

  4. Perhaps this IS the burial grounds of Elizabeth Warren's ancestors! An imaginary one!

  5. Thank you CindA and your family for their long stewardship of the wild and your commitment to our region. Everything is a matter of balance and I think the Jones family is a wonderful example!

  6. Cinda, are you prepared to clean up the mess afterwards? Solar is imploding now that the subsidies are ending, rural solar is inefficient -- a 10% loss for EACH of the FOUR times you go through a transformer, plus a LOT more from the vibrators that convert DC to the three sine curves of AC -- the Model T Ford did this and it was so bad that cars went to points instead. And you start with less energy per square foot because of our latitude and the angle spreading the same amount of energy over a larger area,

    Rooftop solar in So CA providing DC directly to banks of servers makes sense, but this doesn't.

  7. why r we cutting down trees and using farmland for solar arrays? put them on the roof of target and walmart.

  8. Go up the "s"turns into Shutesbury, Cinda posted the whole thing.
    1st time I can ever recall Cowls posting any of their property.
    Way to Shutesbury, dumb liberals!

  9. Anon 8:20,
    Why don't you go down to South Maple Street in Hadley, walk into the shop for Gouletts farm and ask Wayne why he has to put up solar. I'm sure he happy to fill you in.
    Or better yet why don't you pony up a million dollars of your own money and purchase the 34 acres he has for sale across the road and you can do with it what you please!

  10. I have hunted ,fished and enjoyed walking on Cowls open land for more years then I can remember, but after hearing about the trouble the liberal idiots gave Cinda over this Solar Panel plan I hope she post all Cowls land. I am so tired of these fools, who enjoy the open land, tell you, the property owner, what you can and can't do with your property.

  11. I didn't mean to imply that Cinda couldn't put up solar panels, only that it was a stupid thing to do from a green sense. Either green.


  12. This chick sounds like some pompous royal ass Antoinette to me. The "forest" she refers to is a bunch of sticks having been clear cut a number of times by her greedy ancestors. Go ahead and post your "property" then have a nice time enforcing it.

  13. Goulet's farm, are you really holding them up as model citizens? That place is the biggest eyesore this side of Worcester. How about a coat of paint and get the mosquito-breeding tires out of there? They will never sell that land til they clean up that dump.

  14. It's not Cinda posting her property s much as her getting a tax break if she does. What public "forest benefit" do we enjoy?
