Monday, July 11, 2016

Open For Business

7:30 AM the first car (and driver was proud of it)

The centrally located Amity Street Parking lot, after two months closure, reopened this morning with everything except pay machines.  So for the time being parking is free.

The lot increases slightly in capacity from 33 to 35 spaces with three of them handicapped accessible, where previously there were only two.

 4:00 PM

The improvement plans also call for a raised crosswalk connecting to the Jones Library instead of the current temporary painted crosswalk as well as sidewalk improvements. 

Later this month the Planning Board and Tree Warden will decide the fate of the large (22") Linden tree which stands in the way of the construction.

Tree is currently leaning towards Amity Street


  1. terrible job on the handicap cutaway onto Amity. WTH! who messed up that?

  2. I have seen elderly struggle with the existing steps up from the street, glad to see it is going to be made accessible. The parking lot looks great.

    This is a scenic road necessitating a "tree hearing"? Really? Anyway lindens grow too low to the ground to make good street trees; always have to duck under them when it rains.

  3. First snow storm should solve the ramp issue.
