Sunday, July 31, 2016

Half A Loaf?

Amherst Media also has to find a new building soon

A bit of a firefight is brewing for Monday night's Select Board meeting as Amherst Media Director Jim Lescault is not overly happy with the ten year cable contract license renewal negotiated by our Cable Advisory Committee and Temporary Town Manager Pete Hechenbleikner with mega Death Star corporation Comcast.

Amherst Media is our Public Access provider (with three channels) bringing us town government meetings and the occasional offbeat do it yourself productions.

Ten years ago the contract provided $450,000 in a one time capital equipment funding and this year Amherst Media was looking for $2.2 million.

Amherst Media Board of Directors President Steven Brewer, husband of Select Board Chair Alisa Brewer, is also very unhappy with the proposed contract.

Steven Brewer testifying at 9/25/15 Cable Ascertainment Hearing before Select Board

Comcast is offering $950,000, or less than half the request.  But, as usual, the contract does call for a 5% cut of cable TV revenues (but not telephone or Internet) which come to about $300,000 annually. 


  1. Isn't it true that they pass this cost on the subscribers so we are really paying for it?

  2. State sponsored monopoly with kickbacks to elected official's pet causes? Sounds like good, honest graft to me. I guess we are back in Tammany Hall, some things never change.

  3. We are being taxed on this whether we like it or not. For me it's not, because I never watch it. Their grandiose dreams comes at the expense of others. Really, with the Internet I don't see why it is even necessary. It's a relic from the 1970s.

  4. Half a loaf is pretty good when someone else pays for the bread.

  5. Amherst Media is a waste. All you need is a good cell phone and youtube. And the quality would be better!

  6. For 3 million dollars plus 950k Amherst should hire George Lucas to record meetings instead of Amherst Media... when does Amherst Media's contract go out for Bid?

  7. Isn't it time the cable company monopolies were broken up like ma bell was?
